4 Chapter 03 (2/2)

I found the girl and Coby in town, who introduced herself as Rika. She was delighted to hear Zoro ate and loved the onigiri. She explained how Zoro was imprisoned because the wolf of Helmeppo was about to attack her and he killed it to save her. Afterward, he made a deal with the guy to be kept in the base without food for a month as a punishment.

Minutes later the same fancy pants with yellow hair came walking saying how he will execute Zoro in a few days as a showcase of power. I couldn't really stop myself so punched him and I am pretty sure I broke a few ribs. Without bothering to explain myself, I made my way towards the Marine base.

I made a quick stop by Zoro. I told him I will find his blades and that I will set him free. Without giving him time to answer, I made my way towards the inside of the base. I heard him screaming something about a shitty pirate going back on his words.

There was not a soul to be seen, so I easily made my way to the top floors. If I remember correctly the swords should be in the fancy pants room.

While I was checking the rooms I saw someone I wasn't expecting to find here. Short orange hair, incredibly beautiful face, probably around a head or so shorter than me. She is wearing a V-neck shirt alongside a short skirt. I have to admit this is definitely the most beautiful girl I have seen. I was still admiring her as she broke the silence.

”What are you doing here.”

”I'm looking for Roronoa Zoro's swords, they should be in Captain Morgan's son room.”

”Down this path, second room on the left.”

”Thank you. Until we meet again. Shishishi”.

I didn't hear a response, which disappointed me a bit. I entered the room she told me and I did manage to find three swords. I'm pretty sure those should be Zoros. I grabbed them and went towards the window. Coby was trying to untie the ropes binding Zoro, he didn't seem to have any success though and marines were already gathering around.

Jumping through the window I managed to startle them both, as I dropped right in front of them.

”Quick, untie me and give the swords, the marines are already surrounding us.”

I was easily able to do so and we despatched all the surrounding marines quite easily.

”Look Coby told me what the bastard was planning and seeing as I already am an outlaw I will join your crew, under one condition. I have a goal to become the world greatest swordsman and to make my name know through the world. If you get in my way I will cut you apart.”

”I would expect nothing less from a pirate under the Pirate King, shishishi.”

Our conversation was very rudely interrupted at that point by the screaming of Captain Morgan. I despise humans like him, but I gotta admit the gigantic axe as a hand does look awesome.

I wasn't really interested in listening to him, so I quickly with a few punches. Having the ability to hit people ten meters apart, without being next to them is quite nifty. After the third punch, Morgan was barely able to stand still and everyone was looking at me like I was a monster. Hitting him one last time while putting a bit more strength in, I was able to knock him out.

A few moments later when the marines saw that their captain was not going to get back up, they all erupted into cheering for being saved from his tyrannical rule.

Zoro was looking quite pale at this point and we went to get something to eat, considering he has only eaten an onigiri with dirt in the past two weeks I am surprised he was still standing. I still managed to eat more than him.

While we were eating in Rika's family restaurant and discussing our future plans with Zoro, we were interrupted by a dozen Marines who entered. After a quick discussion with them and confirming that we are pirates we were requested to leave the town. The townsfolk were quite unhappy with that and made sure to voice their thoughts.

One of the marines didn't forget to ask about Coby and whether he is one of our friends.

”That wimpy guy? Nah, I know he was under some pirate who looked like a walking whale.”

Before I was able to continue further I was hit in the face by Coby. I quickly hit him back a few times while doing my best to not really hurt him. The marines stopped and Zoro restrained me and requested us to leave again. Not before telling us there is a small boat with a map, compass and enough supplies for a few days on the dock. Apparently, nobody owns it, how neat.

Finding the boat was easy, making sure Zoro keeps following me was harder than I thought it would be. He has a serious problem with directions.

As we set sail, I saw the whole town filling at the docks and saluting us alongside the marines and thanking us. The marines saluting pirates, how ironic.