Part 105 (1/2)

OBS 9--The following sentence is a literal imitation of the Latin accusative before the infinitive, and for that reason it is not good English: ”But experience teacheth us, _both these opinions to be_ alike ridiculous”--_Barclay's Works_, Vol i, p 262 It should be, ”But experience _teaches us, that both these opinions are_ alike ridiculous”

The verbs _believe, think, i _ nouns or pronouns in the objective case, and consequently of being interpreted transitively Hence I deny the correctness of the following explanation: ”RULE XXIV The objective case precedes the infinitive ood overn brother, in the objective case, because it is not the object after it _Brother_, in the objective case, third person singular, precedes the neuter verb _to be_, in the infinitive ular”--_S Barrett's Gram_, p 135

This author teaches that, ”The _infinitive rees_ with the objective case in number and person”--_Ibid_ Which doctrine is denied; because the infinitive has no nue Nor do I see why the noun _brother_, in the foregoing example, may not be both the object of the active verb _believe_, and the subject of the neuter infinitive _to be_, at the same time; for the subject of the infinitive, if the infinitive can be said to have a subject, is not necessarily in the nominative case, or necessarily independent of what precedes

OBS 10--There are rammar, who still adhere to the principle of the Latin and Greek grammarians, which refers the accusative or objective to the latter verb, and supposes the forovern only the infinitive Thus Nixon: ”The objective case is frequently put before the infinitive mood, as its subject; as, 'Suffer _lish Parser_, p 34 ”When an objective case stands before an infinitive mood, as 'I understood _it_ to be him,' 'Suffer _overned by the preceding verb, but as the objective case before the infinitive; that is, _the subject_ of it The reason of this is--the forovern one object only, and that is (in such sentences) the infinitivethe subject of the infinitive following, and not governed by the for_ two objects”--_Ib, Note_[341]

OBS 11--The notion that one verb governs an other in the infinitive, just as a transitive verb governs a noun, and so that it cannot also govern an objective case, is not only contradictory tothe infinitive nant to the principles of General Gra for a verb to govern two cases at once; and even the accusative before the infinitive is so verb, as the objective before the infinitive naturally is in English But, in regard to construction, every language differs more or less from every other; hence each ard to the point here in question, the reader kaen exelthein]”--_Luke_, xiv, 18 ”Habeo necesse exire”--_Leusden_ English: ”I have _occasion to go_ away” Again: ”[Greek: O echon hota akouein, akoueto]”--_Luke_, xiv, 35 ”Habens aures audiendi, audiat”--_Leusden_ ”Qui habet aures ad audiendulish: ”He that hath _ears to hear_, let _him hear_”

But our most frequent use of the infinitive after the objective, is in sentences that must not be similarly constructed in Latin or Greek;[342]

as, ”And he commanded the _porter to watch_”--_Mark_, xiii, 34 ”And he delivered _Jesus to be crucified_”--_Mark_, xv, 15 ”And they led _him_ out _to crucify him_”--_Mark_, xv, 20 ”We heard _hiht make _thee know_”--_Prov_, xxii, 21

OBS 12--If our language does really ad like the accusative before the infinitive, in the sense of a positive subject at the head of a clause, it is only in so: ”Let certain studies be prescribed to be pursued during the freshman year; _soard to others, a _choice_ to be allowed; _which_, whenit,) to be binding during the freshard to the studies of the succeeding years”--GALLAUDET: _Journal of the N Y Literary Convention_, p 118

Here the four words, _some, choice, which_, and _plan_, may appear to a Latinist to be so many objectives, or accusatives, placed before infinitives, and used to describe that state of things which the author would promote If objectives they are, we overned by _let, would have_, or so of the kind, understood: as, ”_Let_ some of these be attended to;” or, ”Some of these _I would have_ to be attended to,” &c The relative _which_”_to_ be binding” to ”_shall_ be binding;” and as to the rest, it is very doubtful whether they are not now nominatives, rather than objectives The infinitive, as used above, is a lish noun or pronoun put absolute with a participle, is in the nolish relatives are rarely, if ever, put absolute in this manner: and this may be the reason why the construction of _which_, in the sentence above, seems aard Besides, it is certain that the other pronouns are sometimes put absolute with the infinitive; and that, in the nominative case, not the objective: as,

”And _I to be_ a corporal in his field, And wear his colours like a tumbler's hoop!

