Part 3 (1/2)

Magazine articles alsoon about hiiven below, like those already mentioned, will indicate to the inexperienced writer where to look for inspiration

A newspaper reporter who covered the crilars and sneak thieves in gaining entrance to houses and apartments, as he heard them related in trials, and wrote a helpful article for _Good Housekeeping_ on how to protect one's house against robbery

The exhibition of a novel type of rack for curing seed corn gave a writer a subject for an article on this ”corn tree,” which was published in the _Illustrated World_

During a short stop at a farm while on an autoe cellar for vegetables, and froh material for an article, which she sold to a far a purchase in a plumber's shop, the plu to his customer, he remarked that the call was from a woman on a farht repairs herself if she had known a little about the water-supply system on her farm From the material which the writer obtained froricultural paper on how pluoods in a grocer's ith special prices for dozen and case lots, suggested an article, afterwards published in the _Merchants Trade Journal_, on this grocer'smail-order competition

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE What we actually do ourselves, as well as e see others do,articles Personal experiences not only afford good subjects and plenty of material but arevery real and vital to the writer, they can the more readily be made real and vital to the reader Many inexperienced writers overlook the possibilities of what they theain experience and impressions for their articles, special writers on newspapers even assume temporarily the roles of persons whose lives and experiences they desire to portray One Chicago paper featured every Sunday for et s just for one day, fro a convict in the state penitentiary Thirty years ago, omen first entered the newspaper field as special feature writers, they were son injury or insanity in order to gain entrance to hospitals in the guise of patients Recently one wo-picture actress; another applied for a place as housemaid; a third donned overalls and sorted scrap-iron all day in the yard of a factory; and still another accompanied a store detective on his rounds in order to discover thehich department stores have to contend

It is not necessary, however, to go so far afield to obtain personal experiences, as is shown by the following newspaper and azine articles based on what the writers found in the course of their everyday pursuits

The results obtained fro a quarter-acre lot in the residence district of a city of 100,000 population were told by a writer in the _Country Gentleman_

A wo_ under the title, ”What I Did with Bees”

Experience in screening a large porch on his house furnished a writer with the necessary information for a practical story in _Popular Mechanics_

So engineer the suggestion for an article on the term ”horse power” as applied to motor-cars; the article was published in the _Illustrated World_

”Building a Business on Confidence” was the title of a personal experience article published in _Syste, as illustrated by the experiences of a far, were vividly depicted in an article in _Farm and Fireside_

The diary of an autoo to Buffalo was embodied in an article by a woman writer, which she sold to the _Woman's Home Companion_

Both usual and unusual e expenses have served as subjects for raduates

Innu” type are accepted every year from inexperienced writers by publications that print such useful infor various probleeazines and women's departments in newspapers, that housewives who like to write find a ready market for articles based on their own experience

CONFESSION ARTICLES One particular type of personal experience article that enjoys great popularity is the so-called ”confession story” Told in the first person, often anonymously, a ritten confession article is one of the most effective forms in which to present facts and experiences

Personal experiences of others, as well as the writer's own, iven in confession form if the writer is able to secure sufficiently detailed information from some one else to make the story probable

A few examples will illustrate the kind of subjects that have been presented successfully in the confession fore life were given anonymously in the _Outlook_ under the title, ”The Confessions of an Undergraduate”

”The Story of a Summer Hotel Waitress,” published in the _Independent_, and characterized by the editor as ”a frank exposure of real life below stairs in the average summer hotel,” told how a student in a nor as a waitress during the summer vacation

In _Farm and Fireside_ was published ”The Confession of a Ti the methods e ti Too Sensitive,” with the sub-title, ”The Autobiography of a Young Business Man Who Nearly Went to Sh Jealousy,” was the subject of a confession article in the _Aazine_

An exposure of the impositions practiced by an itinerant quack was made in a series of three confession articles, in Sunday issues of the _Kansas City Star_, written by a young h the country districts

To secure confession features froazines have offered prizes for the best short articles on such topics as, ”The Best Thing Experience has Taught Me,” ”How I Overcame My Greatest Fault,” ”The Day of My Great Temptation,” ”What Will Power Did for Me”