High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, powerful others in this world aren’t as thrilled to have him...
  The night before their wedding, her fiancee ran off with his mistress.Out of frustration, she grabbed the man standing in front of the Civil Affairs Office, ”President Mo, your br...
  I decided to post some poems Ive written and also will post most poems given by anyone, to find out how, read ”Anthology Expectations”Please have fun reading these poems.;,;.__Tha...
  To reward Meng Fan for his bravery before his heroic death, the cosmos rewarded him with a ‘system’, sending him back in time to three months ago, alive.
  Ye Sichen, a well-known singer with perfect appearance, is also a father of two kids. In the outside world, he is a charming star who cares about his fans and people in need. At h...
  During an auction, the asking price for young girls with an excellent physique gets driven up to an unbelievably high price with everyone fighting to bid for one. Suddenly, a girl...
  Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help ...
  In Tillys past life, she was a villainess who neglected her husband and son for power. Then, the ”real woman of the prophecy” came and took them away from her. When she failed to ...
  Mr. Jimmy Hunter is in a fix. He is the C.E.O. of the prestigious Hunter Corporation, currently at loggerheads with his father, Senior Mr. Hunter, the Chairman. Jimmy is the only ...