Part 12 (1/2)
”I'ry, mother,” she cried ”I'll pay for my lunch”
”You'll have to serve yourself,” was the rejoinder of the busy woman with the tin pail in her hand ”There's a tray at the end of the counter--but don't get in the way”
So rich and poor lunched together
”Oh, but I'm tired!” exclaimed a woman, who, satchel in hand, entered, late in the afternoon, ”It's hard to go ho all day Will you mind if I eat supper here?”
Then the women and children poured in with pails and dishes and pans
”We're getting used to it now,” said one ”It's just like a store, you know, and it saves us a lot of work--”
”And expense! My land!” cried another ”Why,half tiot children to feed and clothe When I go to work by the day it's little that's cooked at ho
”Beef stew for four,” she ordered, ”and coffee in this pitcher, here”
A tall, gaunt farnarled hands stood open-mouthed before the brilliant poster displayed before the s office In his rather dull nified, in the khaki uniforeant on his arht to his and doctor's bills Why, that's ettin' now on the farular trade” He scratched his chin thoughtfully ”Well, I ain't gettin' nowhere now, that's sure,” he concluded, and slowly climbed the stairs
This boy had not cohly honestthe opportunities of army life for ht
Over a ins's far one side of the field, and as the boy turned and started to plow his furroard the road he noticed that a motor cycle had stopped just beyond the fence ”Broke down,” the boy co Over the e back he watched as he drew nearer ”Why, the rider was in uniforh, when the fence was reached the boy saw that the stranger was dressed in the regulation khaki of Uncle Sam, with the US in block letters at the vent of the collar and two stripes on the left sleeve
”Broke down?” the boy queried, dropping his plow-handles
The corporal grunted and continued to potter with theon the fence
”You bet!” assented the soldier Then, looking up and taking in the big, raw-boned physique of the youngster, ”Ever think of joinin'?”
”Can't say's I did”
”Got any friends in the army?”
”Fine life” Theofficer's attention now, for he was a recruiting officer, and engaged in one of the most practical phases of his work