Part 8 (2/2)
Bree snapped his eyelids open. The world jumped into sharp focus, blazing with colors never before so intense or alive. He felt cold, but wasn't worried about it. He knew his heart didn't beat and that he wasn't breathing, but he didn't care. As he ran his tongue over his teeth, he grinned at the mouthful of wicked fangs he found, but didn't give those a second thought, either.
He turned his head to the side and saw Julian, still more monster than man, grinning at him like twelve kinds of a fool in what appeared to be total satisfaction. ”I knew you would be strong enough.”
”Takes more than death to keep a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like me down.”
Julian's beautiful eyes glowed. ”May it ever be so.”
”Yeah. Hey, Julian? Something I wanna take care of right quick. You mind?”
Julian looked puzzled, but shook his head. Bree bared his teeth in a grin he knew would have sent anyone else screaming.
”You asked for it,” he said softly.
Then, he moved. And f.u.c.k, could he ever move now! Faster than good old Superman and those G.o.d-d.a.m.ned speeding bullets of his, faster than the speed of light, and, as he'd hoped, too fast for even Julian to track. Not pausing for one moment's consideration, Bree launched himself off the bed and tackled Julian by the stomach, knocking them both to the floor.
Without a word, he punched Julian in the face as hard as all his new strength allowed. Didn't even leave a mark, but f.u.c.k, was it ever satisfying.
”That's for killing me,” Bree said. ”Now, let me take this opportunity to thank you for pretty much the same thing.”
Julian blinked. Then he began to laugh. ”I knew,” he managed between whoops of giggles -- giggles! -- ”I knew you would be a vampire worthy of the name, no matter how you tried to lie to yourself and to me!”
”Oh, yeah. Love these fangs. Wicked sharp. You mind if I play?”
”It depends. What game did you have in mind?”
”Well, pretty soon, tracking down someone young, hot, and healthy, preferably not pumped up on steroids, and having dinner for three. So to speak. Right now, though, I'm thinking I want to go for a little 'turnabout is fair play.'”
Julian grinned, savage and beautiful. ”Oh, do you, now?”
”d.a.m.n right. You gonna tell me no?”
”I would not dream of it.”
”Good vampire.” Bree bent to kiss Julian. He didn't bother being gentle, and neither did his maker. Their fangs nipped at each other's mouths, delicate nibbles that closed within seconds, but not before they got a small taste of blood. Bree savored the rich, salty, coppery fluid on his tongue. Might have made him gag when he was mortal, but now? Better than Russian vodka, besides giving him a buzz just like diving off a bridge.
Yeah, he'd fallen from grace. Then again, Bree figured he'd never been in too good with the Guy Upstairs, and if this was to be his fate, d.a.m.n him all over again if he didn't plan to enjoy it.
Really enjoy it.
The hard-on he'd sported down in h.e.l.l had come back with him. Felt different now, hard as if carved from stone, swollen stiff despite a lack of blood and, oh, so ready to play. He rubbed against Julian like a tomcat in heat. Julian groaned, lifting his hips to press against Bree's. Bree slipped down to bite at Julian's nipples, leaving circles of teeth marks that bled sluggishly in f.u.c.king gorgeous kaleidoscope patterns.
Julian's c.o.c.k also rose to the occasion. He arched and writhed beneath Bree, releasing devil-cries and cursing in a language Bree didn't know. Maybe no one else alive spoke it. Didn't matter, though. He got the point. No translation was needed for ”Want to f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k now!”
”Plan on it,” Bree growled. He tore at Julian's pants, shredding them off as easily as ripping a Kleenex into pieces. Bared his maker's c.o.c.k, stiff and proud, cold and steely hard when Bree put his hand around the thing. ”But I figure you owe me this one.”
Julian howled out in apparent bliss at Bree's touch. Yet his voice retained a touch of laughter when he asked, ”You think yourself vampire enough to top me already?”
”Don't think,” Bree said, baring his fangs. ”Know.”
Without a second's hesitation, Julian brought his bare legs up to lock around the small of Bree's back. ”Go on, then,” he whispered. ”Show me your power, Bree.”
”Guess we don't need lube.”
Julian flashed fangs at him. ”What do you think?”
”I suspect vampires like it rough.” Bree slipped a hand between himself and Julian, angled his c.o.c.k just right, and pushed forward with all his strength. He felt his c.o.c.k pop past a forever-tight ring of muscle and deep into Julian's a.s.s.