What? _I! I love! I sue! I seek_ a wife!”--_Shak, Love's Labour Lost_




”The whole need not a physician, but them that are sick”--_Bunyan's Law and Gr_, p iv

[FORMULE--Not proper, because the objective pronoun _them_ is here made the subject of the verb _need_, understood But, according to Rule 2d, ”A noun or a pronoun which is the subject of a finite verb, must be in the nominative case” Therefore, _them_ should be _they_; thus, ”The whole need not a physician, but they that are sick”]

”He will in no wise cast out whomsoever coht fall upon his uard”--_Hutchinson's Massachusetts_, ii, 133 ”Whoo with him twain”--_Dymond's Essays_, p 48 ”The idea's of the author have been conversant with the faults of other writers”--_Swift's T T_, p 55 ”You are a reater loser than me by his death”--_Swift to Pope_, l 63 ”Such peccadillo's pass with him for pious frauds”--_Barclay's Works_, Vol iii, p 279 ”In whom I am nearly concerned, and whom I knoould be very apt to justify my whole procedure”--_Ib_, i, 560 ”Do not think such a arb”--_Addison_ ”His wealth and him bid adieu to each other”--_Priestley's Grareater than _reater than _I_'”--_Ib_, p 106

”The Jesuits had more interests at court than him”--SMOLLETT: in _Pr

Gram_, p 106[343] ”Tell the Cardinal that I understand poetry better than him”--_Id, ib_ ”An inhabitant of Crim Tartary was far more happy than him”--_Id, ib_ ”My father and him have been very intient, and whom the object struck or kissed?”--_Infant School Grained was concealed there”--_Kirkhareat recompense to whomsoever would help him”--HUME: in _Pr

Gram_, p 104 ”They would be under the doht exercise the right of judgement”--_Gov Haynes's Speech_, in 1832 ”They had promised to accept whomsoever should be born in Wales”--_Stories by Croker_ ”We sorrow not as them that have no hope”--_Maturin's Sermons_, p 27 ”If he suffers, he suffers as thee that he, and him only, hath been our peacemaker”--_Gratton_ ”And what can be better than him that made it?”--_Jenks's Prayers_, p 329 ”None of his school-fellows is more beloved than him”--_Cooper's Gram_, p 42 ”Soloy_, p 76 ”Those whoht were the last to be saved, first entered the kingdom of God”--_Eleventh Hour, Tract_, No 4 ”A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than theood company, is hardly more insupportable than her they call a notable wo of the Sarine was no small prince, restored him a hundred thousand Roman prisoners”--_Life of Antoninus_, p 83 ”Such notions would be avowed at this time by none but rosicrucians, and fanatics as broke's Ph Tr_, p 24 ”Unless, as I said, Messieurs, you are the _, p 173

”We had drawn up against peaceable travellers, who lad as us to escape”--BURNES'S TRAVELS: _ibid_ ”Stimulated, in turn, by their approbation, and that of better judges than they”--QUARTERLY REVIEW: _Life of H More: ibid_ ”I know not whoreat, but truth is greater than us all”--_Horace Mann, in Congress_, 1850 ”Him I accuse has entered”--_Fowler's E Gram_, --482: see _Shakspeare's Coriolanus_, Act V, sc 5

”Scotland and thee did each in other live”

--_Dryden's Po_, Vol ii, p 220

”We are alone; here's none but thee and I”

--_Shak_, 2 Hen VI

”Me rather had, ht feel your love, Than my unpleas'd eye see your courtesy”

--_Idem: Joh Dict_

”Tell me, in sadness, whom is she you love?”