Part 8 (1/2)
Jan, and at this veryto force the native industries to flourish in spite of foreign coh's treatise 's hands much about the ti to draw England into ith Holland
Raleigh's advice seems to us wise and pointed, but to Ja-headed The _Observations upon Trade_ disappeared as so h's manuscripts had disappeared before it, and was only first published in the _Reh's i On Septeh could not fail to take an interest, Lady Arabella Stuart, died in the Tower In Deceh was deprived, by an order in Council, of Arabella's rich collection of pearls, but how they had couess Nor can we date the stroke of apoplexy froh suffered about this tih's worst enemies, Northampton and Somerset, were reh found listeners more favourable to his projects It has been said that he owed his release to bribery, but Mr Gardiner thinks it needless to suppose this Winas as cordial a hater of Spain as Raleigh hiainst the Somerset faction, would need no bribery Sir Williah's claims before the Court, and the Queen, as ever, used what slender influence she possessed Urged on so ned a warrant for Raleigh's release from the Tower
He was to live in his own house, but, with a keeper; he was not to presuo to any public asseiven to e to Guiana This warrant, although Raleigh used it to leave his confinement, was only provisional; and was confirh took a house in Broad Street, where he spent fourteen months in discreet retiree
Raleigh had been released fro that he should e to Guiana The object of this voyage was to enrich King James with the produce of a n of Elizabeth, Raleigh had stoutly contended that the natives of Guiana had ceded all sovereignty in that country to England in 1595, and that English colonists therefore had no one's leave to ask there But tier pretended that he had a right to the Orinoco; he was careful to insist that his expedition would infringe no privileges of Spain He was anxious by every diplomatic subtlety to avoid failure, and for the first few months he kept extremely quiet He had called in the 8,000_l_ which had been lying at interest ever since he had received it as part of the coh had raised 2,500_l_ by the sale of soether by various expedients, soh the famous merchant, Pieter Vanlore,' and 15,000_l_ were contributed by Raleigh's friends, who looked upon his enterprisebut rather hazardous investe shi+p of 440 tons in the Thames This he na her up to his desire; the King paid 700 crowns, as the usual statutable bounty on shi+pbuilding, without objection At the sah built or collected six other smaller vessels, and furnished them all with ordnance The preparation of such a fleet in the Thames could not pass unobserved by the representatives of the foreign courts, and during the last six le of diploue, and one which frequently occurs in the correspondence of Sarmiento, better known afterwards as Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador, and in that of Des Marets, the French ambassador
Mr Edwards has remarked, with coh's life were sile between hiland since 1613, and had acquired a singular art in dealing with the purposes of Ja France, and Venice watching Savoy, all of theh's moveues in detail, the reader es
On August 26, a royal coh was made the commander of an expedition to Guiana, under express orders, ently expressed than usual, not to visit the dominions of any Christian prince This was to allay the alarm of the Spanish ae had not ceased to declare that its real object was piracy, and probably the capture of the Mexican plate fleet At the same time James I allowed Gondomar to obtain possession of copies of certain docuh had drawn out at the royal co his intended route, and these were at once forwarded to Madrid, together with such inforlean in conversation with Raleigh Spain instantly replied by offering hih declined the proposition He continued to assert that he had no piratical intention, and that anyleave of Spain
It is doubtful whether the anecdote is true which records that Raleigh at this time applied to Bacon to knohether the terms of his commission were tantamount to a free pardon, and was told that they were But it rests on much better testimony that Bacon asked him what he would do if the Guiana h admitted that he would then look out for the Mexican plate fleet 'But then you will be pirates,' said Bacon; and Raleigh answered, 'Ah, who ever heard of eration in this; the Mexican fleet of that year was valued at two millions and a half The astute Gondoh's real intention, and by October 12 he had persuaded Jaive him still more full security that no injury should be done, at the peril of Raleigh's life, to any subject or property of the King of Spain
