3 Abandoned For (1/2)
'What is the future of my family?'
Lance was a son of a Duke, technically he had a vast land that is under his family commands, but that all gone in one night. He lost everything that has a connection to Lance's live. He is considered dead.
'Hmm, and what is this knowledge of magic? Can I use it?' He thought as he used a [Fire] spell multiple Times like a person playing with a lighter.
A young officer approached him and told him, ”Sir, General Kochler needs you on his office.”
”Tell him that I Will be there soon,” Lance said as he stood up from the bench.
The young officer walked away from him. Lance stood up, enjoying his young body. It has been three weeks since he was ”stranded” on this island. To be honest, the airbase itself has grown into something similar to Ramstein airbase; it was a very lively base indeed. It just needs a couple civilians, and it will become a small town.
When he crossed the street, suddenly, a convoy of armored vehicles and main battle tanks were driven passed him leaving a thick cloud of black diesel smoke. He coughed severely, ”Blimey, where the heck does that Russian mechanized units go?” he said as he crossed the street on his way to General Kochler's office.
He opened the door and got greeted by his secretary, one of his secretaries, ”General, how may I help you?” he asked Lance.
”Could you tell General Kochler that I will drop by,” Lance asked him.
”Yes sir, you can sit down while I Will Contact him,” He said as he used the telephone on his desk to call him while I sat down on a waiting bench in front of him.
”Very much appreciated,” I said as I opened a magazine in front of him.
It was a newspaper, but honestly, it was useless since it was very 60ish. Mostly about the cold wars, although the fact that Russian and American soldiers were working here, side by side like a buddy. No jokes really, its quite common that an American pilot piloted a Mig right here and viced Versa.
”Sir, he is in his office,” He said to me, who was still reading the newspaper.
”Thank you,” Lance said, and he stood up and left the newspaper on the bench and entered the general's office, which was located right behind the secretary desk.
Lance opened the door and greeted by the warm breeze of the air conditioner on his office and a heated cushion of carpet. I sit on the chair in front of him.
”Sir, nice to see you,” He said as they shook their hands.
”Nice to see you too. What do we get here, general?” Lance asked him.
”Much appreciated General,” Lance said as he opened the files one by one.
The first page was full of writing, mostly those titles, descriptions, and by whom the report was written. The second page was the listing of the things of the recce mission. The third page until the tenth page was where things started to get interesting.
The third page contained the description of an abandoned structure on the Northern side of the island. It was gathered by the 10th recon squadron. The page following included a bunch of pictures taken from Soviet cameras in the 60s. It wasn't helping much to be honest.
”So general, Have you sent any ground troops there?” Lance asked Kochler.
”Honestly, not yet. However, Sir can join the expeditionary forces today,” General Kochler said.
”Ok, who is the platoon commander?” Lance asked him.
”Captain Yugorov, sir,” The general answered him.
”Just me and that company alone?” Lance asked again.
”Yes,” He answered.
”I Will take my leave then,” Lance said as he stood up from the chair and left the room.
”The company is using a Russian vehicle. You can meet them near the entrance, sir,” he said as Lance closed the door of his office.
Lance walked away from the general's office to the entrance of the base. There was a company worth of armored vehicle column lining up on the entrance.
BMP-1, T-64, and some Ural-375 trucks were parked there with a bunch of soldiers wearing dark green KLMK uniform with telnyashka undershirt underneath their uniform. However, if you look closely, some of the soldiers weren't Slavic and more white Americans.
”Good afternoon, gentlemen,” Lance said while greeting the platoon commander.
”Nice to see you, General, my name is Mikhail Yugorov,” He jumped from the top of the BMP and greeted Lance with a very distinctive Russian accent.
”Nice to see too, Capitan,” Lance shook his hand in return.
Lance climbed to the top of the BMP, and the other soldiers were entering their own respective armored vehicle, and the vehicle started to leave the base.
Not much talking happened during the trip, but they traverse through the shoreline using that heavy armored vehicle, which leaves a trail on the beach. The convoy was moving in a line fashion. The front is protected by the T-64 and followed by our vehicle, which was BMP-1, then the heavy truck was in the middle of the convoy. The convoy closed in the same manner.
”So Captain, what is the structure that we are visiting?” Lance asked him.
The Captain's head stuck out from the cabin and got on top of the BMP as well. He sat on top of the turret while holding his AK-47. Lance had replaced his weaponry to AK-47 as well since the replacement parts for the AK-15 are not yet available.
”Well, sir, the structure we are visiting is some kind of defensive fortification about 2 km from the shoreline. We still don't know much since we are the first ground recon team that are sent there,” Mikhail said in English with a thick Slavic accent from his mouth.
”Wow, Mikhail, I don't know you can speak English fluently,” Lance got surprised by his fluent English.
”Haha, trust me general, the Americans here also fluent in Russian. Вы можете говорить по-русски, верно?” He said to the American soldier inside the BTR.
Surprisingly enough, the American soldier responded with Russian as well, ”Конечно товарищ,” said the American soldier .
”Yeah, we sure can speak Russian, sir,” Captain Yugorov said.
The trip wasn't that long either since they just have to circle around the island. Though, a five hours trip while sitting on a metal thing would inevitably result in a very sore butt. Luckily, the trip came to a close when we saw a suspicious opening in the forest.
Lance poked at the captain's back, ”Capitan, stop, look!” He said as he pointed his hands at an opening in the forest.
”CONVOY HALT!! Останови конвой !!” The captain shouted, and the whole convoy stopped.
The convoy stopped, and the infantry was mobilized to inspect that road, Lance was also included, but Mikhail stays in convoy. However, Lance didn't mind too much about it. He walked with side by side with the commander of the squad itself. His name is Harold Alexanderson, his rank was a staff sergeant.
They weren't alone as an infantry since they were being followed by one T-64 main battle tank. The T-64 is a Soviet second-generation main battle tank introduced in the early 1960s. It was a more advanced counterpart to the T-62: the T-64 served tank divisions, while the T-62 supported infantry in motorized rifle divisions. It introduced a number of advanced features including composite armor, a compact engine and transmission, and a smoothbore 125-mm gun equipped with an autoloader to allow the crew to be reduced to three so the tank could be smaller and lighter. In spite of being armed and armored like a heavy tank, the T-64 weighed only 38 tonnes. That thing was undoubtedly excellent fire support even if a big gigantic creature is going to attack us.
We walked in the gravel road until we reached the abandoned structure. The tank commander parked the tank in front of the fort gate that is closed tight. The fortress itself was made from reinforced bricks that are ideal for defense against naval cannon. The gate was made of wood that is not so ideal for armor, but light enough for human operators to open it, sadly though it was locked by a huge lock.
We split the squad into three groups, three-person for each fireteam, which was commanded by one NCO except for my group, which was commanded by General Officer. We walked around the fortress, and the first thing we noticed is the number of holes that the fort had. The number of broken cannons was staggering, too, considering the fortress abandoned states.
”Gee, the fort was under a heavy attack, wasn't it?” Lance said as she looked upwards towards the giant hole that the fort had.
”No doubt, sir, the size of the hole is enormous,” said one of the private.
”Sir, do you think a naval battle happened here?” One of the corporals asked Lance.
”Obviously, but at what scale? This amount of holes only can be achieved by a fleet of frigates on this age, how many cannon that they had? 50 cannons and a fleet of it? Damn, this island should hold a strategic position for the kingdom,” Lance said to the corporal.