Part 28 (1/2)
To be paid for at usual Written for The Outlook rates, or to be returned with the ten (10) cents in stamps enclosed, to Arthur W Milton, 582 Wilson Street, Des Moines, Iowa
Why I Was Dropped Froe at the End of My First Year
By Arthur W Milton
(Note This article is based on the writer's own experience in a large Middle Western state university, and the statistics have been obtained froistrars of four state universities It contains 2,750 words)
Four (4) Photographs are Enclosed, as follows:
1 How I Decorated My Roo to Play My Ukelele
3 When I Made the Fresh For My Final Exaazine has its own distinct typographical style in capitalization, abbreviation, punctuation, hyphenation, and the use of nuures So rules for the preparation and editing of copy A careful reading of several issues of a publication will shoriter the salient features of its typographical style It is less iraphical peculiarities of any one publication than it is to follow consistently the commonly accepted rules of capitalization, punctuation, abbreviation, and ”unrefore end with a complete sentence At the close of the article it is well to put the end mark ()
When a special feature story for newspaper publication must be prepared so hastily that there is no time to copy the first draft, itthecopy These are as follows:
american Three short lines under a letter or a = word indicate that it is to be set in - capital letters; thus, American
New York Times Two short lines under a letter or a = = = word indicate that it is to be set in - - - small capital letters; thus, NEW YORK TIMES
sine qua non One line under a word or words indicates ---- --- --- that it is to be set in italics; thus, _sine qua non_
He is a /Sophoh a capital letter indicates that it is to be set in lower case; thus, He is a sophomore
____ _____ There are |10| in a |bu| A circle around nuures or ---- ----- abbreviations indicates that they are to be spelled out; thus, There are ten in a bushel
___________ _______ |Professor| ABSures ----------- ------- spelled out indicates that they are to be abbreviated or that nuures are to be used; thus, Prof AB Smith is 60
not a It is complimentry to him A caret is placed at the point in theline where the letters or words written above the line are to be inserted; thus, It is not complimentary to him
__________ ______ to |carefullyXstudy| A line encircling two or ure ”8” indicates that the words are to be transposed; thus, to study carefully
to[=()] words or letters indicate that they are to be brought together; thus, toht A vertical line between parts of a word shows that the parts are to be separated; thus, all right
U S 4 per cent bonds A small cross or a period in a circle x x may be used to show that a period is to be used; thus, US 4 per cent
”)Yes, ')Love laughs at lock- Quotation marks are often enclosed smiths(', you know(”, he replied in half circles to indicate whether they are beginning or end raph n [_|] raph
MAILING ManusCRIPTS Since manuscripts are written matter, they must be sent sealed as first-class e For the return of rejected articles stae by means of a clip, or a self-addressed envelope with stamps affixed may be enclosed The writer's naiven on the envelope in which the manuscript is sent to the publishers