Part 16 (1/2)
At first my feet startled to tingle. ”Something's happening.”
”Good. Hang on. It should go fast now.”
I opened my mouth to say something back, but didn't get a chance before I was sucked into the darkness.
Chapter 21.
The tunnel was black. At least I thought it was a tunnel. It was easier that way to think of it in those terms. The alternative was crazy as h.e.l.l, and I didn't want to consider it. I could follow a tunnel. It made sense. Put one foot in front of the other, slide fingers along the sides. Follow the path. Stay on the path. To step off meant a trip to oblivion. And I really didn't want to go on that ride and be lost forever.
I crept forward in the darkness, concentrating on my steps, picture the hotel bathroom on the other end. In my mind, I saw the white porcelain toilet and the green tiled counter around the white sink. The white shower curtain flapped in front of me, beckoning me...
And then I was there grabbing it. I could feel the plastic in my hands.
I fell forward and tore the curtain from the hooks. I nearly hit my head on the toilet seat on the way down. Holy s.h.i.+t. I totally did it.
I scrambled to my feet and surveyed the room. It was definitely Trevor's hotel bathroom. His toothbrush lay on the counter next to a tube of crest. The toothbrush he'd bought for me lay next to that. A bottle of Calvin Klein cologne sat on the corner. I picked it up and smelled it. Yup, Trevor. He carried the light spiced scent on his skin.
Okay, time to go back. Although, now would be a perfect opportunity to snoop through Trevor's stuff. Find out more about him, find out more about Malice.
But he'd said to come right back. If I didn't he'd know that I had been up to something. And I didn't want to p.i.s.s him off. I liked him. And I was pretty sure he liked me too.
Finding a shadow on the floor, I stood on it, and concentrated on sliding into it. I pictured the bathroom on the other side. I pictured Trevor's face and focused on that. Which wasn't hard, as his face was pretty stellar.
Within seconds, I dissolved into the shadow and through the floor and into the abyss. It was easier going back. It seemed like I'd only taken a few steps before I was blinking up at Trevor from where I was curled into a ball on the floor. He reached down and helped me to my feet.
”Not bad. It only took you about six minutes.”
”Instead of coming back right away, I could've searched their rooms for something, anything to help us put them down.”
”Yeah? And how would you have gotten into any of their rooms?”
I frowned, totally forgetting about that little problem.
”We'll keep practicing until you get fast, then and only then, will we try it. You have to have the layout of the room you're going to. You have to see where you're going or who knows where you'll end up.”
”Okay, so how do I get into their rooms?”
He sighed. ”I haven't figured that out yet.”
There was a pounding at the door. ”Finish s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g and get out here. It's time to open the club.” It was one of the other roadies. Chuck, I think his name was.
Trevor glanced at me. ”Mess up your hair a bit.” He unb.u.t.toned his jeans. ”It has to look like we...ah, you know.”
”Oh right.” I put my hands in my hair and ruffled them about until pieces were sticking up. ”How's this?”
He snickered. ”Cute.”
I blushed again. I had to really get a hold of myself if I wanted to go through with any of this. I had to get a hold of my head, my heart, and especially my hormones. Or I was going to get into even more trouble.
After he unlocked the door, we walked out together, holding hands. There was a flurry of activity and basically everyone ignored us as we came down the corridor to backstage. Everyone except Devon.
She stood in the open pa.s.sage blocking our way. She had her stage makeup on, and was dressed to s.e.xpress. She looked from me to Trevor then back to me. Leaning forward, she sniffed me.
”I'm not sure what game you're playing but I'm watching you.”
”Don't be so melodramatic, Devon,” Trevor said as he squeezed my hand. ”There's no big conspiracy against you. I've just moved on to unsoiled pastures so to speak.”
That had her cringing back. She was obviously not used to be spoken to in that way. Her eyes went jet black, and she snarled at me.
The urge to return the act of aggression surged through me. I could feel the change coming. It was like a bottled up heat wave bursting to rush through me.
Trevor must've noticed because he tugged me backwards and put me behind him. ”Get over yourself, Devon. You aren't that hot.”
She stepped forward. ”That's not what you thought that night I sucked out your soul.”
She grinned and I could see the tiny points of fangs distending from her gums. Talons had popped out from her fingers as well. She was going to attack, I was sure of it. She glared at me over Trevor's shoulder.
”Start counting your days, b.i.t.c.h. Because you don't have many left.” She snarled again, then turned and streaked into the back of the stage.
When she was gone, we continued to make our way backstage.
”Do you want her to rip my throat out?” I asked Trevor.
”No, of course not.”
”Then quit antagonizing her. Because one day she will get me alone.”
”I can't help it.” He balled his hand into a fist. ”I just hate her so much because of what she did to me. I want to kill her.”
”I know you do.” I put a hand on his shoulder. ”And you'll get your chance. But please dial it down so she doesn't get me first.”
He turned toward me. ”I won't let her hurt you, Salem.”
I liked hearing the sincerity and determination in his voice and seeing the look of concern in his eyes. Gave me the warm fuzzies inside and out. But I knew how dangerous Devon and the others could be. I was skirting a fine dangerous line just being here.
”I know. But you can't be with me twenty four seven.”
”I could try.” And he gave me one of his rare smiles.
It did a number on me. I could actually feel my insides melt. My heart even skipped a few beats.
Chuck, the road crew top guy, grunted at us as he pa.s.sed by. ”Could you do all that sick love s.h.i.+t after we get this show done?”
”Ah, we're not...” Trevor started but Chuck tossed him a pair of pliers.
”Just fix that speaker, okay?”