9 Chapter 08 (2/2)

We docked the boat on a beach and we went to explore it with Nami. Zoro was still sleeping, he could definitely use the rest.

We were able to spot quite a few animals and they all looked so strange. Snakes with rabbit ears, pigs with lion manes and various other animal combinations I guess.

There was a pink monkey with bird legs that greeted us as soon as we arrived on the island. He rushed to us and immediately jumped on my back and since then he has not left my shoulders.

A few minutes of exploration later, we heard someone that was trying to scare us away. He was acting like a spirit of the forest, but it was obvious the voice was coming from a chest that had a bush.

As soon as I saw that combination, I was sure exactly where we are. Nami pointed out that the voice is coming from there we made our way towards him. Once he noticed us going his way, he shot at us. I was easily able to get in the way of the bullet and it harmlessly bounced off me.

I heard Nami silently mutter 'Thank you' since the bullet was going in her direction. Once the chest-bush guy? saw that we were unharmed, he dashed off. Seconds later he slipped and fell over.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing, he was so fun, he looked like an upside down turtle. After having our laugh we helped him out. He was actually a pretty cool guy. We explained to him how we came here to find some food as we have none.

He was happy to help us out, as long as we promised not to hurt any of the animals here. I was kinda disappointed at that because I really wanted to eat meat, but I guess I will do with fruit until our next stop.

He introduced himself as Gaimon and told us his story. How he got stuck in that chest twenty years ago by trying to climb a cliff to search for treasure. How he fell unconscious after falling into a treasure chest and how his crew had already left the island when he woke up. Since then he has been stuck in that chest.

I offered him my help to go and check the treasure chests. He was so touched that we were willing to help.

There were five treasures chest on the cliff and unfortunately, all of them were empty. Surprisingly he got over that very quickly, saying how the animals have become his family and friends, and that is the best treasure he can ask for.

He didn't need the chest anymore so we filled them up with fruits from the island. All the fruit actually looked strange and I was checking each and everyone for swirls. I don't wanna repeat that experience again. I'm not sure I can survive eating another Devil Fruit.

I already brought four of the chests on the ship and we were left with only one. We bid our goodbyes to Gaimon and started going towards the ship. As we were walking, Nami hugged my free hand. I couldn't help myself when she did that ”Ohhh so that's what you meant when you said, partners.”

I probably should have cherished that moment, but I really couldn't help myself from teasing her. Surprisingly she didn't let go or even hit me. When I turned to look at her, she was as red as a tomato and I heard her say ”Next time I will charge you for this, you dumbass.”