c48 (1/2)

Chapter 48 - Informal Request Is Premonition Of Trouble

Right now, in front of me there was a woman who called herself the second princess of Mabondo Kingdom. Huh? No, No, No, it can't be.... are you serious?

I cast a quizzical eye towards the ring on my left hand. The woman who named herself as Naminissa noticed and changes her gentle smile to a startled expression. Then she suddenly grabs my left hand and stared intensely.

Eh? What is this? What's wrong? I w-w-won't get excited just because a beautiful woman holds my hand, you know?

[This ring.... .... You!! How could you possesed this ring?] (Naminissa)

Ah, the ring. Yeah of course. I knew it. There is no way a beautiful woman would suddenly hold my hand without a reason.... I'm not crying.... I knew that much... sobs....

[This is.... when we subjugated the bandits, this ring was among the treasure that the bandits had ama.s.sed. I got this as a reward] (Wazu)

[Then, the original owner of this ring....] (Naminissa)

[Probably already....] (Wazu)

[.... is that so] (Nami)

Umm.... since I have told you about the situation, could you let go of my hand soon? My heart is getting funny here....

[The ring was originally given to a person who I sent to gather some information. The other ring is here, see~] (Nami)

Finally she released my hand. She showed me the same ring as the one I was currently wearing on my left index finger.

It was dangerous.... I thought my heart was going to go “boom”.

[But it was a good thing I didn't give up. Thanks to the ring I can be saved in this way. I'm really grateful to you] (Nami)

[No, please don't mind it, Naminissa-sama] (Wazu)

[I don't mind if you call me Naminissa, just speak to me casually] (Naminissa)

[Un-Understood] (Wazu)

She grabs my hand again~!! Stop it please~!! Because it feels like my heart is going to explode, I'd like you to stop it please~!!

She immediately released my hand this time. When I started to regain my breath, Naminissa turned towards Orlando.

[I also gave that sword with the ring] (Naminissa)

[Is that so.... should I give it back?] (Orlando)

[No, please use as it is. Because the sword has been blessed with a spirit of the wind, if you use it, your AGL status value will rise] (Naminissa)

[I see, so that's why my body feels lighter when I use this sword] (Orlando)

Good for you, Orlando. You finally understood about the sword's effects. But I just noticed something, even though she referred to me using “anata”, why did she refer to Orlanso using “anata-sama”. Ughh, there is also a disparity here....

(TL note : It's a little tricky here, anata = you and “-sama” is added to refer someone with higher status or someone respected).

[Ah, sorry for the late introduction Naminissa-sama, my name is Orlando and he is Wazu] (Orlando)