5 Chapter 04 (1/2)

Zoro POV:

It's been sixteen days since I promised that bastard that I will survive for a month without food. It was another boring day until I felt someone near one of the walls and saw someone with a straw hat pop his head over it.Shortly another pink haired boy climbed up as well. Don't they know they will be executed for such an action or are they hear to laugh at me.

There was no point in asking them, so I cursed at them and told them to leave. The one with the straw hat simply started laughing, is there something wrong with him or is he just stupid.

I couldn't spend much time thinking about it, as someone else decided to come as well. It was a little girl with black hair. She jumped over the wall and ran to me with a couple of onigiris in her hands. I couldn't scream at her as well, the marines might hear me and I really don't want to get her in trouble.

Additionally, I planned to fulfill my promise of not eating for a month. If I am unable to do something so simple, how would I ever become the strongest swordsman? This is my life goal and nothing will stop me from succeeding.

Unfortunately, the stupid bastard son of Morgan decided to appear now. I immediately started cursing him, hoping he won't bother with the little girl. It seems fate is against me today as he ate of the onigiris she was carrying and spat it out, spouting things like you don't put sugar in onigiri and telling the little girl to not bother cooking anymore.

If I had my swords, I was going to cut him down, after I saw him kicking the other one out of the girls' hands and stomping on it. I even tried to snap the ropes that were binding me, when he ordered one of his guards to throw the girl over the wall. I didn't hear her scream and I didn't hear the sound of someone falling. It seems the fools from earlier were useful for something.

Shortly after Helmeppo left, the guy with the straw hat came up to me. Again, I ask myself is he stupid or is there something wrong with his head. Seeing his goofy smile that he had on, I would go with the latter.

Especially after hearing his request to join his PIRATE crew, I was sure that he is mentally challenged. People call me PIRATE hunter Zoro for a reason and he wants me to join his crew. There is definitely something wrong with him, he didn't even bother introducing himself, what a weirdo.

I didn't really want to bother with such a lunatic so I made sure to deny him. He didn't seem like a bad guy as he said doesn't want to force me, interesting fella.

Before he left, I made him give me the onigiri from the ground. He did bother asking me why he simply picked it up and gave it to me. I ate it and told him to let the little girl know that it was the best onigiri I have ever eaten.

At least his actions confirmed that he is mentally retarded, as the goofy grin on his face stretched even more, which I don't really see how that is possible, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me after not eating for so long. He laughed and he left not bothering to respond.