Part 41 (2/2)

”The number of times she says: 'My maman said-' The tone of voice. ”

”I want a voice-stress on that, ” Denys said.

”No problem, ” Giraud said. ”It's certainly worth pursuing. Does she reference other people?”

”No, ” Edwards said.

”Not family members. Not friends. Not the azi. ”

”Nelly. 'Nelly says. ' When it regards something about home. Sometimes 'my uncle Denys doesn't mind' this or that.... She doesn't respect Nelly's opinions, she doesn't respect much Nelly says, but she evidences a desire not to upset her. 'Uncle Denys' is a much more respectful reference, but more that she uses the name as currency. She's quite willing to remind you that 'my uncle Denys' takes an interest in things. ” Edwards cleared his throat. ”Quite to the point, she hints her influence with 'uncle Denys' can get me a nicer office. ”

Denys snorted in surprise, and laughed then, to Edwards' relief. ”Like the party invitation?”

”Much the same thing. ”

”What about Ollie?” Giraud asked.

”Quite rarely. Almost never. I'm being precise now. I'd say she used to mention Ollie right after Jane left. Now-I don't think I've heard that name in a long time. Maybe more than a year. ”

”Interesting. Justin Warrick?”

”She never mentions him. I did, if you recall. She was quite anxious to quit the subject. That name never comes up. ”

”Worth the time on the computers to run a name search, ” Denys said.

On all those tapes. On years of tapes. Giraud let his breath flow out and nodded. More personnel. More time on the computers.

Dammit, there was pressure outside. A lot of pressure. They were prepared to go public finally, to break the story; and they had an anomaly; they had a child far less serious than the first Ari, far more capricious and more restrained in temper. The azi had not helped. There was a little more seriousness to the child lately, a little gain in vocabulary: Florian and Catlin were better at essay than she was, but the hard edge was not there, maman was still with with Ari in a very persistent sense, and the Warrick affair, Yanni's sudden revelation that young Justin had handed them something that stymied the Sociology computers- Ari in a very persistent sense, and the Warrick affair, Yanni's sudden revelation that young Justin had handed them something that stymied the Sociology computers- Give it to Jordan, Denys had suggested. Send him him to Jordan. The Warricks are far less likely to cause trouble with the Project if they're busy, and you know Jordan would work on the d.a.m.ned thing, no matter what it was, if it gave him a chance to see his son. to Jordan. The Warricks are far less likely to cause trouble with the Project if they're busy, and you know Jordan would work on the d.a.m.ned thing, no matter what it was, if it gave him a chance to see his son.

Which was trouble with Defense: they were jealous of Warrick's time. There was a chance Defense would take official interest in Justin Warrick: there was no way to run him past their noses unnoticed, and in the way of Defense, Defense wanted anything that might seem to be important, or useful, or suddenly anomalous.

d.a.m.n, and d.a.m.n.

Ari wanted him, Yanni had said. Yanni had said. And, dammit, there's something there. And, dammit, there's something there.

There was the paradox of the Project: how wide the replication had to be. How many individuals, essential to each other? Thank G.o.d the first Ari's society had been extremely limited in terms of personal contacts-but it had been much more open in terms of news-services and public contact from a very early age.

”We've got to go ahead, ” Giraud said. ”Dammit, we've got to take her public, for a whole host of reasons, Lu's out of patience and we're running out of time! We can't be wrong, there's no way we can afford to be wrong. ”

No one said anything. It was too evident what the stakes were.

”The triggers are all there, ” Petros said. ”Not all of them have been invoked. I think a little more pressure. Academic will do. Put it on her. Frustrate her. Give her things she's bound to fail in. Accelerate the program. ”

That had consistently been Petros' advice.

”She hasn't met intellectual frustration, ” Denys said, ”-yet. ”

”We don't want her b.l.o.o.d.y bored with school, either, ” Giraud snapped. ”Maybe it is is an option. What do the computers say lately, when they're not running Warrick's school projects?” an option. What do the computers say lately, when they're not running Warrick's school projects?”

”Do we run it again?” Peterson asked. ”I don't think there's going to be a significant change. I just don't believe you can discount the results we have. Accelerating the program when there's an anomaly in question-”

Petros leaned forward, jaw jutting. ”Allowing the program to stagnate while the anomaly proliferates is your answer, is it?”

