Part 15 (2/2)

Bezpoleznyja, de fakto, peremeny pravlenij, na kotoryja my ih podbivali, kogda podkapyvali ih stroj, do togo im nadoedjat do teh por, chto oni predpochtut prinjat' vse to, chto my im navjazhem, lish' by ne riskovat' pereispytat' perezhityja nevzG.o.dy i volnenija, tem bolee, chto my budem, publichnoju kritikoj, osobenno podcherkivat' os.h.i.+bki upravlenija goevskih pravlenij, stol'ko vekov promuchivs.h.i.+h chelovechestvo nedostatkom soobrazitel'nosti na istinnyja blaga, v pogone za fantasticheskimi social'nymi uluchshenijami, ne zamechaja, chto, uluchshaja byt nekotoryh, mery eti uhudshali vseobshhija otnoshenija i porjadok stroja, na kotorom osnovyvaetsja chelovecheskaja zhizn'.

Nas.h.i.+ principy i mery budut imet' v svoju pol'zu to, chto oni budut istolkovany i vystavleny, kak kontrast s razlozhivs.h.i.+msja starym porjadkam obshhestvennago stroja.

Nas.h.i.+ filosofy budut obsuzhdat' i kritikovat' vse nedostatki goevskih verovanij, v chem oni nam otvet.i.t' ne mogut po otnosheniju Nashej Very, potomu chto nikto eja tajn ne znaet, krome nas.h.i.+h talmudistov i ravvinov, a oni nikogda ne vydadut ih, potomu chto na nih osnovana sila upravlenija pastvoju nashej.

My sozdali bezumnuju, grjaznuju,'nuju literaturu, osobenno v stranah, nazyvaemyh peredovymi. Posle vstuplenija nashego vo vlast' my nekotoroe vremja ne zapretim eja, no budem ee iskorenjat' strogoju kritikoj, chtoby ona, kak ostatok goevskih ruin, rel'efnee obrisovyvala kontrast togo, chto razdavat'sja budet s Nashej Vysoty, s tem, chto iskhodilo iz grjaznago bolota goevskih carstv.

”In countries that are called advanced, we have created a senseless, filthy, and disgusting literature. For a short time after our entrance into power, we shall encourage its existence so that it may show in great relief the contrast between it and the written and spoken announcements which will emanate from our exalted position. Our wise men, educated for leaders.h.i.+p of the Gentiles, will prepare speeches, plans, notes, and articles, through which we shall influence their minds, directing them along the lines of knowledge and understanding which we intend them to follow.”

[_Translation of the same Protocol published by Butmi in Russia in 1907, showing the changes made in the Protocols within two years._]

”When we become rulers, we shall at each suitable occasion compare our beneficent rule with the former unsystematic administrations.... The mistakes of the administrations of the Gentiles will be pictured by us in the most lurid colors: we will sow such antipathy and hatred toward these governments that the will prefer peace and quiet in a condition of servitude to the rights of the so-called liberty which for many ages had so tormented them and destroyed the very springs of human existence and which were exploited by adventurers, who did not realize what they were doing.

”The will become so satiated with the useless changes of administration, which we instigated when we were undermining their inst.i.tutions, that they will accept anything that we may give them rather than risk undergoing again such struggle and disorder....

Moreover, we will, through public criticism, especially emphasize the mistakes of the Gentile administrations which caused mankind to suffer for many centuries through lack of real understanding in all that concerned its true welfare, pursuing fantastic projects of social welfare and not noticing that these projects made worse instead of better the state of general relations.h.i.+ps which are the basis of human existence.

”Our principles and faith will be especially useful inasmuch as they will be put forward and interpreted by us as a contrast to the old and decayed order of society.

”Our philosophers will discuss and criticise the shortcomings of the Gentile religions, but the latter will not be able to answer with regard to our faith, for no one is acquainted with its mysteries except our Rabbis and Talmudists, and they will never reveal it, for on them depends the power of guiding our flock.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cyrillic


[Transcription: -345-
