Part 61 (1/2)

What was I to do next? One time can be a surprise, a mistake, a venture But after that it becomes a deliberate decision I could never pretend to ain by Antony

What was the point in continuing? He was married to the fearsoh the eastern provinces--he would not stay And I would never go to Ro for the next few days, and then part Well, what of it? Perhaps it was better that way It could serve no purpose but a brief flare of passion I meant to enjoy that, however; I felt I deserved it as some sort of a rewardfor what, I was not sure

Antonyspecificthis when Char me

”Dear mistress--Your Majesty--I--” She looked flustered and shaken

”What is it?” I am afraid I was sharp with her

”Is it true what the ht? In here?” She looked at the rumpled bed

”Yes, it's true,” I said ” ”And I enjoyed it i the her face

”Don't say it!” I said ”I will hear nothing against it! We answer to no one” I echoed Antony's sentence

”What about to your own heart? What about to the court of Egypt? And the public opinion in Ro public opinion in Ro to harm it But for my own heart ahit is drawn to him”

”Better it were not!” she said ”Better it were only your body that was drawn to hihed ”It is primarily my body,” I said ”In truth, I know little about hih for now

She looked relieved

The day passed I conferred with the cooks and the entire staff of the boat, praising the They atte I ordered them to procure several cartloads of rose petals for to There That should keep theo as Cleopatra, not as Venus Once was a novelty, tas predictable As I watchedif any of the incandescence I felt inside was translated on the outside, excitement made visible

I would be carried in a litter, acco dusk Fros and clean streets of Tarsus This city had been solidly Caesarian, and had been savagely treated by Cassius Now, in recognition of their sufferings and loyalty, Antony had rewarded thenificent new gymnasion

He had set up headquarters in the center of town, and it was there that the litter was set down and I e up to a great covered hall Soldiers were stationed on either side, and an aruide us into the hall

The ceiling was flat and high, and rows of pillars divided the hall into three aisles This was a , cleared for the occasion There were brave attes draped the rough walls, and la, seated on a platform near the entrance But it felt like a market--and smelled faintly like one, too, in spite of the perfu the air Soldiers, in uniform, were stationed about the rooh there were a feoistrates

While the center of the hall held the traditional dining couches and tables, the rest of the co tables, like a soldiers'as evidently his formal attire--a plain tunic and sturdy sandals The only festive note was a wide gold bracelet on his left arroup of other soldiers, all drinking and laughing too loudly Theysteadily since the early afternoon

Just then, Antony burst into the rooave ain, surrounded by all these drinking companions

He was somewhat better dressed than Dellius, but not ht cloak, held with a bronze clasp, and he earing boots instead of sandals, but his hair ild and his color high He, too,all afternoon

He saw me and nodded Then, abruptly, he raised his arood friends all!” The noise abated slightly, but sorab his dagger and bang it against a metal plate to silence theypt, who has journeyed far to see us,” he shouted He had a very co voice, even when it was touched by wine

All the coion?

”Welco hall,” he said, and the words were not the usual polite disclaimers ”I have tried to make it royal for you”

Still, all the ti at me, but at his men

Of course, they did not know They had been ashore all night, and thought Antony had been, too

”Sit! Sit!” he boo a racket as they did

Noas to takecouches I found hi endless talk with his men Finally he sank down on the couch in order for themy head close to his

”You have been busy,” I said

Instead of looking at me, he just lowered his head Finally he said, ”I warned you it would not equal yours”

”It is different,” I said ”Remember, I have never been entertained anywhere but Rome, Alexandria, and Meroe I have no idea what a provincial capital is like”

It felt odd, too, to be carrying on this stilted talk about dining halls, afterand ould he not turn his head? I longed to take it between my hands and turn it firmly in my direction Maybe even kiss him Yes, that would entertain the soldiers

”Look at me!” I chided him

He turned, and I saw the veiled desire on his face--or was it justit could paint itself on neutral things The broad forehead, the dark eyes, the fleshy, curvaceous

”A coht his attention

”How early does the winter co ”We have to clear out before then”

One of the Tarsusautumn, and the mountain shi+elds us froo after this?”

”On to Syria,” said Antony ”And then to Judaea I need to meet with Herod”

”And then?” I asked

”Back to Rome,” he said

A company of clowns poured into the roo up and down the roo riddles

”What is it that rises at sundown and only goes down at sunrise?”

I was sure they did not have the full moon in mind