40 Chapter 39 (1/2)

Despite knocking apart the people around us that were fighting, the rebellion did not stop. To top it off, I noticed a sandstorm that was slowly enclosing the capital.

”Luffy we need to get to the Palace and find my father,” Vivi said amidst her tears.

”On it.” Picking her up, I dashed towards the Palace, while also creating a clone to go and inform Nami regarding the situation. She is our best bet at stopping or at least slowing down the sandstorm.

In the meantime, each of my crew members had already located a Baroque Works Officer Agent to face off.

Johnny and Mikita were fighting an obese looking man, with short black curly hair. He was wearing bright green clothes with the number five on them, while also holding a piece of meat in his left hand. The man was constantly eating from the meat, but no matter how much he consumed, it never ended.

”Snohoho, aren't you Miss Valentine, the one that betrayed our organization.” The man stated, before taking another bite from the piece of meat.

”Well it doesn't matter, I will crush you both and then have some fun with you. You might be too skinny for my tastes, but I will make sure to make you squirm under me, snohoho.” The obese man laughed out, making Mikita cringe in the process.

”You will first have to kill me before touching even a hair on her body!” Johnny screamed out while charging at him.

”That's the plan, snohoho.” The fat man took out a tiny pillar looking object from his pocket. In his hand, the pillar started growing before he swung it at Johnny sending him flying back.

”With my Enlarge-Enlarge fruit, you stand no chance against me, snohoho.” He laughed out while throwing the pillar at the duo.

They were able to dodge the attack, but he took out another one from his pocket and started swinging it at them. The pillar was about to slam into Mikita before Johhny got in its way. He was able to block the attack and stop it, but not without flying back. His dadao sword also got destroyed in the process of stopping the attack.

”Johnny!” Mikita yelled out.

”I'm fine Miki. Let's show this fatso what we can do.” Johnny told her while swiping the blood coming from his mouth.

Mikita seeing that he wasn't seriously hurt, used her own Devil Fruit powers to make herself lighter and combined it with Soru. Appearing behind him, she again used her power, but only on her fist, making it extremely heavy. With a punch, she was able to send the obese man flying into a building.

Mikita initially, was only able to use her powers on her whole body, but ever since she joined us, she has been practicing to use her abilities in new ways. She is still unable to change the weight of other objects, but she is now capable of changing the weight on only a single part of her body.

”You will pay for this you skinny bitch.” The man walked out with stones in his hand.

He was about to start throwing them at her before Johnny appeared before him and started hammering him with his fists. Unfortunately, due to the amount of fat the man had, they weren't doing much damage to him.

”Get off me!” Enraged, the man slapped him away. The fat man took out another pillar from his pockets and enlarged it twice as much as the previous ones. Swinging it down at Johnny, he was about to flatten him.

”NOOO!” Mikita yelled out and got in the way of the pillar before it reached him. She held out her hands and was able to stop the attack with no problem.

”What?!?” The obese man was confused at the situation since he didn't expect her to have the strength to stop it. He also felt that the pillar felt very light in his hands.

Mikita took away the pillar from him and swung it back at him, sending him flying into another building. The fat man fell unconscious on the ground with foam coming from his mouth.

”Are you okay Johhny?” Mikita turned towards him with concern in her eyes.

”Yeah, he just got a lucky swing in,” Johnny answered her while standing up. Seeing that he is fine, Mikita immediately pulled him in for a deep kiss.

”I did it Johhny! I was able to lighten the pillar and then make it heavier afterward. I finally Awakened my Devil Fruit!” After releasing the kiss, Mikita told him with happiness.

”I told you, you could do it, Miki.” He told her, before pulling her for another kiss.

In another part of Alubarna, Nojiko was facing off against a woman with orange hair. She was wearing a pink tracksuit with Valentine written in the middle. The woman looked like any other human but had abnormally large arms, with two elbow joints.