Part 35 (1/2)
”A person of the name of Miller has arrived here, sir,” he announced, ”from Norwich. He is, I understand, a foreigner of some sort, who has recently landed in this country. I found it a little difficult to understand him, but her Highness's maid conversed with him in German, and I understand that he either is or brings you a message from a certain Doctor Schmidt, with whom you were acquainted in Africa.”
The warning whistle blew at that moment, and Dominey swung round and stood at attention. His behaviour was perfectly normal. He let a hen pheasant pa.s.s over his head, and brought down a c.o.c.k from very nearly the limit distance. He reloaded before he turned to Parkins.
”Is this person in a hurry?” he said.
”By no means, sir,” the man replied. ”I told him that you would not be back until three or four o'clock, and he is quite content to wait.”
Dominey nodded.
”Look after him yourself then, Parkins,” he directed. ”We shall not be shooting late to-day. Very likely I will send Mr. Seaman back to talk to him.”
The man raised his hat respectfully and turned back towards the house.
Caroline was watching her companion curiously.
”Do you find many of your acquaintances in Africa look you up, Everard?”
she asked.
”Except for Seaman,” Dominey replied, looking through the barrels of his gun, ”who really does not count because we crossed together, this is my first visitor from the land of fortune. I expect there will be plenty of them by and by, though. Colonials have a wonderful habit of sticking to one another.”
There was nothing in the least alarming about the appearance of Mr.
Ludwig Miller. He had been exceedingly well entertained in the butler's private sitting-room and had the air of having done full justice to the hospitality which had been offered him. He rose to his feet at Dominey's entrance and stood at attention. But for some slight indications of military training, he would have pa.s.sed anywhere as a highly respectable retired tradesman.
”Sir Everard Dominey?” he enquired.
Dominey nodded a.s.sent. ”That is my name. Have I seen you before?”
The man shook his head. ”I am a cousin of Doctor Schmidt. I arrived in the Colony from Rhodesia, after your Excellency had left.”
”And how is the doctor?”
”My cousin is, as always, busy but in excellent health,” was the reply.
”He sends his respectful compliments and his good wishes. Also this letter.”
With a little flourish the man produced an envelope inscribed:
To Sir Everard Dominey, Baronet,
Dominey Hall,
In the County of Norfolk,
Dominey broke the seal just as Seaman entered.