85 ?This Is Real? (1/2)
--- ???
In a clear and beautiful blue sky, was a man who seemed to be around thirty years old, had long blue hair and eyes of the same color, currently he had his hands pointing towards the earth.
Anyone looking at it would think of a G.o.d, or possibly something close to it but it was not like that at this moment.
At the place he was pointing to, there were many people with faces of horror, fear, and despair.
Man: ”WHY DO YOU DO THIS ?! We never did anything to you!”
The man who seemed to be thinking, opened his eyes looking at the man who spoke ”... So what ? Killing you all will be fun, and using your bodies even more so.”
When he finished speaking a large blue sphere flew out of his hands and destroyed this world, he was being protected by a bluish mantle.
The man now floated in what would be called dimensions and his eyes were looking everywhere frantically: ”... Where the h.e.l.l is he?”
--- Let's go back to Yukio
Yukio had left the palace of Odin, at the moment he was in his dimension trying to find Ophis.
He had heard from Bills, that she wanted to see him, but he did not know exactly why, he had used a portal to appear where he felt her energy.
Yukio: ”... Why are there more children every time I come?”
In front of him was Ophis who was surrounded by many children, they all seemed happy and there were some women looking at everything from one side, they seemed to be the mothers of the children.
Ophis had noticed Yukio and she smiled as she got upcoming near his side.
Ophis: ”... You came ...”
Yukio smiled at her and stroked her head, this was a habit for him: ”Yes, what's wrong, why did you want to see me?”
Yukio did not give importance to his actions, but for her, this was something new and it made her feel very good, besides that she was already sure of wanting to be with him.
Ophis: ”I want to go ... to a place, will you accompany me?” She said while taking Yukio's hand.
Yukio thought about it and decided that he would go, he already had an idea of exactly where she wanted to go, he looked strangely at all the children around him.
Yukio: ”... Do you really not want a child? ... I see that you get along very well with them, I would not care.”
Ophis frowned, felt the heat in her face but ignored him ”... They always come ... They are nice.”
The people around had noticed that the Fairy King had arrived and they kept silent while they watched.
In this place, everyone respected their King, either because he saved them, or because he was really a very kind person to everyone.
But the most animated was a little girl, she had long black hair and golden eyes, pointed ears and a smile on her face.
She started to move quickly towards the King.
Yukio who was chatting with Ophis, felt that someone was approaching them, by habit he raised his head.
He could see a little girl coming towards them with a smile, he could recognize her as the previous girl who was with Ophis.
Yukio: ”h.e.l.lo little girl ... is something wrong?”
The little girl stopped and stared at him ”... Daddy?”
The place was totally silent ... Ophis next to Yukio looked at him strangely and did not know what to say, even Yukio was stunned but smiled and crouched at the height of the girl.
Yukio: ”... Well, you could call me ´the Father of all´, but that's just a t.i.tle, it does not mean really a father.” He said while rubbing the girl's head, he knew about the many t.i.tles he had.
The girl felt encouraged and took his arm ”No ... You are definitely my father.” She said with a radiant smile.
Yukio looked around to find the mother of the girl, but in reality, there was no one with the same facets ”... Ok? ... But where is your mother?”
Small girl: ”I don´t know ... She works for the King!” She said with total certainty.
Yukio looked at her strangely, he started sniffing her with his dragon sense a bit and now he was much more confused ”... Could you tell me who your mother is?”
Small: ”Daddy's wife!”
Yukio: ”Yes ... I can understand that, but ... Who is she exactly?”
The little girl made a face and looked away ”... If I tell you ... You will take me to her and you will not see me again, I want to be with father!”
Yukio felt strange, this girl called him father, but the strange thing was her smell ... She smelled like him, but he did not know exactly what to do until he felt a tug on his s.h.i.+rt.
Ophis: ”... Your daughter?”
Yukio: ”... No, I do not remember having one and leaving it abandoned, you know, what kind of father would I be if..”
The little girl who heard his words hugged his arm: ”Can I go with Daddy?”