Part 8 (2/2)
The ocean voyage wasothers that of Mr Fowler, the principal refiner, whose presence at the gold reatest importance On October 13, John Talbot, who had been for eleven years Raleigh's secretary in the Tower, passed away The log preserved in the _Second Voyage_ is of great interest, but we dare not allow its observations to detain us On the last of October, Raleigh was struck down by fever hi more solid than a stewed prune
He was in bed, on Novee, now theto the Empire of Brazil On the 14th they anchored at the h was carried froot across the bar, which was lower then than it now is, on the 17th At Cayenne, after a day or two, Raleigh's old servant Harry turned up; he had alan to pick up strength a little on pine-apples and plantains, and presently he began to venture even upon roast peccary He proceeded to spend the next fortnight on the Cayenne river, refreshi+ng his weary crews, and repairing his vessels An interesting letter to his wife that he sent home from this place, which he called 'Caliana,' confire_, and adds soht be here King of the Indians were a vanity; butthem Here they feed me with fresh meat and all that the country yields; all offer to obey me Commend me to poor Carew my son'
His eldest son, Walter, it will be remembered, ith hi South America ard, till on the 15th they stood under Trinidad Meanwhile Raleigh had sent forward, by way of Surinaoldthis journey, but he sent Captain Keyh, the Ad Walter also accoh landed at a village in Trinidad, close to Port of Spain, and there he waited, on the borders of the land of pitch, all through January 1618 On the last of thatvery anxious for news froe_ closes on February 13, and it is supposed that it was on the evening of that day that Captain Keyh and informed him of the death of his son Walter 'To a broken mind, a sick body, and weak eyes, it is a torment to write letters,' and we know he felt, as he also said, that now 'all the respects of this world had taken end in hi hat he h's private wish; he had attacked the new Spanish settleh had been struck down as he was shouting 'Come on, my men! This is the only mine you will ever find' Keymis had to announce this fact to the father, and a few days afterwards, with only a remnant of his troop, he hi that a Spanish arnoh and Keyh could not but feel that all his own ht have been condoned if Keyht one basket of ore fro hiuments, with the which if he could satisfy his Majesty and the State, I should be glad of it, though for my part he must excuse me to justify it'
After this first interview Keyreat dejection, and a day or two later appeared in the Admiral's cabin with a letter which he had written to the Earl of Arundel, excusing hiive him and to read this letter What followed, Sir Walter rave words:
I told him he had undone me by his obstinacy, and that I would not favour or colour in any sort his former folly He then asked me, whether that were my resolution? I answered, that it was He then replied in these words, 'I know then, sir, what course to take,' and went out of my cabin into his own, in which he was no sooner entered than I heard a pistol go off I sent up, not suspecting any such thing as the killing of himself, to knoho shot a pistol Key on his bed, that he had shot it off, because it had long been charged; hich I was satisfied So into the cabin, found hi knife thrust under his left pap into his heart, and his pistol lying by him, hich it appeared he had shot hi upon a rib, had but broken the rib, and went no further
Such was the wretched h and his old faithful servant parted In his despair, the Ade hiold mine, or die in the search for it But his men were mutinous; they openly declared that in their belief no suchdown on theely weakened and huainst the Mexican plate fleet He told them that he had a coland if they came home laden with treasure
What exactly happened no one knows The h wrote a long letter to prepare theoff St Christopher's on his holish friend had already been dead five months Next day, he land to face his enemies, and he wrote to tell his wife that he was off to Newfoundland, 'where I mean to make clean h to pay for it' But he was powerless, as he confesses, to govern his crew, and no one kno the heartbroken old man spent the next two dreadful lish havens, and on May 23, Captain North, who had co, and told hih made his appearance, with the 'Destiny,' in the harbour of Kinsale, and on June 21 he arrived in Plymouth, penniless and dejected, for the first time in his life utterly unnerved and irresolute On June 16 he had written an apologetic letter to the King By some curious slip Mr Edwards dated this letter three nificance has therefore been overlooked It is ier to conciliate James
Gondo as Winas alive he had not been able to attack the absent Adht him the news of the supposed attack on Lanzarote, he coo should be laid on the goods of the English ry despatch, the result of a vain attempt to reach James, is dated October 22; and on October 27 the sudden death of Winwood reh At first, however, Bailey's story received no credence, and if, as Howel somewhat apocryphally relates, Gondoh in the King's presence, and therefore entered with uplifted hands shouting 'Pirates!' till Jaround Moreover, while Bailey's story was being discussed, the little EnglishRaleigh's visit returned to London, and gave evidence which brought Bailey to gaol in the Gate House
