Part 106 (1/2)

”In Christian hearts O for a pagan zeal!

A needful, but opprobrious _prayer!_”--_Young_, N ix, l 995

”Great standing _ this turn of mind”--_Pope_

OBS 13--A _distributive terular number, is frequently construed in apposition with a comprehensive plural; as, ”_They_ reap vanity, _every one_ with his neighbour”--_Bible_ ”Go _ye every man_ unto his city”--_Ibid_ So likeith two or ular nouns which are taken conjointly; as, ”The _Son and Spirit_ have _each_ his proper office”--_Butler's analogy_, p 163 And sometimes a _plural_ word is emphatically put after a series of particulars colory, _all_ concurred”--_Letters on Chivalry_, p

11 ”Royalists, republicans, churchmen, sectaries, courtiers, patriots, _all parties_ concurred in the illusion”--_Hu examples are plain, but similar expressions sometimes require care, lest the distributive or collective ter may be misapprehended Examples: ”We have _turned every one_ to his oay”--_Isaiah_, liii, 6 Better: ”_We have every one_ turned to his oay” ”For in s we _offend all_”--_Jas _we all_ offend” The latter readings doubtless convey the _true sense_ of these texts To the relation of apposition, it ular noun taken in a distributive sense and repeated after _by_ to denote order; as, ”_They_ went out _one_ by one”--_Bible_ ”Our whole _company, man_ by e_ by page; to search a _place, house_ by house”--_Ward's Gra explain the whole; as,

”But those that sleep, and think not on their sins, Pinch _thes, backs, shoulders, sides_, and _shi+ns_”


OBS 14--To express a reciprocal action or relation, the pronominal adjectives _each other_ and _one an other_ are employed: as, ”They love _each other_;”--”They love _one an other_” The words, separately considered, are singular; but, taken together, they imply plurality; and they can be properly construed only after plurals, or singulars taken conjointly _Each other_ is usually applied to two persons or things; and _one an other_, tothem otherwise, is noticed elsewhere; (see, in Part II, Obs 15th, on the Classes of Adjectives;) so that we have here to exah reciprocal and closely united, are seldom or never in the same construction If such expressions be analyzed, _each_ and _one_ will generally appear to be in the nominative case, and _other_ in the objective; as, ”They love _each other_;” i e _each_ loves _the other_ ”They love _one an other_;” i e any or every _one_ loves any or every _other_ _Each_ and _one_ (--if the words be taken as cases, and not adjectively--) are properly in agreeoverned by the verb The terms, however, admit of other constructions; as, ”Be ye helpers _one_ of an _other_”--_Bible_ Here _one_ is in apposition with _ye_, and _other_ is governed by _of_ ”Ye are _one_ an _other's_ joy”--_Ib_ Here _one_ is in apposition with _ye_, and _other's_ is in the possessive case, being governed by _joy_ ”Love will make you _one_ an _other's_ joy” Here _one_ is in the objective case, being in apposition with _you_, and _other's_ is governed as before

”_Men's_ confidence in _one an other_;”--”_Their_ dependence _one_ upon _an other_” Here the word _one_ appears to be in apposition with the possessive going before; for it has already been shown, that words standing in that relation _never take the possessive sign_ But if its location after the preposition must make it objective, the whole object is the coainst _an other_”--_Janez point _les uns des autres_”--_French Bible_ ”Ne suspirate _alius_ adversus _aliuemiscite adversus _alii alios”--Leusden_

”[Greek: Mae stenazete kat hallaelon]”--_Greek New Testament_

OBS 15--The construction of the Latin terms _alius alium, alii alios_, &c, with that of the French _l'un l'autre, l'un de l'autre_, &c, appears, at first view, sufficiently to confir observation; but, besides the frequent use, in Latin and Greek, of a reciprocal adverb to express theof one an other or each other, there are, frouether as compounds The most common term in Greek for _one an other_, ([Greek: Hallaelon], dat [Greek: hallaelois, ais, ois], acc [Greek: hallaelous]: ab [Greek: hallos], _alius_,) is a single derivative word, the case of which is known by its termination; and _each other_ is sometimes expressed in Latin by a compound: as, ”Et osculantes se _alterutru _each other_, they wept together” As this text speaks of but two persons, our translators have not expressed it well in the common version: ”And they kissed _one an other_, and wept _one_ with _an other_”--_1 Sam_, xx, 41

_Alter-utrum_ is composed of a nominative and an accusative, like _each-other_; and, in the nature of things, there is no reason why the former should be compounded, and the latter not Ordinarily, there see either of them But some examples occur, in which it is not easy to parse _each other_ and _one an other_ otherwise than as compounds: as, ”He only reco of _one another's_ feet”--_Barclay's Works_, Vol iii, p 143

”The Teeants saw, Who deem'd _each other oracles_ of law”--_Pope_, B ii, Ep 2[345]

