Part 92 (1/2)


1 What is a NOUN, and what are the exaeneral classes are nouns divided? 3 What is a proper noun? 4 What is a co common nouns? 6 What is a collective noun? 7 What is an abstract noun? 8 What is a verbal or participial noun? 9 What rammar? 11 How many persons are there, and what are they called? 12

What is the first person? 13 What is the second person? 14 What is the third person? 15 What are _Nurammar? 16 How many numbers are there, and what are they called? 17 What is the singular number? 18 What is the plural nuularly forular plural forular plural forains a syllable? LESSON VI--NOUNS

1 What are _Genders_, in graenders are there, and what are they called? 3 What is the ender? 5 What is the neuter gender? 6 What nouns, then, are masculine?

what, felish nouns regularly changes their gender? 8 On what are the different genders founded, and to what parts of speech do they belong? 9 When the noun is such as ender usually deterraether? 11 What is said of the gender of nouns of multitude? 12 Under what circuard the distinction of sex? 13 In how raurative, how is it indicated? 15 What are _Cases_, in grammar? 16 How many cases are there, and what are they called? 17 What is the nominative case? 18 What is the subject of a verb?

19 What is the possessive case? 20 How is the possessive case of nouns formed? 21 What is the objective case? 22 What is the object of a verb, participle, or preposition? 23 What two cases of nouns are alike in foruished? 24 What is the declension of a noun? 25

How do you decline the nouns, _friend, man, fox_, and _fly?_


1 What is required of the pupil in the THIRD PRAXIS? 2 How iven for each part of speech? 3 How is the following exas of Hannah More appear to me more praise-worthy than Scott's”

[Now parse, in like manner, the three lessons of the _Third Chapter_, or the _Third Praxis_; and then, if you please, you lish_, hich the Third Chapter concludes]


1 What is an ADJECTIVE, and what are the exaiven? 2 Into what classes may adjectives be divided? 3 What is a common adjective? 4 What is a proper adjective? 5 What is a numeral adjective? 6 What is a pronominal adjective? 7 What is a participial adjective? 8 What is a compound adjective? 9 What rarees of coree? 13 What is the coree? 15 What adjectives cannot be compared? 16 What adjectives are coularly coof adjectives? 19 To what adjectives is the regular method of comparison, by _er_ and _est_, applicable? 20 Is there any other rees of corees of diular rees of this kind? 23 Do we ever compare by adverbs those adjectives which can be coood? bad, evil_, or _ill? little? much? many?_ 25 How do you compare _far? near? fore? hind? in? out? up? low? late?_ 26 What words want the positive? 27 What words want the comparative?


1 What is required of the pupil in the FOURTH PRAXIS? 2 How iven for each part of speech? 3 How is the following example parsed? ”The best and rammar, is precisely that of which the careless are least fond: teach learnedly, rebuking whatsoever is false, blundering, or unmannerly”

[Now parse, in like manner, the three lessons of the _Fourth Chapter_, or the _Fourth Praxis_; and then, if you please, you lish_, hich the Fourth Chapter concludes]


1 What is a pronOUN, and what is the exaiven? 2 How many pronouns are there? 3 How are pronouns divided? 4 What is a personal pronoun? 5

How many and what are the simple personal pronouns? 6 How many and what are the compound personal pronouns? 7 What is a relative pronoun? 8 Which are the relative pronouns? 9 What peculiarity has the relative _what_? 10

What is an interrogative pronoun? 11 Which are the interrogative pronouns?

12 Do _hich_, and _what_, all ask the same question? 13 What s defined under the head of pronouns? 15 What is the declension of a pronoun? 16 How do you decline the pronoun _I? Thou? He? She? It?_ 17 What is said of the compound personal pronouns? 18 How do you decline the pronoun _Myself?

Thyself? Hiative pronouns declined like the simple relatives? 20 How do you decline _Who? Which?

What? That? As?_ 21 Have the compound relative pronouns any declension?

22 How do you decline _Whoever? Whosoever? Whichever? Whichsoever?

Whatever? Whatsoever?_


1 What is required of the pupil in the FIFTH PRAXIS? 2 How iven for each part of speech? 3 How is the following exaainst God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?”

[Now parse, in like manner, the three lessons of the _Fifth Chapter_, or the _Fifth Praxis_; and then, if you please, you lish_, hich the Fifth Chapter concludes]


1 What is a VERB, and what are the exaiven? 2 Why are verbs called by that naht in the first place? 4 What is _the Present_? 5 What is _the Preterit_? 6

What is _the Imperfect Participle_? 7 What is the _Perfect Participle_? 8