Part 9 (1/2)

The scarred wolf looked up nervously at the sky.

Dunbar MacHeath came down from the safety of the embankment to grab Toby by the ear and drag him closer to the foaming-mouth wolf. When he released Toby, Dunbar streaked back up the embankment.

Toby immediately shut his eyes. The foaming-mouth wolf was the most frightening thing he had ever seen. His eyes were red, streaked with yellow. The gums of his diseased mouth were green, and Toby could smell the terrible stench of them.

”Old Cags, this is Mac.o.o.n. Mac.o.o.n, meet Old Cags! I'm sure you'll be friends. If you survive, Mac.o.o.n.”

”Mac.o.o.n!” Toby's eyes flew open. ”My name is not Mac.o.o.n. It's Ishodd. Ish-odd!” He said it slowly, enjoying each syllable as all the wolves, including Old Cags, began to tremble.

Dunbar MacHeath let out a viscious snarl. ”Say that again and I'll bite your ear off.” But Toby didn't listen. He streaked across the pit and squashed himself into a crack in the rock walls.

Toby stayed inside this crack while the steep shadows of midday fell directly into the pit and then lengthened as the afternoon grew into night.

When the four wolves who had captured him left, Toby had heard them still muttering about his name. ”Can you believe it? Ishodd. Of all the names!”

”What bad luck!”

”And now with this strange weather.”

Why were they worried? His mum had told him that wolves were a very superst.i.tious lot, not at all like bears. Had he stumbled across some sort of curse word or cursed name by accident? And why was it so important that the foaming-mouth wolf know his name?

Toby peered out from his hiding spot in the sheer rock wall. The old wolf was leaping about in the middle of the pit as if chasing his own tail. When he caught sight of Toby's muzzle, he bolted on a dead run toward the rock wall. Surely it's not big enough for him to get in! Please, Ursus, take care of me. I don't want to die.

There was a dull thud as the wolf slammed into the rock. He snarled, then began bellowing loudly. His language was garbled and there wasn't a word that Toby could understand. It was snarling gibberish. Again and again, the foaming-mouth wolf ran toward the crack. Then a sudden horrid odor suffused the air. Something slithered through the crack and into the narrow s.p.a.ce, like a dark pink snake coated in yellow slime.

”Urskadamus!” Toby cried. It was Old Cag's long, fat tongue. The air reeked with disease. The tongue slithered toward Toby and he began to back away. He felt a sharp stone under his hind foot. Without even thinking, he grabbed it and slammed it down on the fetid slab of flesh.

There was a terrible yowl. Instantly, the tongue disappeared.

Toby's first sensation was not one of relief but fear. That was stupid of me! For he looked down and saw some dribbles of the deadly foam on the floor of the crack. He had gotten rid of Old Cags for now, but the sick wolf had left behind some of his disease. The glistening white bubbles seemed to wink at Toby in the dim light of the small s.p.a.ce. He could catch the illness now and die, die without anyone ever knowing.

Shut up! he commanded himself. Do something! He dug his claws into the floor of his slot in the rock wall. The floor was not entirely rock. There was dirt, earth! The word blossomed in his mind like the most beautiful flower. Frantically, he began digging with his two front paws.

In no time, the deadly foam was buried under a pile of dirt. Toby looked around now for a rock. There was the stone he had slammed down on Old Cags, but he didn't want to touch that. Even though it had no foam on it, it was streaked with something that might have been blood. I should bury it, too, he thought. So he began digging again. After burying the foam and the rock, he peered into the back of the slot. Was there any chance, he wondered, that this crack went someplace? Could it be an escape tunnel? He felt along the walls and began to hope, for he had crawled quite a length, and the s.p.a.ce had widened. But then his muzzle b.u.mped up against a cold rock wall. A sickening feeling swam up in him. It was a dead end. There was no way out.

Outside he heard the wind blowing. It seemed to be growing colder. Well, he thought, there is no sense staying in the back of this rock slot. Old Cags must sleep sometime, and if Cags were sleeping, Toby could sneak out into the pit and see if he could find his way out. The pit was deep. He knew that. But the wolves had brought him down here by a path because wolves don't climb. But bears do! Toby thought. He and Burney climbed trees whenever they could find one. If he got a good look at the rock walls, maybe he could climb out of the pit.

Carefully, he approached the opening to the rock slot.

Another dead end! Old Cags certainly was sleeping a” right by the opening. As soon as Toby peeked out, the wolf staggered to his feet, rushed toward the slot, and began snarling. Toby backed off. It was hopeless. And he could see that it was snowing much more heavily.

Toby shook his head as if trying to better comprehend his dire situation. The snow sealed his fate, for if the snow moons had come early, the bears' cold sleep would soon begin. Toby's mum had told him and Burney about cold sleep. When the winter moons arrived, the bears would grow sleepier and sleepier, and their hunger would fade. The three of them would find a cozy winter den and all ”lump up” together. He and Burney would nestle in their mum's thick fur and sleep until the very end of the last winter moon.

”But how can you not be hungry, Mum?” Toby had asked.

”You just aren't,” she replied.

”But I always think about fish, the taste of salmon,” Burney said.

”And I loved the moose liver we shared with the wolves,” said Toby.

”And the spring onions,” added Burney.

The two cubs had begun to name their favorite foods.

”You just forget,” their mum replied. ”You forget about food. You forget about everything, really.”

Even me? Toby thought now. Will they forget about me? Do they miss me? They must know now I'm gone, got lost or something. But if the cold comes, will they even forget about missing me?

On the day Toby had been carried off, Burney had awakened from his nap. Before he even opened his eyes, he sensed that something was wrong. Very wrong!

”Mum, Mum. Wake up!”

”Burney, what are you doing waking me up so early from my nap? You and Toby go on and play. Let me get a bit more a””

”Mum, Toby's not here!”

”What?” Bronka's question came out more as a rumble than an actual word.

”He's gone, Mum. He always wakes up before me, but he's not here now!”

Bronka was up in a flash, galloping to the edge of the river and across the shallows to the bar. Toby couldn't have drowned. The water was too shallow and he knew how to swim. She clambered onto the bar and looked about. Then she saw the prints a” wolf paw prints! She saw the scuffle marks and even some dark fur a” her Toby's fur.

Burney stood in fear as he watched his mother's eyes slide back in her head. There was a horrible renting bellow. She began the most awful roaring he had ever heard. Bronka heaved a huge boulder into the river and began pounding her feet and paws.

”My child, my cub, my cub! The wolves stole my cub! I'll tear their heads off! I'll tear off their legs and gouge out their eyes!”

”Mum! Mum!” Burney cried out. He was so scared, but she could not hear him through the roaring din and the thunderous pounding of her ma.s.sive feet.

A league or more down the river, another grizzly mother heard the rage of a mother whose cub had been taken, wounded, or killed. Instinctively, she reached for her tiny cub and pressed him close to her chest.

”Mum! Mum you're squeezing me too hard!”

She licked his muzzle with her warm tongue. ”Hus.h.!.+ Hush, little cub.”



KATRIA AND AIRMEAD HAD BEEN traveling at press-paw speed. They now were standing on the edge of the sh.o.r.e of the Sea of Hoolemere. The fog rolled in from the southeast across the inlet, known as the bight, where a narrow strip of land hooked out and into the choppy water.

”Broken Talon Point,” Katria said. ”We could save half a day at least if we swam this inlet. And the current would be with us, along with the wind.” She turned her head slowly toward Airmead. ”Do you swim?”

”What wolf doesn't?” She chuckled.