c47 (1/2)

Chapter 47 – A Voice Which Reaches Through The Ring

Orlando and I slowly walked down the highway towards the next village. It seems we will need another five days on foot to reach the village, we advanced steadily while taking our time for training. Occasionally Orlando did sword practice to accustom himself with his new sword.

Apparently the blade part of his old sword got chipped here and there after the battle with the giant man and its lifespan almost reach the limit. No wonder since he used it to parry an axe of the giant man.

I watching Orlando cut a Goblin that appeared along the highway while stroking Meru. He came back while tilting his head.

[What's wrong?] (Wazu)

[No, it maybe just my imagination but my body feels lighter when I use this sword] (Orlando)

I can't tell by the look, but if Orlando who used the sword felt that way, it must be true. We won't get any where thinking about it so we begin to walk towards the next village again.

We are just one day distance on foot to the next village. While walking and chatting with Orlando, a strange noise reaches my ears.

[He..... p..... me.....]

Hmm? What now....? I check the surrounding but couldn't find anyone else other than us here. Orlando is looking at me with a strange look because of my sudden behavior. Meru is just sleeping without reaction. I thought it was just my imagination so I continue to walk just as is, but this time the voice is getting clearer.

[Can.... you.... hear.... me.... any.... one....]

Oh? I heard it. I look at the surroundings again but still couldn't find any human figure.... a ghost? as expected I won't be able to kick or punch it. While I was wondering about what to do, Orlando pointed at my hand.

[Could it be from the ring?] (Orlando)

[Oh?] (Wazu)

I see, I'm wearing a Ring of Order on my left index finger right now. Then, the woman's voice I heard was coming from the ring.

[Help me...............]


The moment she spoke that, a flame explosion rose from the direction of the forest ahead of us. Orlando and I look at each other and nods. We run towards the forest where the explosion from before occurred.

There were three men over there. Two people were holding a sword wearing red armor and red s.h.i.+led. The other one who holding a cane wearing a red robe. I can't see their faces clearly because of their helmets and hood.