OBS 16--The _common_ and the _proper_ name of an object are very often associated, and put in apposition; as, ”_The river Thames_,”--”_The shi+p Albion_,”--”_The poet Cowper_”--”_Lake Erie_,”--”_Cape May_”--”_Mount Atlas_” But, in English, the proper naenerally put in the objective case, and preceded by _of_; as, ”The city _of_ New York,”--”The land _of_ Canaan,”--”The island _of_ Cuba,”--”The peninsula _of_ Yucatan” Yet in some instances, even of this kind, the immediate apposition is preferred; as, ”That the _city Sepphoris_ should be subordinate to the _city Tiberias_”--_Life of Josephus_, p 142 In the following sentence, the preposition _of_ is at least needless: ”The law delighteth herself in the number _of_ twelve; and the number _of_ twelve is much respected in holy writ”--_coke, on Juries_

Two or three late gra _of_ always to indicate a possessive relation between one thing and an other, contend that it is no less improper, to say, ”The city _of_ London, the city _of_ New Haven, the month _of_ March, the islands _of_ Cuba and Hispaniola, the towns _of_ Exeter and Dover,” than to say, ”King _of_ Solomon, titus _of_ the Roman Emperor, Paul _of_ the apostle, or, Cicero _of_ the orator”--See _Barrett's Gram_, p 101; _Emmons's_, 16 I cannot but think there is so out what is proper or ies ot his criticism, and adopted the phrase, ”in the city _of_ New Haven”--_Gram_, p 19

OBS 17--When an object acquires a new name or character from the action of a verb, the new appellation is put in apposition with the object of the active verb, and in the nominative after the passive: as, ”They named the _child John_;”--”The child was named _John_”--”They elected _him president_;”--”He was elected _president_” After the active verb, the acquired name must be parsed by Rule 3d; after the passive, by Rule 6th In the following example, the pronominal adjective _some_, or the noun _ave_, and the nouns expressed are in apposition with it: ”And he gave _soelists_; and _some, pastors_ and _teachers_”--_Ephesians_, iv, 11 That is, ”He _bestowed some_ [men] as _apostles_; and _soelists_; and _soht easilyand construction of this text in two different ways; for he_to some persons_, or an adjective to the nouns which are here expressed The punctuation, however, is calculated to show that the nouns are in apposition with _some_, or _some men_, in what the Latins call the _accusative, case_ But the version ought to be amended by the insertion of _as_, which would here be an express sign of the apposition intended

OBS 18--Soree in person, nuree examples show not to be always necessary: ”The _Franks, a people_ of Germany”--_W Allen's Gram_ ”The Kenite _tribe_, the _descendants_ of Hobab”--_Milman's Hist of the Jews_ ”But how can _you_ a _soul_, still either hunger or thirst?”--_Lucian's Dialogues_, p 14 ”Who seized the wife of _randeurs_ (Nature's rateful verse”--_Young_, N ix, l 566




”Now, therefore, come thou, let us make a covenant, I and thou”--_Gen_, xxxi, 44

[FORMULE--Not proper, because the pronouns I and thou, of the no pronoun _us_, which is objective But, according to Rule 3d, ”A noun or a personal pronoun, used to explain a preceding noun or pronoun, is put, by apposition, in the same case” Therefore, _I_ and _thou_ should be _thee_ and _ usually put last;) thus, ”Now, therefore, come thou, let us make a covenant, thee and me”]

”Now, therefore, come thou, ill make a covenant, thee and me”--_Variation of Gen_ ”The word came not to Esau, the hunter, that stayed not at home; but to Jacob, the plain man, he that dwelt in tents”--_Wm Penn_ ”Not to every man, but to the man of God, (i e) he that is led by the spirit of God”--_Barclays Works_, i, 266 ”For, ad God to be a creditor, or he to whom the debt should be paid, and Christ he that satisfies or pays it on behalf of man the debtor, this question will arise, whether he paid that debt as God, or man, or both?”--_Wm Penn_ ”This Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly Man, the Eh priests raged against,” &c--_George Fox_ ”Christ, and Hia of all his addresses, the fountain and foundation of his hope and trust”--_Experience of Paul_, p 399 ”'Christ and Him crucified'

is the head, and only head, of the church”--_Denison's Sermon_ ”But if 'Christ and Him crucified' are the burden of the ministry, such disastrous results are all avoided”--_Ib_ ”He never let fall the least intimation, that himself, or any other person, whomsoever, was the object of worshi+p”--_Hannah Adams's View_, p 250 ”Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine”--_1 Ti of saints, will assuredly give his saints the victory”--_Sermon_ ”ItGram_, p 20

”And they shall have none to bury thehters; for I will pour their wickedness upon them”--_Jeremiah_, xiv, 16 ”Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and coer, and he that ministered to my wants”--_Philippians_, ii, 25

”Amidst the tumult of the routed train, The sons of false Antimachus were slain; He, who for bribes his faithless counsels sold, And voted Helen's stay for Paris' gold”