115 Dinner 1 (1/2)

Edited by: Arezz

By the time Yukio and the two women reached their dimension, they appeared outside the main house

Because this would be a women's conversation, he decided to go and solve other problems.

He said goodbye to his wife, turned around and appeared before the 'Prison 13'

Outside there were the same guards who greeted him previously, the same woman came back while smiling

Yukio: ”Anything new?”

The woman immediately nodded ”She has been complaining since some time ago that she needs to talk to you, my king ... She says she will accept any condition if we let her out”

Yukio smiled and entered the prison while being guided, soon a large metal door appeared in front of him

The door looked normal, but if you look at it closer you could see many strange patterns on it

The moment Yukio touched on the surface the door s.h.i.+ned and opened slowly

Inside there was only one room with absolutely white walls, a corner bed and nothing else

Literally, it was like killing someone from boredom

Even so, inside was a woman sitting on the bed

The woman made a complicated expression before speaking ”You've finally come!”

Yukio: ”I had many important things to do”

Tiamat: ”Important things? Is there anything more important than letting me get out of here? How can you keep someone of your own race in these conditions!” She protested as she jumped up

Yukio only negated with his head ”We could be of the same race, but it didn't mean that we are friends, besides your t.i.tle is quite big, right?”

He was referring to her t.i.tle of 'Dragon Queen'

Tiamat frowned, but she didn't refute it when she arrived here, she saw a woman who immediately scared the s.h.i.+t out of her

It was Kuroka who just gave her a look and left her immediately shocked, a really scary female dragon without a doubt

Tiamat: ”... I want to get out of here” She decided to say what she wanted

Yukio: ”Very Well” He nodded and leaned back into the wall nearby ”You can go, but you have to answer my questions first, I heard you would do anything to get out of here right”

Tiamat nodded with clenched teeth ”What do you want from me?”

Yukio: ”Same question I asked the previous time ... Your power ... Is it transferable?”

The instant he said that, the room turn silent, this lasted for a few seconds

Yukio seeing that the woman was not going to answer, turned around to leave

Tiamat: ”W-wait please!” She called him immediately

Yukio: ”What's wrong?”

Tiamat looked at him seriously before letting out a sigh ”Why? ... Why do you want to know that? Is it really necessary?”

She did not want to say anything, her power was transferable, it was indeed true, but what would happen if this man decided to take it away

She would become a simple dragon, a weak simple dragon, she was a woman who did a lot of things in her life

What if someone wanted to take revenge on her? Could she defend herself later?

Yukio: ”It's not necessary for you to know, you do not have to worry about anything, just tell me ... Is it or is it not?”

He was not going to tell him what she wanted to know, besides Tiamat was not in a position where she could negotiate with him

Tiamat made a difficult expression, wanted to get out of here, but would it be that easy to respond?

She shook her head away from her thoughts before looking at Yukio ”I ... I want you to give me your word, I want you to promise to let me out of here once I answer you, you will not do anything to me”

It was painful to say something like that given her pride, but ... She preferred to preserve her power before her pride, which would be equally trampled if she didn't have power

Yukio nodded. ”I don't care what you do after telling me the truth, but if you lie to me ...”

Tiamat nodded silently, she knew what words Yukio was going to say next

She took a breath and answered sincerely ”My power ... It is transferable to every dragon in which the old bearer saw that could be worthy of becoming a successor”

Yukio showed an expression of understanding ”Tell me something, what number of successor are you?”

Tiamat: ”... I am ... The second generation to have this power, it was granted to me many years ago by a being I don't remember”

'A being that she does not remember? ... 'A divine ent.i.ty uh' Yukio thought

When you become an 'Ascend being' the world you live in gives you the opportunity to erase any memories related to you

This was what he wanted to know, an infinite loop could not be caused just because of some coincidences

This ascended being made a serious mistake, gift them power far beyond the capacity of these beings without need

An example would be 'Chaos' from Tiamant and 'Destruction' from the Baels

Even Yukio himself was violating the rules of this world just for being the carrier of the 'Abyss'

He looked at the nervous Tiamat and smiled ”A promise is a promise, I'll let you out of here, but I don't want you to tell anything about this place to anyone”

Tiamat quickly got excited and nodded,

Telling others? She did not even have friends

Yukio offered his hand for a slight squeeze

She got confused. ”What?”

Yukio: ”Give me your hand for a moment”

Tiamat was cautious but gave her nervous hand

The moment both hands touched, Tiamat felt a current transfer from her body to Yukio's

She opened her eyes in shock, this man cheated on her, was stealing the power that she wanted so much to keep

Tiamat: ”You ... You didn't keep your word!” She gritted her teeth in anger, to the point where she almost breaks them

But Yukio showed a sincere smile ”I always keep my words, be grateful”

Tiamat felt a fury inside her, but instantly something happened ”Ughh !!”

She moaned when a shocking current of power entered her body violently, her half chaos stolen, was being replaced by something else.

It was like a rough black sea that flooded her innermost part

The process lasted about a minute when Tiamat fell to her knees breathing heavily

Yukio saw two big words in his eyes

[You have absorbed the element 'Chaos']

[You are given the 'Chaos']

[Primal Chaos Obtained]

[You have transferred 1% Abysmal power to the Tiamat user]

[Your level stamp is being unlocked]

Yukio: ”You've been quiet recently ...” He muttered to the system

But as expected, there is no answer, the system did not answer any of his questions since he received his eyes from G.o.d

He shrugged ”No matter how much you try to hide, the more you do it, the more curiosity you give me, just wait and someday I will know who you are”

He seemed to be talking to himself, but he was actually telling the system

This 'system' was not an intelligence ... It was a person, he didn't know who it was, but ... He wanted to know

Yukio looked at Tiamat who was looking at him with a strange look, he offered his hand to help her get up

Tiamat nodded and took it, she didn't say a word, just standing there concentrating on containing this new energy inside her