Part 10 (2/2)

”The effects were distributed over very nearly four millions of square English miles of the earth's surface, and greatly surpa.s.sed anything of the kind ever recorded in history.”--_”History and Philosophy of Earthquakes” (London, 1757), p. 333._

The commander of an English s.h.i.+p, lying off Lisbon at the time, thus described the scene in a letter to the s.h.i.+p's owners:

”Almost all the palaces and large churches were rent down, or part fallen, and scarce one house of this vast city is left habitable. Everybody that was not crushed to death ran out into the large places, and those near the river ran down to save themselves by boats, or any other floating convenience, running, crying, and calling to the s.h.i.+ps for a.s.sistance; but whilst the mult.i.tude were gathered near the riverside, the water rose to such a height that it overflowed the lower part of the city, which so terrified the miserable and already dismayed inhabitants, who ran to and fro with dreadful cries, which we heard plainly on board, that it made them believe the dissolution of the world was at hand; every one falling on his knees and entreating the Almighty for His a.s.sistance.... By two o'clock the s.h.i.+ps' boats began to ply, and took mult.i.tudes on board.... The fear, the sorrow, the cries and lamentations of the poor inhabitants are unexpressible; every one begging pardon, and embracing each other, crying, Forgive me, friend, brother, sister! Oh! what will become of us! neither water nor land will protect us, and the third element, fire, seems now to threaten our total destruction! as in effect it happened.

The conflagration lasted a whole week.”--_Thomas Hunter, ”Historical Account of Earthquakes” (Liverpool, 1756), pp.


Recognized as a Sign

Looking down through the ages, the prophet of the Revelation saw the coming of the latter days, when signs of the approaching end were to begin to appear. Just there he beheld ”a great earthquake.” The terrible event was noted by inspiration as a sign of the coming of the final judgment. Earthquakes there had been before, and increasing earthquakes were to follow after,--”earthquakes in divers places,”--as Christ foretold, speaking of the signs of His second coming. But as befitted this first of the series of signs of the approaching end, a conviction from G.o.d seemed to come into the hearts of men in that generation, that this was indeed a token to remind the world of a coming day of doom.

In the year of the disaster, an English poet, John Biddolf, published a book of verse, pointing some of the lessons of the hour, from which we quote a few descriptive stanzas:

”Calm was the sky; the sun serenely bright Shot o'er the sea long dazzling streams of light.

Through orange groves soft breathing breezes play'd And gathered sweets like bees where'er they stray'd.

In fair relievo stood the lofty town, Set off by radiant lights and shadows brown.

”Ill-fated city! there were revels kept; Devoid of fear, they ate, they drank, they slept.

No friendly voice like that of ancient Rome Was sent to give them warning of their doom: No airy warriors to each other clung, Such as 'tis said o'er destin'd Sion hung, But like a nightly thief their dreadful fate Unlooked for came and undermined their state....

”Lo, what a sudden change! On ruin's brink The proud turn humble, and the thoughtless think.

Dark, gloomy sadness overclouds the gay, And hypocrites for once sincerely pray....

But let it not be thought their horrid deeds Had pulled this dreadful judgment on their heads, Or that for crimes too horrible to tell, Like guilty Sodom, thunderstruck they fell....

”Who can with curious eyes this globe survey, And not behold it tottering with decay?

All things created, G.o.d's designs fulfil, And natural causes work His destined will.

And that eternal Word, which cannot lie, To mortals hath revealed in prophecy That in these latter days such signs should come, Preludes and prologues to the general doom.

But not the Son of man can tell that day; Then, lest it find you sleeping, watch and pray.”

Thus this first of the predicted latter-day signs bore its message to men. Its immediate scene was set in the Old World, but its warning was world-wide. The next sign foretold was to appear in the New World, but like the Lisbon earthquake, its message of warning was for all men.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE FLOOD

”So shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matt. 24:39.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: MIDDAY AT SEA MAY 19, 1780

”Between one and two he was obliged to light a large candle to steer by.” See p. 89.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS

”Can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matt. 16:3.]
