40 Chapter 39 (2/2)

”Vahaha, do you even know what you are getting into missy?” The orange-haired woman asked Nojiko.

”I despise people like you the most,” Nojiko told her with animosity in her voice. Before the woman wearing a tracksuit could say anything else, trees started sprouting around her.

The woman managed to escape and sprinted towards Nojiko. Before she could reach her with her long arms, Nojiko pointed her hands at her, and wooden pillars came out of them. The pillars slammed into the woman and sent her flying.

Before the orange-haired woman got up from the ground, trees started sprouting around her again. Within seconds the trees surrounded, and their branches tangled around her. Moments later, she was choked into unconsciousness by Nojiko.

”That was easy,” Nojiko stated, before making her way towards the Palace.

Yosaku was facing off against a woman with curly dark-blue hair. She had thick lips, dark green eyes, and a voluptuous figure. She was wearing a short long-sleeved jacket with beige colored fur brims, a bikini top with an unusual spiderweb-like pattern across her abdominal area, low-riding pants, and platform sandals.

”You don't look that bad, but unfortunately you are my enemy. Know that you were defeated by Miss Doublefinger.” She told Yosaku.

”Uh?” Yosaku was confused by what she meant but didn't have the time to think about it since she had already rushed towards him.

Miss Doublefinger had turned her fingers into spikes and slashed at him, but Yosaku was able to deflect her attack with his dadao sword.

He slashed at her with his sword, but the curvy woman sprouted spikes from her body blocking his strike. In the process, his sword got stuck in her spikes and he couldn't dislodge it from there.

”WIthout your weapon you stand no chance. Due to your looks, I promise to give you a painless death.” Miss Doublefinger told him and sprouted a spike from her body, that was aimed at his heart. Yosaku released the grip on his sword and managed to avoid it by ducking, but it still hit his shoulder.

”I refuse to lose to you!” He told her and punched her in the face, sending her flying.

”My you are a feisty one.” Miss Doublefinger licked her lips after standing up, before turning her fingers into spikes again, but this time she stabbed them in her shoulders. This caused her arms to enlarge, and they became extremely muscular. Furthermore, she sprouted spikes along her arms giving them the shape of clubs.

She charged at him again and turned their fight into a brawl. They started swinging and punching each other. Yosaku was at a disadvantage due to his injured shoulder, but he didn't flinch even once from her hits.

Both he and Johnny have been sparring with the Giants whenever they had the chance, being taught how to cooperate better and how to take hits better. Miss Doublefinger might have increased her strength, but it was nowhere near Dorry or Broggy's.

After punching each other in the faces for around five minutes, Miss Doublefinger fell on the ground panting. She was barely able to lift her head and look at him.

”Finnish me.” She muttered out, succumbing to her fate.

”I don't feel like it,” Yosaku answered her while picking her up. His shoulder was still hurting, but he carried her like a princess.

”We have an amazing doctor on our crew, and he will fix us both up.” He told her while slowly moving towards the Palace. Hearing him, Miss Doublefinger turned bright red and wanted to get away from his grasp, but she didn't have the strength to do so. She looked at him again, and her face got even redder.

”Zala,” She meekly said.

”What?” Yosaku said.

”My name is Zala.” She told him.

”I thought it's Miss Doublefinger,” Yosaku responded

”That's my alias, you dummy,” Zala told him with and sighted.

”Oh, my name is Yosaku. Nice to meet you.” He introduced himself and continued walking towards the Palace.