Part 16 (2/2)
Without another word, Trevor went to work, and I watched from a distance.
I didn't believe Trevor when he'd told me to wear earplugs during the show. I should have though.
Not until Malice had taken the stage, picked up their instruments, plugged in and started to play. The static had nearly broken my ear drums. I'd been near the back of the club at the bar, sipping on a and lime when the screeching, scratching sound just about knocked me off the bar stool.
Everyone around me at looked at me strangely as I clamped my hands over my ear, wincing in pain. I'd scrambled for the spongy ear plugs in my pocket to put in my ears but not before I heard his voice through the white noise...
You belong to me...
I own you...
Your life's in my hands...
I'm sucking your soul...
But this time Thane hadn't been singing to me. He was singing to his next victim.
I stood at the side of the stage, ear plugs firmly in, scanning the crowd for the incubus' intended mark.
It was hard to tell because there were at least two dozen possibilities all crammed at the foot of the stage. Girl, goth, punk, alternative, all gathered, dancing, jockeying for a good position to vie for Thane's attention. It all looked a bit too familiar and I wondered if that was how I had looked. Desperate for just one moment of attention, for that one second when our eyes would meet and he would smile.
I shook myself. G.o.d, no wonder he'd chosen me. Like these girls, I'd done anything to spend time with Thane and the band. Anything. I'd been prepared to even lose my virginity to him. To a guy I didn't know, a guy who didn't have one iota who I was or valued me in any way.
I know I didn't deserve what he'd ultimately done to me but I'd put myself in the position to be used, to be hurt. And I promised myself I wouldn't let any of these girls make the same horrible mistake I had.
So I watched and waited through their set taking mental notes of the girls in front, what they looked like, what they were wearing. Towards the end, I spied three girls wearing backstage pa.s.s badges around their necks. Just like I had.
When the set was over, I followed the girls backstage, not where the crew went but the talent. A hand around my arm stopped me from going into the dressing rooms.
”Where the h.e.l.l are you going?” Trevor frowned at me.
”I won't let it happen again to someone else.” I tried to pull away but he had a tight hold.
He looked around before speaking again; probably making sure no one was listening to our conversation. Some of the road crew brushed past us. Trevor pulled me out of their way and walked me out the back exit into the alleyway.
”I told you it wasn't a good idea to hang around them especially Thane.”
”He's going to do this to someone else. I can't let that happen.”
”You can't help them, Salem. You'll blow your cover. He'll know.”
I yanked my arm from his grip and kicked at the wall, frustration building inside like a volcano. ”I don't care. Saving them is more important.”
”You can't save them. It's beyond your control.”
I turned and looked at him. He didn't meet my gaze. He was looking at the ground.
Then it hit me. His guilt was palpable.
”Why didn't you save me, Trevor?”
His head snapped up. ”What?”
”You saw me at the party. I talked to you. You knew then didn't you? You knew Thane was going to do this to me.”
He backed away from me, heading toward the door. ”You don't know what you're talking about.”
I grabbed him and spun him around to look at me. I gripped his chin and made him really look at me. ”Why didn't you save me?”
A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek. I watched its path. A ball of sorrow twisting in my gut.
”Because I was too scared, okay? You get me? I'm a f.u.c.king coward.”
”Is that why you found me after? Is that why you brought me here? Do you think you can save me now?”
He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. I could see the answer in the liquid s.h.i.+mmer of his eyes.
His guilt had forced him to find me and bring me here. To take care of me. The same guilt that he fostered for his sister. The fact that he didn't save her either ate at him like a cancer. I didn't want his guilt. I wanted something else, another feeling, to be the reason he was with me.
I let my hand drop from his face and took a distancing step away. I was going to get sick. ”Give me my money.”
”The money I made working this show. I earned it.”
He fumbled in his front jean pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He pulled off five twenties and handed them to me.
I folded them and jammed the wad into my pocket. Without another word, I turned and started down the alley.
”I'm sorry, Salem,” he called after me. ”I'm sorry.”
I didn't acknowledge it and kept walking. The tears didn't fall until I stepped out onto the street and turned the corner.
I didn't know for how long I'd been walking but it had been long enough that I was cold and completely lost. Since I was in a city I didn't know it didn't surprise me that I was lost. I looked around for any frame of reference. Unfortunately the Starbucks on the corner was closed but the little cafe next to it wasn't. I went in and ordered a coffee. I paid with one of the twenties, needing change.
My coffee in hand, I found an old phone booth, one where I could actually go into. A rare sight on most city streets, especially when everyone had a cell phone. I of course was forced to leave mine at home.
I picked up the handset, plugged in a bunch of coins and dialed. I didn't know exactly what time it was, late definitely, so it didn't surprise me when a sleepy barely audible voice answered with a grunt.
Silence, then, ”Salem?”