Part 9 (1/2)

”Is not this Tolstoy and his followers scattered over the whole world?!”

”In every age there have been many women 'drowning in sin and led on by various l.u.s.ts': the ebb and flow of this sin in woman's heart characterized whole epochs of particular human defection but at no time of the seeming triumph of sin have there been women 'constantly studying'-this sign represents entirely a universal inheritance and is an exclusive characteristic of our epoch.

”Who is ignorant of the so-called 'woman question,' the emanc.i.p.ation of woman, that has already succeeded in breaking up so many families and which threatens an even greater disruption in the future?!...

”For the sake of some phantom the bride and mother abandons her true mission. Is not this the greatest and most unfortunate world revolution!”

”The Sanhedrin was unseizable and invulnerable. It carried the roots of evil from France into Scotland, where under a different name it entered into a league with united England, with whom, after having let it in behind the curtain of its secret and having declared deadly war to papism, it cooperates even to the present day, helping out England in her exploits over the whole world with its capital and concessions, in which respect the Sanhedrin was never penurious.

”As to the question why England and no other European government was chosen as the point of resistance for the fighting Sanhedrin, the Sanhedrin gives no reply. We are inclined to think that the cause is to be found in the isolated island position of the sufficiently strong government, and perhaps in the kins.h.i.+p between the English and the Jews.[*]

[Footnote *: As is known, there is a scientific theory which tries to prove that the English are the descendants of one of the scattered tribes of Israel. The Sanhedrin which directs the course of contemporary science, is not ashamed to produce whatever theories are advantageous to them. According to certain tenuous evidences in the air it seems that a new theory is being produced according to which the honor of birth relations.h.i.+p with the G.o.d-elected Sanhedrin is extended to America and ... j.a.pan. AVIS A L'ANGLETERRE!...)]

”Having covered the whole of Europe with a network of Masonic lies (the symbol of the temple of Solomon is preserved for them also), possessing countless millions, in face of the general fall of the Christian spirit among the European peoples, in whom there was artificially spread and supported the cult of the golden calf; having poisoned the idea of G.o.dliness and spirituality in the heart of the peoples by 'scientific' theories, the Sanhedrin-the priest of the golden idol created by it, has gained control of the spiritual life of all Europe, and with its help, with the help of its gold, with the sold consciousness of those standing at the helm of power, and with the help of its faithful ally-England, it has corrupted and perverted all the political foundations of Europe, and through them the well-being and spiritual health of its population. The French revolution, glorified by the Masonized historical science of 'greatness' and the fall of the 'great'

Napoleon have shown to the world the significance and strength of the Sanhedrin. But the world did not recognize the new manifestation of Satan: at that time the words of truth of the Evangel and the apostolic foresight had become alien to him.”



The Butmi Protocols-”Representatives of Zion” Not to be Confounded with ”Zionists”-Butmi Contradicts Nilus-Plan for World Conquest Conceived 929 B. C. E.-The ”Symbolic Snake”-Universal Suffrage a Jewish Device-Every Jew Familiar with Plot.

In the book issued by G. Butmi to which reference has been made, and which contains the ”Rabbi's Speech” already considered, there is to be found still another version of the protocols. Butmi was a Black Hundred writer. It appeared in 1907 and was dedicated to the Black Hundred organization. Appropriately enough it was published by the Society of Deaf and Dumb, as will be seen from the facsimile reproduction of the t.i.tle page. With exceeding _navete_ Butmi published the forged speech attributed by Retcliffe-Goedsche to a Jewish Rabbi as proof of the genuineness of the protocols, and side by side with the fabricated speech appears the Butmi version of the protocols which had undergone further changes subsequent to the publication in 1905 of ”the doc.u.ments”

by Serge Nilus.

The headlines over the protocols in the Butmi 1907 version read as follows:


”'(Extracts from ancient and modern protocols of the Sages of Zion of the Universal Organization of Freemasons.)'

Thus the Protocols were in 1907 presented by G. Butmi, dedicated to the Black Hundreds, as Masonic, not as Jewish doc.u.ments. In his introduction the author says, in part, as follows:

”'These secret protocols were secured with great difficulty in fragmentary form, and were translated into Russian in December, 1901. It is almost impossible to get at the secret depositories again where they are hidden, and therefore they cannot be reinforced by definite information as to the place, day, month, year, where and when they were composed.

”'The reader who is more or less familiar with the secrets of Freemasonry will draw from the general character of the criminal plot, outlined in the protocols, the conclusion as to their authenticity, and from several details he will suppose with great certainty that the mentioned protocols were taken from the doc.u.ments of the Masonic lodge of Egyptian ritual, or Mizraim, which is joined mostly by Jews....

”'But the above-mentioned failure to mention the time and place where the protocols were composed might call forth in the reader, who is entirely unfamiliar with the abominations of Masonic doctrines, doubts as to the authenticity of these doc.u.ments.'”