Part 34 (1/2)

”I don't know what I should do without you, my dear friend.”

”I do not suggest that Your Majesty should do without my advice. It is yours when you wish it. I live but to serve you, Madam. My cousin, your Majesty's most faithful servant, will bring me to you as before. You shall discuss your desires with me and if you think my opinion of value I shall continue to give it. Madam, it will make no difference. I shall sever myself from your Government but I shall continue to serve you with all my power.”

”You mean that you will come as before? You will advise me ... and at the same time put a stop to this dreadful squabbling.”

”I shall leave you Marlborough and G.o.dolphin, Madam. And you will not lose my services ... for as long as you need them.”

”I think we had better call Masham. Masham, my dear, I think you should call the Prince's doctors.”

George was a little better the next day and Anne summoned Marlborough to tell him that Harley had resigned.

The Marlborough faction was delighted, but the Duke was the first to wonder whether the victory had been so complete. Harley's friends, St. John, Sir Simon Harcourt and Sir Thomas Mansell resigned with him and their places were taken by Whigs.

The topic of the moment was the resignation of Harley and the Gregg affair, and Harley was warned not to be seen in the streets for fear he should be attacked. Sarah congratulated herself that this little rebellion would soon be over; and the presumptuous little chambermaid and her master, as she called Harley, banished; Harley to oblivion-the h.e.l.l of all ambitious politicians-and Abigail back to her broom.

The Queen was deeply distressed, but all other emotions were swamped by her growing anxieties for her husband. There was no disguising the fact that he was nearing the end.

She and Abigail suffered constantly disturbed nights. Anne was sleeping very lightly and as soon as she heard the Prince begin to fight for his breath she would call to Abigail and together they would hold him up while Samuel ran for one of the doctors. Arbuthnot said that the Prince continued to live only because of the devoted attention of the Queen and Mrs. Masham.

Often when the Prince was fighting his grim battles for life the eyes of the two women would meet and Anne's would convey her grat.i.tude and love, Abigail's her undying devotion.

Both knew that only death could sever a friends.h.i.+p like theirs and that these nocturnal duties put a closer bond between them than Sarah with all her bombastic beauty ever could.

Abigail was young and the interrupted nights did not seem to affect her, but the Queen looked very tired and the ophthalmic disease which had troubled her since she was a child grew worse.

And in addition there was this terrible Gregg affair which was so exciting the people.

One night, sipping the brandy Abigail had brought while she sat up in bed with George, at last breathing more easily and sleeping beside her, Anne said: ”It is terrible to witness such suffering, Masham, particularly in a loved one ... I have been thinking of that poor man Gregg.”

”Mr. Harley had nothing to do with it, Your Majesty,” said Abigail speaking more fiercely than usual.

”I know. I know, and poor man, he may be guilty and doubtless he was very poor and did this terrible thing for that reason. But now he is in prison and they say he is ill unto death.”

”If he died, Madam, it would save the executioner his trouble.”

”It is so,” sighed the Queen. ”He is a traitor and I, as the Queen, must sentence him to death. It grieves me, Masham.”

”But the man is evil. He has worked against Your Majesty. He has worked against Mr. Harley ... and delivered him to his enemies.”

”But he is lying in a wretched prison, hungry and ill. And he knows the executioner is waiting for him. He is one of my subjects and I told you once how I felt as a mother to all my subjects ... even to those who would harm me. I shall send Arbuthnot to him tomorrow-and with him some comfort from the kitchens.”

”The goodness of Your Majesty never ceases to amaze me,” said Abigail; and she was thinking that when the Marlboroughs knew that the Queen had sent comforts to Gregg, they would believe that Anne was firmly on the side of Harley against them ... which would be to the good.

When Arbuthnot visited the prisoner, Gregg, Harley's enemies set up a howl of protest. G.o.dolphin came to the Queen who told him in her most regal manner that it was her custom in every case when a man was under sentence of death to see that his last days on Earth were made as comfortable as possible. It was true that there had been no noise and shouting about other cases, but it was a fact that she never allowed any such prisoner to go without these attentions.

This had to be accepted; and when William Gregg was executed he gave a letter to a fellow clerk in which he exonerated his master, Robert Harley, from all complicity in treason.

