Part 4 (1/2)

Berg showed up a couple of days later, looking worried. Lancaster's vacation time was almost up. When he heard the news, his eyes snapped gleefully and he pumped the physicist's hand. ”Good work, boy!”

”There are things to clean up yet,” said Lancaster, ”but it's all detail. Anybody can do it.”

”And the material--what do you call it, anyway?”

Karen grinned. ”So far, we've only named it _ffuts_,” she said. ”That's 'stuff' spelled backward.”

”Okay, okay. It's easy to manufacture?”

”Sure. Now that we know how, anybody can make it in his own home--if he's handy at tinkering apparatus together.”

”Fine, fine! Just what was needed. This is the ticket.” Berg turned back to Lancaster. ”Okay, boy, you can pack now. We blast again in a few hours.”

The physicist shuffled his feet. ”What are my chances of getting re-a.s.signed back here?” he asked. ”I've liked it immensely. And now that I know about it anyway--”

”I'll see. I'll see. But remember, this is top secret. You go back to your regular job and don't say a word on this to anyone less than the President--no matter what happens, understand?”

”Of course,” snapped Lancaster, irritated. ”I know my duty.”

”Yeah, so you do.” Berg sighed. ”So you do.”

Leavetaking was tough for all concerned. They had grown fond of the quiet, bashful man--and as for him, he wondered how he'd get along among normal people. These were his sort. Karen wept openly and kissed him good-bye with a fervor that haunted his dreams afterward. Then she stumbled desolately back to her quarters. Even Berg looked glum.

He regained his c.o.c.kiness on the trip home, though, and insisted on talking all the way. Lancaster, who wanted to be alone with his thoughts, was annoyed, but you don't insult a Security man.

”You understand the importance of this whole business, and why it has to be secret?” nagged Berg. ”I'm not thinking of the scientific and industrial applications, but the military ones.”

”Oh, sure. You can make lightning throwers if you want to. And you've overcome the fuel problem. With a few _ffuts_ acc.u.mulators, charged from any handy power source, you can build fuelless military vehicles, which would simplify your logistics immensely. And some really deadly hand guns could be built--pistols the equivalent of a cannon, almost.”

Lancaster's voice was dead. ”So what?”

”So plenty! Those are only a few of the applications. If you use your imagination, you can think of dozens more. And the key point is--the _ffuts_ and the essential gadgetry using it are cheap to make in quant.i.ty, easy to handle--the perfect weapon for the citizen soldier. Or for the rebel! It isn't enough to decide the outcome of a war all by itself, but it may very well be precisely the extra element which will tip the military balance against the government. And I've already discussed what that means.”

”Yes, I remember. That's your department, not mine. Just let me forget about it.”

”You'd better,” said Berg.

In the month after his return, Lancaster lived much as usual. He was scolded a few times for an increasing absent-mindedness and a lack of enthusiasm on the Project, but that wasn't too serious. He became more of an introvert than ever. Having some difficulty with getting to sleep, he resorted to soporifics and then, in a savage reaction, to stimulants.

But outwardly there was little to show the turmoil within him.

He didn't know what to think. He had always been a loyal citizen--not a fanatic, but loyal--and it wasn't easy for him to question his own basic a.s.sumptions. But he had experienced something utterly alien to what he considered normal, and he had found the strangeness more congenial--more human in every way--than the norm. He had breathed a different atmosphere, and it couldn't but seem to him that the air of Earth was tainted. He re-read Kipling's _Chant-Pagan_ with a new understanding, and began to search into neglected philosophies. He studied the news in detail, and his critical eye soon grew jaundiced--did this editorial or that feature story have any semantic content at all, or was it only a tom-tom beat of loaded connotations? The very statements of fact were subject to doubt--they should be checked against other accounts, or better yet against direct observation; but other accounts were forbidden and there was no chance to see for himself.

He took to reading seditious pamphlets with some care, and listened to a number of underground broadcasts, and tried clumsily to sound out those of his acquaintances whom he suspected of rebellious thoughts. It all had to be done very cautiously, with occasional nightmare moments when he thought he was being spied on; and was it right that a man should be afraid to hear a dissenting opinion?

He wondered what his son was doing. It occurred to him that modern education existed largely to stultify independent thought.

At the same time, he was unable to discard the beliefs of his whole life. Sedition was sedition and treason was treason--you couldn't evade that fact. There were no more wars--plenty of minor clashes, but no real wars. There was a stable economy, and n.o.body lacked for the essentials.

The universal state might be a poor solution to the problems of a time of troubles, but it was nevertheless a solution. Change would be unthinkably dangerous.