On January 11, 1618, before any news had been received fro was held in the Council Chamber at Westminster, to try Bailey for false accusation The Council contained h, but the Spanish a; and late in February, Bailey was released with a reprih not of piracy only, but of high treason
The news of the ill-starred attack on San Thome reached Madrid on May 3, and London on the 8th This iven exquisite pleasure to the baffled Gondoave the King the alternative of punishi+ng Raleigh in England or sending hi wavered for a ht more conclusive news of the piratical expedition in which Keymis had failed, and Gondoht that Raleigh had taken flight for Paris
At, last, on June 11, Jaainst Raleigh to present it to the Council Lord Nottinghalish port shewas unduly hasty in condee that Raleigh should not injure Spain, and yet the Ad Spanish settle as he could that San Thoreement The arrival of the 'Destiny,' however, seeu assured Spain that 'not all those who have given security for Raleigh can save hiues of these summer months the reader must be referred, once es
On June 21, Raleigh moored the 'Destiny' in Plyh hastened down to ht His wife and he, with Sa, one of his captains, then set out for London, but were met just outside Ashburton by Sir Lewis Stukely, a cousin of Raleigh's, now Vice-Admiral of Devonshi+re This 's orders to arrest Sir Walter Raleigh; but these were only verbal orders, and he took his prisoner back to Plyed for nine or ten days in the house of Sir Christopher Harris, Stukely beingthe 'Destiny' and her contents Raleigh pretended to be ill, or was really indisposed with anxiety and weariness While Stukely was thinking of other things, Raleigh co to hire a barque to slip over to La Rochelle, and one night Raleigh and King made their escape towards this vessel in a little boat But Raleigh probably reflected that without land, and before the boat reached the vessel, he turned back and went hoht, but although no one watched him, he made no second effort to escape
On July 23 the Privy Council ordered Stukely, 'all delays set apart,' to bring the body of Sir Walter Raleigh speedily to London Two days later, Stukely and his prisoner started from Plymouth A French quack, called Mannourie, in whose cheh had shown soed by Stukely to attend him, and to worh passed the beautiful Sherborne which had once been theirs, the for, 'All this was mine, and it was taken fro at Sherborne on the 26th, and next night at Salisbury Raleigh lost all confidence as he found hi taken up to London As they went froive hiain time to work my friends, and order my affairs; perhaps even to pacify his Majesty Otherwise, as soon as ever I come to London, they will have , while being conducted to his rooainst a post It was supposed to show that he was dizzy; and next h and her retinue on to London, saying that he hi went on to prepare a shi+p to be ready in the Thaency When they had started, Raleigh was discovered in his bedroo the rushes on the floor Stukely was coh, not an emetic only, but some ointment which caused his skin to break out in dark purple pustules Stukely rushed off to the Bishop of Ely, who happened to be in Salisbury, and acted on his advice to wait for Raleigh's recovery Unless Stukely also was h's counsel Raleigh was treated as an invalid, and during the four days' retiree to Guiana_ On August 1, Ja of the same day Stukely hurried his prisoner away lest he should h's supposed dying state, and perht to his own London house His hopes revived, and he very rashly bribed both Mannourie and Stukely to let him escape So confident was he, that he refused the offers of a French envoy, who e over to France, and a welconity, no judgh arrived at his house in Broad Street on August 7 On the 9th the French repeated their invitation Again it was refused, for King had seen Raleigh and had told hi at Tilbury ready to carry him over to France Her captain, Hart, was an old boatswain of King's; before Raleigh received the information, this man had already reported the whole scheme to the Government The poor adventurer was surrounded by spies, fro round hih, accoe, embarked from the river-side in therries, and was rowed doards Tilbury Raleigh presently noticed that a larger boat was following them; at Greenwich, Stukely threw off the , as thrown then and there into the Tower What becaht does not appear; he was put into the Tower next day When he was arrested his pockets were found full of jewels and golden ornaiven hiriece, and fifty pounds in gold; these fell into the hands of the traitor 'Sir Judas' Stukely
Outside the Tower the process of Raleigh's legal condemnation now pursued its course A coainst the prisoner, and evidence was collected on all sides
Raleigh was obliged to sit with folded hands He could only hope that the eloquence and patriotisht possibly appeal to the sympathy of Janorant of the King's character, for Ja than one of triuuilt The only friend that Raleigh could now appeal to was Anne of Den petition in verse:
Cold walls, to you I speak, but you are senseless!
Celestial Powers, you hear, but have deterreatest happiness
Then unto who, Cast down my tears, or hold up folded hands?-- To Her to who;
To Her, who is the first, and may alone Be justly called, the Empress of the Britons
Who should have mercy if a Queen have none?
Queen Anne responded as she had always done to Raleigh's appeals If his life had lain in her hands, it would have been a long and a happy one