87 Khaos Brigade (1/2)

In the middle of a long corridor, three figures were walking.

A man and two girls, all were seen by those who were staying in this place with different expressions, curiosity or panic, but still, there were some who were cheerful.

Well at this moment Ophis was pulling on Yukio who was chatting animatedly with Yaeko on his shoulders.

Anyone would recognize him because he was wearing his Gotei suit and his mask.

Yukio: ”Ophis! ... Could you let me walk by myself? It's not like I'm going to run away ... you know?”

Yaeko: ”Yes, yes! It's not like we're going to escape.” She said affirming everything.

Ophis stopped and stared at them, she noticed that the father and the daughter had smiles on their faces, but she was not stupid: ”No, if I let you go, I know you'll come out with some of your strange adventures in this place, just follow me and shut up.”

Yukio made a defeated expression and let himself be guided ”Good!”

-But she did not specify when to follow her eh-

He had a plan to go around this place, maybe see the members of this silly organization.

They walked quickly to a room, Yukio could feel many presences inside, -maybe a meeting- he thought, but he did not know exactly why Ophis brought him to this place.

Ophis looked at him and then opened the door, they entered and each pair of eyes were immediately fixed on them, there were some who were surprised that this happened.

Ophis did not give importance to their gazes and took Yukio to a seat on the sofa to sit down, then she sat on his lap looking at everyone in the room.

There was only silence and awkwardness until a man stepped forward.

He had the appearance of a middle-aged man in his 40s, his hair was dark silver and he had hazel eyes.

He came with a smile on his face, he was Rizevim ”Oh! What brings this great guest to this place? You would not come to cause us problems? Right?” He said in a curious way, although he already knew that he would not hurt them because he was with Ophis.

Yukio: ”... Could you not see that she brought me?”

Rizevim seemed to ignore Yukio's answer, he smiled: ”Yes, well I can already see that Ophis seems to be your friend ... But this is a meeting ... what did Ophis bring you for?”

Ophis looked at everyone in the room and then Rizevim: ”... I withdraw ... I do not want to stay in this place anymore.”

Rizevim: ”Eh?” It was not just him, everyone in the room got confused by her words, even Yukio.

Ophis saw the reactions of everyone and did not care: ”From now on, I have nothing to do with you ... My objective is already fulfilled and I do not need to be here, therefore I choose to retire.”

Rizevim: ”W-wow! Wait, Ophis, how can you do this? And our plans?!” He said quickly, after all, he could not advance his plan if Ophis disappeared.

Ophis shook her head ”I don´t need them ... As I said my goal was fulfilled, I do not want to stay in this place.”

A woman who was behind came out while looking at Ophis ”Wait, Ophis-sama, will you leave us?!” She said.

The one that spoke was a beautiful and foreign girl with a thin body, shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes.

Ophis looked at the girl and then Yukio, she had already made a decision ”... I'm going to stay with him.”

Everyone now looked at Yukio, who could only sigh under his mask while combing Ophis' hair.

Yukio: ”Well, as you heard, I will take Ophis ... Does anyone have a problem?”

Rizevim clearly was not happy, this in itself was a big problem, he had a plan but now it was shattered in seconds.

The blond girl sighed, and Arthur her brother took her from the shoulder while they were leaving with the others of Vali's team.

n.o.body said anything, but a man came forward, he was a handsome young man with silver-white hair and red eyes.

He approached Yukio and Ophis staying in front ”Yes, there is a problem, Ophis is our leader and we can not allow you to take her.”

Each person nodded, that was true, Ophis was supposed to be their leader, and because of her great power it was that they were safe, but if she left them ... How would there be a certainty to win this war?

Yukio looked at him and smiled ”So what, Ophis is my friend, do you think I'll leave it to you just because you say it? She decides what she wants and that's not your problem.”

Ophis felt something warm inside her as she heard those words and leaned on Yukio's chest.

Yaeko, who was still on Yukio's shoulder, smiled uneasily, his father was really a womanizer, his mother had to really love him to endure it.

The man with silver-white hair was not going to let this happen, he raised his hand where a long sword was made, pulling it towards Yukio quickly.

Yukio, who saw him did not care, but that sword was heading right towards Yaeko, which made him angry, he raised his hand and stopped it with his fingers.


Yukio: ”... Do you seek death yourself? ... Fly.”