Part 34 (1/2)
”I should esteem it an immense privilege,” Dominey said, ”to be given a private reading of these memoirs.”
”That may be arranged,” was the suave reply. ”In the meantime, Von Ragastein, I want you to reconsider your position here.”
”My position is not voluntary,” Dominey repeated. ”I am acting under orders.”
”Precisely,” the other acquiesced, ”but matters have changed very much during the last six months. Even at the risk of offending France, England is showing wonderful pliability with regard to our claims in Morocco. Every prospect of disagreement between our two countries upon any vital matter has now disappeared.”
”Unless,” Dominey said thoughtfully, ”the desire for war should come, not from Downing Street but from Potsdam.”
”We serve an honourable master,” Terniloff declared sternly, ”and he has shown me his mind. His will is for peace, and for the great triumphs to which our country is already ent.i.tled by reason of her supremacy in industry, in commerce, in character and in genius. These are the weapons which will make Germany the greatest Power in the world. No empire has ever hewn its way to permanent glory by the sword alone. We have reached our stations, I see. Come to me after this drive is finished, my host.
All that I have said so far has been by way of prelude.”
The weather had turned drier, the snow was crisp, and a little party of women from the Hall reached the guns before the beaters were through the wood. Caroline and Stephanie both took their places by Dominey's side.
The former, however, after a few minutes pa.s.sed on to Terniloff's stand.
Stephanie and Dominey were alone for the first time since their stormy interview in the library.
”Has Maurice been talking to you?” she asked a little abruptly.
”His Excellency and I are, to tell you the truth,” Dominey confessed, ”in the midst of a most interesting conversation.”
”Has he spoken to you about me?”
”Your name has not yet been mentioned.”
She made a little grimace. In her wonderful furs and Russian turban hat she made a rather striking picture against the background of snow.
”An interesting conversation in which my name has not been mentioned!”
she repeated satirically.
”I think you were coming into it before very long,” Dominey a.s.sured her.
”His Excellency warned me that all he had said so far was merely the prelude to a matter of larger importance.”
Stephanie smiled.
”Dear Maurice is so diplomatic,” she murmured. ”I am perfectly certain he is going to begin by remonstrating you for your shocking treatment of me.”
Their conversation was interrupted for a few minutes by the sport.
Dominey called the faithful Middleton to his side for a further supply of cartridges. Stephanie bided her time, which came when the beaters at last emerged from the wood.
”Shocking,” Stephanie repeated reverting to their conversation, ”is the mildest word in my vocabulary which I can apply to your treatment of me.
Honestly, Leopold, I feel bruised all over inside. My pride is humbled.”
”It is because you look at the matter only from a feminine point of view,” Dominey persisted.
”And you,” she answered in a low tone, ”once the fondest and the most pa.s.sionate of lovers, only from a political one. You think a great deal of your country, Leopold. Have I no claims upon you?”
”Upon Everard Dominey, none,” he insisted. ”When the time comes, and Leopold Von Ragastein can claim all that is his right, believe me, you will have no cause to complain of coldness or dilatoriness. He will have only one thought, only one hope--to end the torture of these years of separation as speedily as may be.”
The strained look pa.s.sed from her face. Her tone became more natural.