81 Faction Bridge (1/2)

At this time Heaven was in chaos, Michael, the main angel had realized that his sister Gabriel had disappeared along with Griselda.

Michael: ”Do not stop looking! She must have gone again to one of her 'adventures'” he said very tired while rubbing his forehead.

His subordinates immediately began to fulfill their orders.

There was a man who was sitting in the corner of the room eating some dishes from the desk.

The man had blond hair, green eyes and dressed in priestly clothes.

Dulio: ”Don´t you think you exaggerate?” He said it in a simple way.

Michael looked at him and shook his head ”You still don´t know her, she will try in all ways to make contact with them and I worry that something bad will happen.”

Dulio shrugged ”What could happen? I do not think they will kidnap her or even less kill her.”

Michael sighed ”That's true ... Even so, it is-” His sentence did not end when the door opened suddenly.


Angel: ”LEADER! LEADER I HAVE NEWS!” An angel shouted while running inside.

Michael immediately stopped ”News? Is it from Gabriel ?!”

The angel looked at him and shook his head ”No! It's the Gotei 13 faction, we have reports of two clan eliminations that were made due to at Agarus-sama!”

Michael was confused ”What clans were eliminated?” He feared the worst.

The angel shook his head again ”No! The eliminated Clans are the Bael and Phoenix of the demonic side, according to the reports that we have, both clans sought the wrath of Agarus-sama.”

Michael had an expression of relief, but this was a problem ”What happened to the Maous?”

Angel: ”According to the reports, none of them have come forward and have said they have charges against both families, the Phoenix for kidnapping humans and using them, and Bael for abusing their members.”

Michael was not stupid, he knew that the Maous were covering this up, he sat down and sighed ”Well, keep telling me, even-”

PA! The same scene was repeated.

An angel came running very fast ”They're here! The Gotei 13 faction is HERE!” He screamed while entering.

Michael looked at Dulio and could only nod ”We better go ...”


In a place with a beautiful blue sky without clouds, the people who walked in this place seemed to step on the same sky, there were two figures talking.

Shuri: ”Uh, it's good that he sent me, but why?”

Saemys at her side smiled ”Well, even though you don´t realize it, you are a very tenacious woman for business, there is no doubt that you would be the best option.”

Shuri smiled, she wanted to be of help and her husband decided to give her the management of the 'Magic Pills' for Heaven.

Both women were talking until from the front a huge door of what appeared to be a castle opened.

From there came two men being followed by several Angels.

Michael saw the two women and he was not going to disrespect them. ”Good ladies, can I know what you have come for?”

Shuri nodded ”I am here under the orders of Agarus, I came to make a bridge between our factions with the 'Magic Pills'.”

Each angel that heard these words was encouraged internally, they had already heard of these pills that helped increase mana in their bodies.

Michael went ahead ”... Well, I understand, that said your Faction destroyed two demonic Clans, that is to say, that the 'Neutrality' withdrew from you ...”

Shuri smiled ”As you say, it is true, we have decided to stop being Neutral, still we will continue producing the 'Magic Pills'... Or do you not want to receive them?”

Saemys just smiled when she saw Shuri, she was rightly chosen to negotiate this.

Dulio cleared his throat before Michael answered. ”Could I see the Pills?”

Shuri: ”Sure, Saemys-san please”, she said kindly.

Saemys smiled and took out a black box from a small black hole, opened the box and took out a pill, then she immediately threw it at Dulio.

Dulio took it and verified it, it was a white Pill with nothing to show but immense energy that was kept inside.

Shuri: ”Once the energy is absorbed, it will break and even attract the energy from the environment, that's why you should use it wisely.”

Michael looked at both women, and watched Shuri, he was confused to see her but decided to leave her for later.

Michael: ”... In that case, how will we make our deal?”

Shuri: ”You just have to stay friendly, as long as you do not look for problems against our Faction we will continue to send you the 'Magic Pills'.”

Michael nodded and then remembered Gabriel. -Oh, my sister. What are you doing? You are not looking for problems or are you?- He knew that they needed these Pills or they would be left behind in mana and strength, he had already experienced the growing strength of the n.o.ble demons years ago.

Michael: ”In that case we accept, could I know how the Pills will be sold?”

Shuri took out a contract and approached Michael giving it to him in his hands.

Michael smiled and started reading. ”Are you saying ... that you will open a small branch here?” He now feared they would be attacked from the back.

Shuri saw his reaction and laughed a little ”Are you thinking that we will attack you from behind? ... I think you should know that it does not even matter when both of us can appear here without you noticing.”

Michael smiled bitterly as he realized this, it was true these two women entered Heaven as if it was nothing.