”Dr. Ivanov, allow me to make my point-”

”I know know your d.a.m.n point, we your d.a.m.n point, we know know your d.a.m.n point, doctor. ” your d.a.m.n point, doctor. ”

Giraud poured another gla.s.s of water.

”Enough on it, ” he said. ”Enough. We run the d.a.m.n tests. We take the computer time. We get our answers. Let's have the query in tomorrow, can we do that?”

Mostly, he thought, the voice-stress was the best lead. All those lesson-sessions to scan.

The Project ate computer time at an enormous rate. And the variances kept proliferating.

So did the demands of the Council investigating committee, that wanted to get into doc.u.ments containing more and more details of Science Bureau involvement in the Gehenna project, because Alliance was asking hard questions, wanting more and more information on the Gehenna colonists, and Unking it to the betterment of Alliance-Union relations.

The Centrists and the Abolitionists wanted the whole archives opened. Giraud's intelligence reported Mikhail Corain was gathering evidence, planning to call for a Council bill of Discovery to open the entire Emory archives, charging that there were other covert projects, other timebombs waiting, and that the national security took precedence over Reseune's sovereignty: that Reseune had no right to the notes and papers which Ariane Emory had accrued while serving as Councillor for Science, that those became Union property on her death, and that a bill of Discovery was necessary to find out what was Reseune's and what of Emory's papers belonged to Union archives.

There were timebombs, for certain. The essential one was aged eight, and exposing her to the vitriol and the hostility in Novgorod-making her the center of controversy- Everything came down to that critical point. They had to go public.

Before they ended up with a Discovery bill opening all Ari's future secrets into public view, where a precocious eight-year-old could access them out of sequence.

v In mornings it was always lessons, and Ari took hers with Dr. Edwards in his office or in the study lab, but it was not just mornings now, it was after lunch in the library and the tape-lab, so there was a lot of follow-up and Dr. Edwards asked her questions and gave her tests.

Catlin and Florian had lessons every day too, their own kind, down in the Town at a place they called Green Barracks; and one day a week they had to stay in Green Barracks overnight. That was when they did a Room or did special drill. But most times they were able to meet her at the library or the lab and walk her home.

They did this day, both of them very proper and solemn in their black uniforms, but more solemn than usual, when they walked down to the doors and out to the crosswalk.

”This is as safe as we can find to talk, ” Catlin said.

”But you don't know, ” Florian said. ”There's equipment that can hear you this far if they want to. You can't say they won't, you can just keep changing places so if they're not really expecting you to say something they want right then they won't bother. Set-up is a lot of work if your Subject moves around a lot. ”

”If they didn't hear us last night, I don't think they would be onto us, ” Ari said. She knew how to be nice enough not to get in trouble without being too nice and making people think she was up to something. But she didn't say that. She walked with them along toward the fishpond. She had brought food in her pocket. ”What were you going to tell me?”

”It's this, ” said Catlin. ”You should hit your Enemy first if you can. But you have to be sure, first thing, who who it is. Then how many, where are they, what have they got? That's the next thing you have to find out. ” it is. Then how many, where are they, what have they got? That's the next thing you have to find out. ”

”When your Enemy is an Older, ” Florian said, ”it's real hard to know that, because they know so much more. ”

”If he's not expecting it, ” Catlin said, ”anybody can be Got. ”

”But if we try and miss, ” Florian said, ”they will will try to Disappear us. So we re not sure, sera. I think we could Get them. For real. I could steal some stuff that would. They put it in Supply, and they're real careless. They ought to fix that. But I can get it. And we could kill the Enemy, just it's real dangerous. You get one chance with an Older. Usually just one. ” try to Disappear us. So we re not sure, sera. I think we could Get them. For real. I could steal some stuff that would. They put it in Supply, and they're real careless. They ought to fix that. But I can get it. And we could kill the Enemy, just it's real dangerous. You get one chance with an Older. Usually just one. ”

”But if you don't know where his partners are, ” Catlin said, ”they'll Get you. It depends on how much that's worth. ”
