Part 53 (1/2)

The word _self_, added to the simple personal pronouns, forms the class of _compound personal pronouns_; which are used when an action reverts upon the agent, and also when so, _, _thyself_, plur _yourselves_; sing, _hi, _herself_, plur _the, _itself_, plur _themselves_ They all want the possessive case, and are alike in the nominative and objective Thus:--

MYSELF, _of the_ FIRST PERSON,[202] _any of the genders_

Sing Nom myself, Plur Nom ourselves, Poss ------, Poss ---------, Obj myself; Obj ourselves

THYSELF, _of the_ SECOND PERSON, _any of the genders_

Sing Nom thyself,[203] Plur Nom yourselves, Poss -------, Poss ----------, Obj thyself; Obj yourselves

HIMSELF, _of the_ THIRD PERSON, _ Nom himself, Plur Nom themselves, Poss -------, Poss ----------, Obj himself; Obj theender_

Sing Nom herself, Plur Nom themselves, Poss -------, Poss ----------, Obj herself; Obj theender_

Sing Nom itself, Plur Nom themselves, Poss ------, Poss ----------, Obj itself; Obj themselves


The relative and the interrogative pronouns are thus declined:--

WHO, _literally applied to persons only_

Sing Nom who, Plur Nom who, Poss whose, Poss whose, Obj whos_

Sing Nom which, Plur Nom which, Poss [204]--, Poss -----, Obj which; Obj which

WHAT, _applied ordinarily to things only_[205]

Sing Nom what, Plur Nom what, Poss ----, Poss ----, Obj what; Obj what

THAT, _applied to persons, ani Nom that, Plur Nom that, Poss ----, Poss ----, Obj that; Obj that

AS, _applied to persons, ani Nom as, Plur Nom as, Poss ----, Poss ----, Obj as; Obj as


The compound relative pronouns, _whoever_ or _whosoever, whichever_ or _whichsoever_, and _whatever_ or _whatsoever_[206] are declined in the same manner as the simples, _hich, what_ Thus:--

WHOEVER or WHOSOEVER, _applied only to persons_