Good. Really, really d.a.m.ned good.Bree worked Julian's c.o.c.k with an iron fist, pumping it up and down, hard and fast, even as he lunged in and out of his lover's a.s.s like a f.u.c.king s.e.x machine, all the while listening to Julian scream out his pleasure. He raised his own voice in a bellow of holy-f.u.c.king-hallelujah bliss.
They could have gone on forever, but Bree figured they did have other things to do, after all. He moved his hand just right, tugging on Julian's b.a.l.l.s just as he thrust deep into that tight back channel. Then, he just ... let go, as easily as he'd said goodbye to his mortal life, and poured out his first immortal o.r.g.a.s.m deep inside Julian's r.e.c.t.u.m Holy. f.u.c.king. h.e.l.l. Waves of pure black light rolled over Bree in thick flashes. Every muscle in his body spasmed with ecstasy, contracting into hard knots of agony and bliss. For all that, he still felt it when Julian came, arching high and hard, spilling gouts of s.e.m.e.n over Bree's hand. Both of them let out screams fit for creatures born in h.e.l.l.
Coming down wasn't like it had been before. No boneless, helpless, sweaty flop over his partner's body. Adrenaline, the taste of blood, and a new surge of extra power kept Bree upright, a grin blazing around his fangs, as he pulled out.
”So,” he said. ”Still think I'm worth the trouble?”
Julian laughed. Not the tired laugh of a man who'd just come hard enough to turn his world upside down and inside out, who should be brain-dead from his mind being blown all to pieces. No, his sound was vibrant with the wild, wicked energy and glee of his kind. Their kind.
”Trouble? Bree, you will never be anything but trouble. Now, and ever after. Why do you think I chose you? Not just because I knew you would make a vampire that could face down Lucifer himself, but because I knew you would put me to the test in everything.”
”Yeah? So what's my final score?”
”Full marks.” Julian reached up to stroke Bree's cheek, fingernails trailing light scratches down his newly scaly skin. The pain was pure bliss. ”We'll make this city our own, Bree.”
”Yeah? Maybe later. I'd rather eat, f.u.c.k, and maybe f.u.c.k again. Then we can see about world domination, Pinky.” Bree grinned savagely. ”Speaking of eating, you want to get up, find us some clothes, and take me out hunting already? I got a good few tastes in while we were rutting, but I want more. A lot more.”
”Hookers have a good flavor.” Julian sighed and stretched like a happy cat. A happy, h.o.r.n.y, saber-toothed tiger in the moonlight. ”Let me up, and we'll do that very thing. You think like one of our kind already, Bree. You make me proud.”
”Whatever. Food, f.u.c.k, lather, rinse, repeat, okay? We can talk about 'proud' later.”
Julian lifted them both off the floor so easily, Bree knew he'd been letting Bree dominate earlier. Playing along. No big deal.
He'd be strong enough soon for a fair fight. He figured Julian knew as much, too.
Bree watched Julian's gorgeous vampire a.s.s stride away from him toward a dark wardrobe he just knew would be full of really f.u.c.king great gear. He leered at his new lover, running his tongue over his fangs, already making plans for their next roll between the sheets -- or on the floor, up against a wall. He wasn't picky.
”Do you plan to tell your friends?” Julian asked with a casualness Bree could tell right off was feigned ”Show them what you've become?”
Bree frowned. Not that he minded his changeover one bit, nor would he go back for all the world and a guaranteed spot in Heaven, but he didn't really want to freak out the Brotherhood with his new look. They were mortal, lesser creatures than him now, but they'd treated him okay. ”You got any more fancy masking tricks up your sleeve -- the kind you used to hide your real face earlier? I could use one of them now, I think.”
Julian turned back, arms full of leather pants and vests. His gorgeous eyes sparkled. He smiled, his features melting back into that of a mortal's. Smooth and even. He handed the clothes off to Bree, then bent to kiss him, a light brush on Bree's own monster mouth.
”f.u.c.k!” Bree jerked back. Didn't hurt, but felt strange as all h.e.l.l, like cool water was.h.i.+ng over him. When he reached up to touch his skin, his face and begrudging grin felt as normal as Julian's. ”You're teaching me how to do that, you know.”
”Am I?”
”You bet your a.s.s.”