The building of the 'Destiny' h received many important visitors on board her He was protected by the cordial favour of the Secretary, Sir Ralph Winwood; and if the King disliked him as much as ever, no anih ventured upon a daring act of intrigue He deterlish Court with Savoy and its tension with Spain, to strike a blow against the rich enemy of the one and ally of the other, Genoa He proposed to Scarnafissi, the Savoyard envoy in London, that James I should be induced to allow the Guiana expedition to steal into the Mediterranean, and seize Genoa for Savoy
Scarnafissi laid the proposal before James, and on January 12 it was discussed in the presence of Winwood There was talk of increasing Raleigh's fleet for this purpose by the addition of a squadron of sixteen shi+ps froht the idea was discussed in secret; but on the 26th, Scarnafissi was told that the King had deterh was released froh still not pardoned, was pronounced free On February 10, the Venetian envoy, who had been taken into Scarnafissi's counsel, announced to his Governh to his original intention
Raleigh was next assailed by secret propositions froh the month of February various Frenchmen visited him on the 'Destiny,'
besides the ambassador, Des Marets He was nearly persuaded, in defiance of Ja St Valery To find out the truth regarding his intention, Des Marets paid at least one visit to the 'Destiny,' and on March 7 gave his Governh, in which the latter had spoken bitterly of James, and had asserted his affection for France, and desire to serve her It is in the correspondence of Des Marets that the nah and Richelieu become for a moment connected; it was in February 1617 that the future Cardinal described his English conterand lish Government, to allay fresh apprehensions on the part of Spain, forwarded by Gondoh's expedition should be in no way injurious to Spain And so it finally started after all, not bound for Mexico, or Genoa, or St Valery, but for the Orinoco Up to the last, Gondomar protested, and his protestations were only put aside after a special council of March 28 Next day Raleigh rode down to Dover to go on board the 'Destiny,' which had left the Thames on the 26th
His fleet of seven vessels was not well manned His own account of the crews is thus worded in the _Apology_: 'A company of volunteers who for the most part had neither seen the sea nor the wars; who, soentlemen excepted, were the very scum of the world, drunkards, blasphemers, and such others as their fathers, brothers, and friends thought it an exceeding good gain to be discharged of, with the hazard of some thirty, forty, or fifty pound' He was himself Admiral, with his son Walter as captain of the 'Destiny;' Sir Williaer was on the 'Thunder;' a certain John Bailey co vessels were the 'Jason,' the 'Encounter,' the 'Flying Joan,'
and the 'Page' The master of the 'Destiny' was John Burwick, 'a hypocritical thief' Various tiresome delays occurred They waited for the 'Thunder' at the Isle of Wight; and when the rest went on to Plynominiously in Portsmouth because her captain had no readybaker The 'Husband'
was in the saht for twelve days more The squadron was, however, increased by seven additional vessels, one of the at Plyh issued his famous _Orders to the Fleet_ On June 12 the fleet sailed at last out of Plymouth Sound
West of Scilly they fell in with a terrific storm, which scattered the shi+ps in various directions Soether, and the fly-boat was driven up the Bristol Channel After nearly a fortnight of anxiety and distress, the fleet collected again in Cork Harbour, where they lay repairing and waiting for a favourable wind for more than six weeks From the _Lish occupied this enforced leisure in getting rid of his re as much money as he could Sir Richard Boyle records that on July 1 Raleigh caust 19 the last _Journal_ begins, and on the 20th the fleet left Cork, Raleigh having taken a share in ahappened until the 31st, when, being off Cape St Vincent, the English fleet fell in with four French vessels laden with fish and train oil for Seville In order that they h was in those waters, where he certainly had no business to be, he took these vessels with hiues to the southward, and then dismissed them with payment His conduct towards these French boats was suspicious, and he afterwards tried to prove that they were pirates who had harried the Grand Canary It was also Raleigh's contention, that the enmity presently shown hih's refusal to let him make one of these French shi+ps his prize
