Part 7 (2/2)
Bree snorted. ”So, you're that d.a.m.n sure I'm gonna turn into a vampire?”
”I know you will,” Julian said simply. ”These are hard times for us, with modern surveillance and intelligent policemen, but those of us who are capable have adjusted our ways. We hunt, but do not kill, and we thrall to make our feeding nothing but pleasure for the prey. They wake up injured and woozy, but not afraid, and never suspecting a vampire bit them.” Julian chuckled.
”As you say, that is fairy-tale rubbish.”
He stroked Bree's chest, idly toying with his nipples under the mesh. Bree sucked in a breath. It rattled in his lungs. d.a.m.n.
Guess I am dying.
Well, if I do come back to life, first thing I'm gonna do is beat the s.h.i.+t out of Julian, s.e.x G.o.d or not. If I don't ... well, I think I know how I want to make my grand exit.
”-- so much I can teach you,” Julian was going on, his fingers roving ever further downward on Bree. ”Hidden pleasures of the Charleston night, where to find the sweetest blood, how to use your mind, as well as the power in your fists, to control others, and --”
”Hey, Julian,” Bree interrupted. ”Shut up.”
Julian jerked to a stop. His hands ceased their roving. ”Pardon me?” He sounded genuinely shocked, something that made Bree grin despite his growing weakness.
Bree licked his lips. ”Does the dying man get a last request?” Julian looked puzzled. ”I -- I have not done so much before, but I suppose, given the situation ...” He trailed off. ”Yes. Yes, although bear in mind that I will not let you go. Aside from that, what do you want?”
”Dumb a.s.s.” Bree shook his head. He managed to lift one hand and press down on Julian's arm. ”I want you. f.u.c.k me to death, and take that as literally as you like. That's what I want. If I'm going down, I want it to be with a bang, not a whimper.”
Silence. Bree glanced up to see Julian staring at him. ”You amaze me,” he said after a moment.
”Yeah, I'm just all that and a bag of corn chips. You gonna give me what I want?” Bree arched his hips up with an effort.
”Come on. I've wanted you since I first saw you. Do me to death.”
Julian's eyes glowed with a sudden heat. ”Only you, Bree,” he whispered. ”Our living death together will be a glorious thing.
Yes. I will do as you ask. But I have no taste for rape, and your body would not enjoy penetration right now, no matter how much you want it.”
”Not so!” Julian grinned ferally at him. ”Do you trust me not to bite?”
Julian's hands moved to Bree's zipper. ”I asked, do you trust me not to bite?” Without waiting for an answer, he pulled Bree's fly open and slid the jeans down his thighs. Bree's c.o.c.k stood at half-mast yet, determined that no matter what, it was by G.o.d going to have its fun before the end.
Bending his head, Julian gave Bree's partial erection a long, lingering lick with the flat of his tongue. Bree gasped with the shock to his system as his c.o.c.k swelled, and the blood he had left in him rushed to points south. Made him dizzy as all h.e.l.l, but oh, G.o.d, the rush that came with his arousal was better than any street drug. He lifted shaking hands and threaded them into Julian's thick mane of hair. ”Go on,” he ordered. ”I don't think it matters so much if you bite me now, so long as you don't take it off.”
Julian gave a small laugh, the vibrations tingling against Bree's c.o.c.k, tingling, making him harder still. ”Trust me when I tell you not to worry about castration,” he said, cupping Bree's b.a.l.l.s with his free hand. ”I plan on enjoying this magnificent p.r.i.c.k for a very long time to come.”
”Best go ahead and get started, then.”
”Yes,” Julian murmured, ”I think you are right ...”
He pounced. Bree let out a short scream and arched his back up despite the sharp pain shooting through all his muscles. Oh, G.o.d! Oh, f.u.c.k, oh, G.o.d, oh, h.e.l.l, Julian! He'd had his share of, but never anything like what Julian could do with his mouth. That cool tongue was everywhere -- licking down the length of his c.o.c.k, tapping up the big vein, probing his slit, and then, oh, yes, taking him all in until he b.u.mped the back of Julian's throat, surrounded by cool, wet tightness.
Then Julian swallowed.
Bree howled. Not once, but twice, then again. The noise ripped out of him, primal and wild as a jungle cat's roar. He couldn't stop, and he didn't want to. Julian's throat worked his c.o.c.k, squeezing tighter than any hole he'd ever plunged into, ripping around him like ocean waves, each one was.h.i.+ng him further up toward one h.e.l.l of an o.r.g.a.s.m.
Then he felt it -- the p.r.i.c.kle of teeth. Just little pinp.r.i.c.ks, but still enough to draw blood from an organ engorged with the stuff.
Didn't hurt. Or, no, it did hurt -- but the pain was better than any pleasure Bree had ever felt before. ”More,” he managed to gasp.
”Harder, you G.o.d-d.a.m.ned liar. Bite me!”
Julian's laughter rippled around his c.o.c.k, throat spasming. Bree let out a long, drawn-out wail of bliss. ”Come on,” he panted. ”What are you waiting for? Do it!”
Cool fingers rolled his b.a.l.l.s together, slipped down to press against his perineum and twist his guiche piercing, and then teased up toward his a.s.s. Bree felt Julian's lips smile around his c.o.c.k as he drew back to nuzzle into the crook of Bree's thigh, and -- The vampire bit.
Bree's back bowed up hard enough to practically crack his spine. Blood flowed out, thick and hot. Then, with a mighty spasm and an explosion of light, he came, blasting into Julian's mouth in heavy gouts, mixing his seed with the flood from his veins.
The o.r.g.a.s.m went on and on, Bree's hips jerking fast and frantic. He thought it might never stop, and G.o.d, he didn't want it to!
But it did come to an end at last. Bree sagged back onto the bed, gasping for air but half-choking on it, as if it were too rich.
As if his lungs couldn't take it. ”Yeah,” he choked out. ”This is how -- I wanted to go -- when I had to -- yeah. Good.”
Julian sat up, face smeared with blood and come. He smiled at Bree with that twisted mouth. Put his hand over Bree's heart, which was stuttering to a halt. Hurt like f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, but somehow that didn't matter.
Bree found himself grinning. ”d.a.m.n ... you,” he managed. ”And ... thanks.”
Julian leaned to kiss Bree's forehead. ”Let go,” he whispered. ”It's almost finished. Relax your hold on life. Die to live again. Do you see the black, coming on quick as night? Walk toward it, Bree. Dive into the darkness, with my hands upon you, and wake to the glory of the night.”
Bree shook his head. ”Can't,” he rasped. He was done already. He'd accepted his death. But d.a.m.n that body of his, it kept on fighting. ”Can't!”
”Then let me help you once again.” Julian pressed a finger to Bree's lips. ”No pain, I promise you. No pain.”
He nuzzled his way into the side of Bree's neck, the side he hadn't wounded before. Bree felt the wet flicker of Julian's tongue, felt a soft, painless crunch, and then felt a sudden rush, as if the world were falling away and he was tumbling into s.p.a.ce.
He saw the darkness. The absence of light and life that Julian had mentioned. And he moved toward it, head held high. ”f.u.c.k you, death,” he whispered. Felt his lips curve into a brazen grin. ”Try me on for size. I'm ready.”
And, with a last rattle of breath, Bree died.
Chapter Eight