Part 104 (1/2)

126 ”Cromwell assumed the title of a Protector”--_Ib_ ”Her father is honoured with the title of an Earl”--_Ib_ ”The chief hest title in the state is that of the Governor”--_Ib_ ”That boy is known by the name of the Idler”--_Murray's Key_, 8vo, p 205 ”The one styled the Mufti, is the head of the _, p 360 ”Banging all that possessed them under one class, he called that whole class _a tree_”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 73 ”For the oak, the pine, and the ash, were names of whole classes of objects”--_Ib_, p 73 ”It is of little iive to some particular ure”--_Ib_, p 133 ”The collision of a voith itself is the racious of all combinations, and has been doomed to peculiar reprobation under the name of an hiatus”--_J Q Adams's Rhet_, Vol ii, p 217 ”We hesitate to determine, whether the _Tyrant_ alone, is the nominative, or whether the nominative includes the spy”--_Cobbett's E Grainated the customary abbreviation of _twelve ht_; _fourteen nights_ into a _fortnight_”--_Webster's Improved Gram_, p 105


”He is a better writer than a reader”--_W Allen's False Syntax, Grauist”--_Ib_ ”I should rather have an orange than apple”--_Brown's Inst_, p 126 ”He was no less able a negotiator, than a courageous warrior”--_Smollett's Voltaire_, Vol i, p 181 ”In an epic poeences that would not be perraure is a sphere, or a globe, or a ball”--_Harris's Hermes_, p 258


”Carriages which were formerly in use, were very clueographers rote at that time”--_Ib_ ”Questions which a person asks hiht to be teration”--_Murray's Graersoll's_, 291 ”The work is designed for the use of persons, who may think it merits a place in their Libraries”--_Murray's Gram_, 8vo, p iii ”That persons who think confusedly, should express themselves obscurely, is not to be wondered at”--_Ib_, p 298

”Grammarians who limit the number to two, or at most to three, do not reflect”--_Ib_, p 75 ”Substantives which end in _ian_, are those that signify profession”--_Ib_, p 132 ”To these overn the dative”--_Adam's Gram_, p 170; _Gould's_, 171 ”Consonants are letters, which cannot be sounded without the aid of a vowel”--_Bucke's Gram_, p 9 ”To erammar”--_Murray's Gram, Pref_, p iii

”This rule refers only to nouns and pronouns, which have the sas which are seen, were not s which do appear”--_Heb_, xi, 3 ”Man is an imitative creature; he may utter sounds, which he has heard”--_Wilson's Essay on Gram_, p 21 ”But men, whose business is wholly doe but their own”--_Webster's Essays_, p 5


”Great benefitof histories”--_Sewel's Hist_, p iii ”And sobroke, on Hist_, p 110 ”It is Invading of the Priest's Office for any other to Offer it”--_Right of Tythes_, p 200 ”And thus far of for_, p 35 ”And without shedding of blood is no re of land”--_Printer's Gra, at once”--_Butler's analogy_, p 72

”And hence the origin ofof parliaments”--_Brown's Esti of saving light and grace presupposes conversion But that I deny: for, on the contrary, conversion presupposeth having light and grace”--_Barclay's Works_, Vol i, p 143

”They cried doearing of rings and other superfluities as we do”--_Ib_, i, 236 ”Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel”--_1 Peter_, iii, 3 ”In spelling of derivative Words, the Primitive must be kept whole”--_British Gram_, p 50; _Buchanan's Syntax_, 9 ”And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar”--_Nu of lies, but also many unseemly truths”--_Sheffield's Works_, ii, 244 ”We freely confess that forbearing of prayer in the wicked is sinful”--_Barclay_, i, 316 ”For revealing of a secret, there is no remedy”--_Inst E Gra of laws for the good of the state”--_Rollin's Ancient Hist_, Vol ii, p 38

