Part 51 (1/2)

I got --al belief that one satisfied custoet you another, and so on, but it has not so worked out in my experience Out of all h the influence of friends

My experience has taughtdoes not pay By direct advertising Iof letters and circulars to a list of na to persons whose names are on that list

I tried it three tiht from a dealer in such lists; once to a list that I o dailies; and once to a classified list that I secured from a directory

The results in these cases were about the same The net cost of each new customer that I secured by circulars and letters was 219 The net cost of each new custo was fifty-four cents

Not every city newspaper will get such results In reatest nues were kept clean of quack and swindling advertisements I used only the Sunday issues, because I believe the Sunday issues are hly read

The farmer ant to use, and properly so, the classified colu But he should patronize only that paper whose columns provide a classification especially for farm and food products

I spent twelve dollars for advertising in one clean Chicago daily with a good circulation, and got three orders The trouble was that my advertise with a lot of

He on the farm who proposes to compete with the shi+pper, commission man and retailer for the cityfood of a better quality than the city et via the shi+pper-coive the city man the fattest, tenderest, juiciest, cleanest, freshest chicken he could get--and charge hi

When I wrote my advertisements I did not stint myself for space An advertisement that tells no reason why the reader should buy from the advertiser is, in my opinion, a poor advertisement Therefore, I told h it cost me six cents a word to do it Here is a sa, milk-fed chickens, ready for the cook, direct to you from the farm These chickens are fattened in wire-botto absolute cleanliness, on a ration of et from me is fresh; it is killed AFTER your order is received; is dressed, drawn, cooled out for 24 hours in dry air, wrapped in waxed paper and delivered to you on theof the third day after your order is mailed; it is fat, tender and sweet The ordinary chicken that is fattened on unspeakable filth in the farmer's barnyard, and finds its way to your table via the huckster-shi+pper-commission-man-retailer route cannot compare with one of mine Send me your check--no staht--roasting chicken for a saive your money back Add 62 cents to that check and I'll e of the e s only; not highly seasoned These sausage cakes make a breakfast fit for a President Money back if you don't like them


Notice that I told why the reader should buy one of my chickens rather than a chicken of whose antecedents he knew nothing That it paid to spend six cents a word to tell him so is proved by the fact that this particular advertiseht me, in four days, twenty-three orders, each accompanied by a check I repeatedonly when I had asa custo him are two different propositions A customer's first order is sent because of the representation made in the advertisement that he read His second and his subsequent orders depend upon how you satisfy him and continue to satisfy hih, dress, draw, handle, wrap and box the chicken with the same scrupulous care that I would exercise if the custo ht If he complains I satisfy him, immediately and cheerfully It is better to lose a chicken than to lose a customer

I am now about to ree It is more than true; it is so important that the success of a mail-order business in dressed chickens depends upon a realization of it It is this: _A majority of farmers and their wives do not knohat constitutes a fat chicken_

I make this statement because of the experience I have had with country folks in buying their chickens forcoops If they really consider to be fat the chickens which they have assured me were fat, then they do not know fat chickens A chicken can be fat to a degree without being so fat as he can or should be

There is a flavor about a well-fattened, milk-fed chicken that no other chicken has Every interstice of his flesh is juicy and oily No part of hiy muscle, as is the case if he is ”fare where he will

If you think your chicken is a fat one, pick it up and rub the ball of your thumb across its backbone about an inch behind the base of the wings If the backbone is felt clearly and distinctly the chicken is not fat

I fatten my chickens in coops the floors of which areone-inch s pan, which is e sections I have ninety of theh portable feeding coops ire bottos pans underneath to enable me to feed, in all, about one thousand chickens at one time

Chickens should be fed froive no feed whatever to the chicken the first day he is in the coop, but I keep a supply of sour h for him I feed ive thes or oat flour, about half and half, and sour milk I feed them only what they will clean up in the course of half an hour At noon I feed theain only what they will clean up in half an hour This feed is the sa feed except that it is thinner About four o'clock I give theh full of the same feed, but so thick it will barely pour out frohs are e kettle where the feed isThe idea is this: More fat and flesh are ht than in the daytioes to bed with an ehth to tenth day force the feeding--see to it that the chicken gets all it will eat three ti an accurate account of the costs of meal, milk, and so on, I find that I can put a pound of fat on a coop-fed chicken for seven cents When one considers that this sa in coops raises the per pound value of the chicken fro chickens iscattle

Do not feed your chicken anything for twenty-four hours before killing it Do not worry about loss in weight The only weight it will lose will be the weight of the feed in its crop and gizzard, and the offal in its intestines--and you are going to lose that anyhen you dress and draw it If you will keep the bird off feed for twenty-four hours you will find that it will drawthe chicken up by the feet and kill it by bleeding it away back in the mouth Let it bleed to death Grasp the chicken's head in your left hand, the back of its head against the palrasp it by the bony part of its head and jaws Reach into the throat with a three-inch, narrow, sharp knife and cut toward the top and front of the head

You will sever the big cross vein that connects the two ”jugular” veins in the neck, and the blood will pour out of the mouth If you kno to dry-pick you will not need to be told anything by ood to have me tell you, because I do not believe a person can learn to dry-pick chickens by following printed instructions At any rate, I could not I never learned until I hired a professional picker to coe, it makes no difference to the consumer in the city whether the chicken is scalded or dry-picked There is this to be said for the scalded chicken--that it is a more cleanly picked chicken than the dry-picked one The pin feathers are more easily removed when the chicken is scalded

On the other hand, there are those feed-specializing, accurate-to-the-ten-thousandth-part-of-an-inch experts, who say that the dry-picked chicken keeps better than the scalded one If the weather is warht; under that, there is no difference