On Sunday lish fleet anchored off the shore of Lanzarote, thehitherto crept down the coast of Africa These Atlantic islands were particularly open to the attacks of Algerine corsairs, and a fleet of 'Turks' had just ravaged the towns of the Madeiras The people of Lanzarote, waking up one e vessels, took for granted that these were pirates fro there at anchor, and by h endeavoured to explain his peaceful intention, but without success He had a overnor of the island, 'our troops staying at equal distance with us,' and was asked the pertinent question, 'what I sought for from that miserable and barren island, peopled in effect all with Moriscos' Raleigh asserted that all he wanted was fresh meat and wine for his crews, and these he offered to pay for
On the 11th, finding that no provisions caoods up into the hills, the captains begged Raleigh to march inland and take the town; 'but,' he says, 'besides that I kneould offend his Majesty, I alish oods he had in his hands, and the way being mountainous and ood roats' The Governor of Lanzarote continued to be in a craven state of anxiety, and would not hear of trading We cannot blaht erine bandits, his town utterly sacked, and 900 Christians taken off into Moslelish any reprisals, Raleigh sailed away froht before he left, one of his shi+ps, the 'Husband,' had disappeared Captain Bailey, who is believed to have been in the pay of Gondoh's piratical attack on an island belonging to the do ard through the lustrous waters of the Canary archipelago, his doom was sealed, and he would have felt his execution to be a certainty, had he but knoas happening in England
He called at Grand Canary, to coeneral of the islands, but, for some reason which he does not state, did not land at the town of Pale, probably west of the northern extreave him no answer; but theTeneriffe to the north On September 18 they put into the excellent port of the island of Gomera, 'the best,' he says, 'in all the Canaries, the town and castle standing on the very breach of the sea, but the billows do so tumble and overfall that it is i, saving in a cove under steep rocks, where they can pass towards the town but one after the other' Here, as at Lanzarote, they were taken for Algerines, and the guns on the rocks began to fire at theer on shore to explain that they were not come to sack their town and burn their churches, as the Dutch had done in 1599, but that they were in great need of water
They presently careement that the islanders should quit their trenches round the landing-place, and that Raleigh should promise on the faith of a Christian not to land more than thirty unars within pistol-shot of the wash of the sea, none of these sailors being perh, therefore, sent six of his seamen, and turned his shi+ps broadside to the town, ready to batter it with culverin if he saw one sign of treachery
It turned out that when the Governor of Gomera kneho his visitors were, he was as pleased as possible to see theh knew that, he sent his countrywoman a present of six eloves, with a very handsoretted that her barren island contained nothing worth Raleigh's acceptance, yet sent hiar,' with baskets of lerapes During the three days that they rode off Golish lady wrote daily to Sir Walter In return for the fruit, dee himself much in her debt, he sent on shore a very courteous letter, and with it two ounces of alass of fine rose-water, an excellent picture of Mary Magdalen, and a cut-work ruff Here he expected courtesies to stay, but the lady lish shi+ps were starting her servants ca a basket of delicate white manchett bread, more clusters of fruits, and twenty-four fat hens Meanwhile, in the friendliest way, the sailors had been going to and fro, and had drawn 240 pipes of water So cordial, indeed, was their reception, that, as a last favour, Raleigh asked the Governor for a letter to Sar forth 'how nobly we had behaved ourselves, and how justly we had dealt with the inhabitants of the islands' Before leaving Goed a native barque which one of his pinnaces had captured, and paid at the valuation of the master for any prejudice that had been done hi much sickness on board; and that very day their first important loss occurred, in the death of the Provost Marshal of the fleet, a man called Stead
On the 26th they reached St Antonio, the outermost of the Cape Verde Islands, but did not land there For eight wretched days they wandered ai to o Sorated on the rocks, all lost anchors and cables; one pinnace, her crew being asleep and no one on the watch, drove under the bowsprit of the 'Destiny,' struck her and sank When they did effect a landing on Brava, they were soaked by the tropical autu fast in all the shi+ps In deep dejection Raleigh gave the order to steer away for Guiana Meanwhile Bailey had arrived in England, had seen Gondoh because the adainst Spain It does not see took any notice of these declarations until the end of the year