UNDER NOTE XVI--PARTICIPLES, NOT NOUNS ”It is salvation to be kept fro into a pit, as truly as to be taken out of it after the falling in”--_Barclay_, i, 210 ”For in the receiving and e the testiularity does not consist in the having but a single rule, and forcing every thing to conform to it”--_Philol Museulad tidings appears only an idle tale, and not worth the attending to”--_Life of Tho Say_, p 144 ”To be the deliverer of the captive Jews, by the ordering their temple to be re-built,” &c--_Rollin_, ii, 124 ”And for the preserving the defiled”--_N E Discipline_, p 133

”A wiseany excellence in trifles”--_Art of Thinking_, p 80 ”Hirsutus had no other reason for the valuing a book”--_Ra heard with satisfaction, it is necessary that the speaker should deliver himself with ease”--_Sheridan's Elocution_, p 114 ”And to the being well heard, and clearly understood, a good and distinct articulation contributes more, than power of voice”--_Ib_, p 117

”_Potential_power or will; As, If you _would_ improve, you _should_ be still”

--_Tobitt's Gram_, p 31


”For the same reason, a neuter verb cannot become a passive”--_Lowth's Gram_, p 74 ”The period is the whole sentence complete in itself”--_Ib_, p 115 ”The colon or reater division of a sentence”--_Ib_ ”The semicolon or half member, is a less constructive part or subdivision, of a sentence or ain subdivided into coments”--_Ib_, p 116 ”The first error that I would es, with a neglect of our own”--_Webster's Essays_, p 3 ”One third of the importations would supply the derave stile”--_Priestley's Grareat risk of being disappointed”--_Murray's Key, Octavo Gram_, Vol ii, p

201 ”Letters are divided into vowels and consonants”--_Murray's Gram_, i, p 7; _and others_ ”Consonants are divided into mutes and semi-vowels”--_Ib_, i, 8; _and others_ ”The first of these forlish idioain, it is a too dear rate”--_Barclay's Works_, i, 504 ”A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun, to prevent a too frequent repetition of it”--_Maunder's Graht perhaps arise from a too partial fondness for the Latin”--_Dr Ash's Graroans which a too heavy load extorts from her”--_Hitchcock, on Dyspepsy_, p 50 ”The nuular and plural”--_Bucke's Gram_ p 58 ”To brook no meanness, and to stoop to no dissireat mind”--_Murray's Key_, ii, 236 ”This rave style”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 198 ”This use of the word rather suits familiar and low style”--_Priestley's Gra to the nature of the composition the one or other may be predominant”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 102

”Yet the coreat measure a too early expectation of the end”--_Cay or a philippie may be pronounced by an individual of one nation upon the subject of another”--_Adams's Rhet_, i, 298 ”A French sermon, is for most part, a warm animated exhortation”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 288 ”I do not envy those who think slavery no very pitiable a lot”--_Channing, on Emancipation_, p 52 ”The auxiliary and principal united, constitute a tense”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 75 ”There are some verbs which are defective with respect to persons”--_Ib_, i, 109 ”In youth, the habits of industry are most easily acquired”--_Murray's Key_, ii, 235 ”Apostrophe (') is used in place of a letter left out”--_Bullions's Eng Gram_, p 156


The rules for the construction of Nouns, or Cases, are seven; hence this chapter, according to the order adopted above, reviews the series of rules froh _Nouns_ are here the topic, all these seven rules apply alike to _Nouns and to pronouns_; that is, to all the words of our language which are susceptible of _Cases_


A Noun or a pronoun which is the subject of a finite verb, must be in the nominative case: as, ”The _Pharisees_ also, _ere covetous, heard all these things; and _they_ derided him”--_Luke_, xvi, 14 ”But where the _e veileth the front of self-respect, there look _thou_ for the man whohts_, p 66

”Dost _thou_ mourn Philander's fate?

_I_ know _thou_ sayst it: says thy _life_ the sa_, N ii, l 22