106 Is That The Barrier Of The Shadow? (1/2)

After a few minutes of deep thoughts Suzaku calmed down and his gaze completely fixed on Yukio

Suzaku: ”... You're kidding ... right?”

She could not just believe the words spoken by this man, how would her aunt be dating him?

For a long time, he heard many times that his aunt Shuri Himejima was married to a fallen angel called Baraqiel.

No doubt she could not believe him lightly, but ...

'What if his words are true?' For a moment she could not help thinking about that

But to think that in front of her she had the man who ma.s.sacred many of the Himejima Clan just to protect both her aunt and her cousin

Was not this too complicated to digest?

Yukio made a playful smile as he looked at her: ”What's wrong, are you my first obstacle? My niece does not feel comfortable with me! Tsk!”

He spoke as if he really was suffering because of his niece's rejection.

Suzaku wanted to laugh a little, but she was composed, she was in the presence of a man that everyone described as 'Destroyer'.

Suzaku: ”Even if you say it, I can´t believe your words without any proof ...”

Yukio nodded, that was true: ”That's true, but what would I gain by lying?”

Upon hearing his words Suzaku smiled, she also thought about that.

Suzaku: ”Actually nothing ... But have you not heard of the saying 'You need to see to believe'?”

She was thinking about something, she looked if Yukio's expression made any changes, but in reality, it was not like that.

Yukio: ”Seeing is believing, nice words, but why don´t you admit that you only want to see both Shuri and Akeno.”

He clearly knew the intentions of this woman, and he did not intend to reject them either.

Suzaku: ”Can I really?!” She got excited instantly, she wanted so much to see her aunt and cousin.

Yukio nodded, but then he signaled: ”But that will be for later, now I need to give you my gift.”

He clearly was not an ungrateful man, thanks to reports previously given by Kuroka he knew that this woman severely rebuked those who had bad intentions towards Shuri and Akeno.

Although it was not useful, the intention was what counts, besides ... would Shuri not be sad if the Himejima Clan was destroyed?

Suzaku instantly put on a serious expression, this 'gift' would be for her clan, and she was the clan leader so she had to take this seriously.

Suzaku: ”What kind of gift are we talking about exactly? Although I would like to receive something valuable, I do not want to take more than I can carry.”

She was not going to refuse any gift, this was about her clan, every life was on her shoulders, but she did not want anything very valuable, after all, she did not know exactly why this man was offering them a gift.

Yukio: ”Actually it's not much, I just want to give you this little gift, it will be useful for the defense of your base, also ... If you need something you can tell me, are we not family?” He extended his hands.

There in his hands was a small device with a circular shape of gray color and had a white ring with a symbol of a black dragon in the middle.

Suzaku looked at the 'object' with interest, she could not help having a curious look: ”What is that?”

Yukio: ”It's an artifact, it's a barrier that can protect your base from attacks, it's just something insignificant, the real gift is, that if you needed something you could come and ask me for help.”

Suzaku was discouraged, when she heard barrier, she thought of something powerful, but if this man says that it is only something insignificant, then it must be so.

But when she heard, that if they needed anything they could go to him, she clearly encouraged herself again.

Suzaku: ”Deal!!”

Yukio: ”What deal?”

Suzaku: ”Ah ... I mean, I accept your gift ...” She corrected herself quickly while maintaining a smile.

Yukio stood up while Suzaku did the same, they both shook hands cordially.

Yukio: ”I'm going to retire then, you can contact me if you ever go to the Yokai faction.”

Suzaku nodded, it was no longer a secret that the Yokai faction had some kind of relations.h.i.+p with Gotei 13, and listening to Yukio's words was clearly approving it.