The victory seemed less complete. Marlborough was well aware that nothing was achieved without sacrifice. They had rid the Ministry of Harley, but G.o.dolphin, whose official work he had shared, found himself at a loss without him. G.o.dolphin realized more than ever how old he was growing, how feeble he was becoming, and that his health was beginning to fail. Marlborough was the only man whom he could really trust and Marlborough was a soldier rather than a politician.

The people were becoming uneasy for they did not care to see the supreme power of the Whigs. The Whigs were the warmongers, they said. And what benefits, they asked, did Marlborough's war bring to them ... apart from the glory of victory?

Meanwhile Harley was preparing to wait. He was now the hope of the Tories; and his dear cousin Abigail Masham saw that he was conducted very frequently into the Queen's intimate circle.

Now that Harley was out of office Sarah's great desire was to have Abigail banished. The thought of Abigail obsessed her; she could not rid her mind of that whey-faced creature as she called her; she gave up great energy into thinking up new names for her; and all the time she was reviling Abigail she was asking herself how she could have been such a fool as to allow the woman to rise to her present position.

There was one thing Sarah could not bear to be-that was made a fool of-and everywhere people were discussing her fall and the rise of Abigail Masham.

She harangued the Duke, G.o.dolphin, Sunderland and members of the Ministry outside her family. Were they going to allow this chambermaid to hold her position with the Queen? she demanded; and an attempt was even made to bring a case against Abigail, but it failed. The Members of the Government could not but see that they were being rather ridiculous in devoting their time to the activities of a chambermaid.

Moreover, Anne could be regal, and when she had made up her mind, adamant. She had let them banish Harley, but that was only because he himself had convinced her that it would be better for him to go ... temporarily. Never would she give up Abigail. How could she do without her when George was as ill as he was. Abigail was not only her personal attendant; she was the Prince's nurse. Dr. Arbuthnot had said that there could not have been a better in the kingdom. She was her mistress's companion, confidante and comforter in this terrible time.

But though the attack against Abigail might be called off by Sarah's friends in the Ministry, Sarah herself would continue to fight.

She still held her posts with the Queen, and as she declared that while that chamberwoman was with the Queen she could not be, she went to the Queen to tell her so.

Anne received her with a show of affection which deceived Sarah although the Duke had often warned his wife that she underestimated the Queen, who had an extraordinary gift for concealing her feelings, and as she had a great dislike for unpleasant scenes went to great lengths to avoid them. Sarah, however, had never had time to study the idiosyncrasies of others; she saw everyone else in her own image-smaller, pale copies of herself; so even after all these years with Anne, she failed to detect the change in the Queen's manner towards her.

”It would seem,” she said grimly, ”that Mrs. Morley is pleased to see me.”

”Mrs. Freeman has been told many times that I am always pleased to see her.”

”Mrs. Morley might see more of Mrs. Freeman if these rooms were not contaminated by the presence of a certain chambermaid.”

”Contaminated?” answered Anne. ”I was not aware of it.”

”Masham is here night and day.”

”Such a good nurse! Dr. Arbuthnot says he has never seen a better. I do not know what we should do without Masham. I was saying so to George only this morning. I am very anxious about him.”

”You are looking exhausted. You should allow me to arrange for nurses to be in constant attendance.”

”I am sure if Mrs. Freeman were in my position she would never allow anyone else to nurse Mr. Freeman. No. Mr. Morley would be most unhappy if I were not present. He has said so. In the midst of one of his fearful attacks he sees me and a smile comes over his dear face, and he says: 'My Anna ... my angel ... you are there.' It is most affecting.”

”Don't weep. It'll make your eyes worse.”

”Sometimes I think I am suffering for past sins.”

Oh dear, thought Sarah, now we shall have to go through that unless I'm careful.

”Nonsense, Mrs. Morley. You have led a good life. The past is done with.”

”I often think of that brother of mine over the water.”

”The King of France does not flaunt his acceptance of the King of England so much since Mr. Freeman gave him something else to think about.”

”Dear Mr. Freeman! What should we do without him?”

”Well, you could so easily lose his services, and came near to it ... not so long ago.”

”Oh, these squabbles!”