9 Chapter 08 (1/2)

After leaving the town, it took no more than a few minutes for Zoro to fall asleep. He was tired from the fight and still hurt from that explosion. Those Buggy Balls are very destructive and yet he was still able to stand after being hit from one, he deserves the rest.

Unfortunately, my straw hat was damaged and it hurts more than I would like to admit. While I was sulking over it, Nami came up to me ”Why did you do all that? You didn't have any relation with that town and yet you willing left half of Buggy's treasure there. You talked Buggy out of being a menace and you saved me twice, despite being a complete stranger, who you just met. You have to be the worst pirate I have ever seen.”

That came out of nowhere, but I flashed her my signature grin and told her: ”Well, I like to think that I am in fact a great pirate, it's just that everyone has his own way of understanding what a pirate is. And why wouldn't I save you, when you are apart of my crew and my precious nakama, shishishi.”.

She hit me after thatand said: ”I never agreed to join your crew, we are only partners.” I am sure I will be able to break her walls. ”Tomato, tomato, you just said in a different way,” I replied

I heard her silently mutter 'Idiot' and she walked away. I guess that wasn't the right answer. A moment later she came back with a sewing kit ”Give me your straw hat, I will patch it for you.” Maybe it was the correct answer, huh.

After fixing my hat, she even added a string so that I can tie her to my neck. The hat used to have one, however, was it damaged and it fell off at some point.

Nami was interested in my monkey transformation, as she remembered how I looked differently while saving her from Buggy's knives. I transformed and started explaining to her all that I know about Devil Fruits as I did with Zoro.

While I was explaining, she grabbed my tail and started stroking it. The second she caught it, I froze and my body became numb. The feeling is very strange, it's like I lose all of my senses when someone grabs my tail, however, it also kinda feels pleasant in a way.

I learned that the hard way, as Zoro was the first one to grab it. Boy, I never felt so weird in my life. After that experience I had to repeat to myself 'I like women, boobs and ass.' for at least a few hours and I still do from time to time.

This time the feeling was amazing though, considering it's a female hand that's grabbing and stroking my tail. Everything was perfect until I did some kind of weird moan sound and she immediately stopped what she was doing.

We were both seriously blushing after my weird sounding moan. I was honestly embarrassed after that, however, I had to do something to defuse the situation. I think I made it worse by saying ”That was the first time someone stroked my tail, you have to take responsibility now!”

I suppose she did listen to my explanation regarding my Devil Fruits, as she started poking me with a needle, rather than punching me. After a few minutes of torture, she stormed off.

I was starving so I decided to eat something, sadly we forgot to bring any food with us after leaving Orange Town. This is a really bad spot to be in, I don't want to starve on the sea.

Luckily an hour or so later, I spotted some land. I asked Nami about it and she said it's some uninhabited island. Uninhabited or not, I should be able to gather some food from there. We turned the boat and made our way towards it.