Part 36 (2/2)
--_Bishop Ken._
In times past Christian believers have been unwittingly following the lead of the Papacy in this matter. The Lord holds no man accountable for light that he did not have. Reformation is a progressive work. Of the past we may say with Paul:
”The times of this ignorance G.o.d winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness.” Acts 17:30, 31.
Now, with this ”hour of G.o.d's judgment” already come, the entire covering of papal tradition is to be torn aside, and when Jesus comes in glory, in every land will be found believers having the faith and keeping the commandments of G.o.d.
All this was shown to John on the Isle of Patmos,--the coming of the judgment hour, the rise of the advent movement, and the heralding of the last message to the nations.
What John saw in vision nearly two thousand years ago, we see fulfilling before our eyes today. But it is not enough to see it; we must have a part in it, be a part of it.
”I will exalt my throne above the stars of G.o.d;... I will be like the Most High.” Isa. 14:13, 14]
[I] The use of a mark, or sign, to designate the divinity wors.h.i.+ped, is common in non-Christian religions. One may see the Hindu returning from the temple with the mark of Vishnu or other deity freshly painted upon the forehead. Of the ancient usage, from which this Bible symbol of the ”mark” is taken, Dr. John Potter says, in his ”Antiquities of Greece:”
”Slaves were not only branded with stigmata for a punishment of their offenses, but (which was the common end of these marks) to distinguish them, in case they should desert their masters; for which purpose it was common to brand their soldiers; only with this difference, that whereas slaves were commonly stigmatized in their forehead, and with the name or some peculiar character belonging to their masters, soldiers were branded in the hand, and with the name or character of their general.
After the same manner, it was likewise customary to stigmatize the wors.h.i.+pers and votaries of some of the G.o.ds: whence Lucian, speaking of the votaries of the Syrian G.o.ddess, affirms, 'They were all branded with certain marks, some in the palms of their hands, and others in their necks: whence it became customary for all the a.s.syrians thus to stigmatize themselves.' And Theodoret is of opinion that the Jews were forbidden to brand themselves with stigmata [Lev. 19:28], because the idolaters by that ceremony used to consecrate themselves to their false deities.
”The marks used on these occasions were various. Sometimes they contained the name of the G.o.d, sometimes his particular ensign; such were the thunderbolt of Jupiter, the trident of Neptune, the ivy of Bacchus: whence Ptolemy Philopater was by some nicknamed Gallus, because his body was marked with the figures of ivy leaves. Or, lastly, they marked themselves with some mystical number, whereby the G.o.d's name was described. Thus the sun, which was signified by the number DCVIII, is said to have been represented by these two numeral letters XH (Conf.
Martia.n.u.s Capello). These three ways of stigmatizing are all expressed by St. John in the book of Revelation: 'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'”--_Vol. I, pp. 65, 66 (London, 1728)._
”The wages of sin is death.” Rom. 6:23.]
The Beginning of the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
The great controversy between good and evil, that has been waged on earth ever since man's fall, had its origin in heaven. Certain angels rebelled against G.o.d and His government.
”There was war in heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev. 12:7-9.
Thus came the forces of evil into this world, which have been working through all the ages to draw men from allegiance to G.o.d, and to infuse into human hearts the same spirit of disobedience which wrought the ruin of Satan and his angels.
The Cause of the Downfall
Christ stated the principle: ”If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt. 6:23.
The principle finds its utmost application in the great reversal, by which Lucifer, the light bearer in heaven, became Satan, the adversary, the prince of darkness.