Part 5 (1/2)
_Voices behind the scenes._ Stop, Vasantasena, stop!
[_Enter Vasantasena, pursued by the courtier, by Sansthanaka, and the servant._]
_Courtier._ Vasantasena! Stop, stop!
Ah, why should fear transform your tenderness?
Why should the dainty feet feel such distress, That twinkle in the dance so prettily?
Why should your eyes, thus startled into fear, Dart sidelong looks? Why, like the timid deer Before pursuing hunters, should you flee? 17
_Sansthanaka._ Shtop,[31] Vasantasena, shtop!
Why flee? and run? and shtumble in your turning?
Be kind! You shall not die. Oh, shtop your feet!
With love, shweet girl, my tortured heart is burning.
As on a heap of coals a piece of meat. 18
[10.2 S.
_Servant._ Stop, courtezan, stop!
In fear you flee Away from me, As a summer peahen should; But my lord and master Struts fast and faster, Like a woodc.o.c.k in the wood. 19
_Courtier._ Vasantasena! Stop, stop!
Why should you tremble, should you flee, A-quiver like the plantain tree?
Your garment's border, red and fair, Is all a-s.h.i.+ver in the air; Now and again, a lotus-bud Falls to the ground, as red as blood.
A red realgar[32] vein you seem, Whence, smitten, drops of crimson stream. 20
_Sansthanaka._ Shtop. Vasantasena, shtop!
You wake my pa.s.sion, my desire, my love; You drive away my shleep in bed at night; Both fear and terror sheem your heart to move; You trip and shtumble in your headlong flight.
But Ravana forced Kunti[33] to his will; Jusht sho shall I enjoy you to the fill. 21
_Courtier._ Ah, Vasantasena,
Why should your fleeter flight Outstrip my flying feet?
Why, like a snake in fright Before the bird-king's might, Thus seek to flee, my sweet?
Could I not catch the storm-wind in his flight?
Yet would not seize upon you, though I might. 22
P. 19.9]
_Sansthanaka_. Lishten to me, s.h.i.+r!
Thish whip of robber Love, thish dancing-girl, Eater of fish, deshtroyer of her kin, Thish shnubnose, shtubborn, love-box, courtezan, Thish clothes-line, wanton creature, maid of sin-- I gave her ten shweet names, and shtill She will not bend her to my will. 23