76 The Fury Of A Dragon - 1 (1/2)

After Yukio left Sairaorg at home, he planned to leave with his wives.

But he felt something in the distance because he knew that some things were going to happen, at the wedding of Rias, he put a little energy in four people to know if something happened.

He felt that this energy was running out little by little and that only meant that the person was dying or that their energy was being used for recovery.

Without thinking, he teleported to the place.

--- Room

You could see a blonde woman sitting on a bed in a white dress, her appearance would look very beautiful if it were not for her current situation.

She clung to her knees while sobbing.

Woman: ”I-I just have to endure it ... It's all for her.” She said weakly as she bowed her head and felt that all this seemed to be h.e.l.l.

Suddenly, she heard a noise and was alarmed when she saw the corner where a young man was looking at her.

Woman: ”Y-you, who are you, how did you get in?” Immediately her expression showed fear, she tried to get up but she had no strength and she simply leaned back looking at the man with horror.

But the man shook his head ”Do not worry, I will not do anything ...” He said as he approached her, he could see her completely.

Her skin, previously smooth and without spots, was now full of bruises, some slight cuts were noticed in some parts of her body.

Her hair was rather careless and not to mention her bloodied dress, the man clenched his fists and stared at her.

Man: ”Who did this to you?” He said darkly as he watched her.

The woman did not understand who this man was and she was still scared, she crawled back.

Woman: ”Please ... Don´t do this!”

The man just saw her and walked away while watching her ”I will not do anything ... I promise, could you tell me what happened to you?” he said in a friendly way.

The woman stopped because of his tone, and stared at him, she did not know who he was but looking at his eyes she realized something.

Woman: ”... Agarus-sama?”

Yukio nodded ”Could ... Could you tell me what happened to you? Lady Phoenix ...”

Lady Phoenix showed a complex expression, but she knew that this man could help her and immediately began to cry.

Lady Phoenix: ”I ... I tried to protect my daughter!” She said between tears as she got on her knees and cried.

Yukio could not stand to see her like that and came over while stroking her hair.

Lady Phoenix who felt the touch was shrinking back because of fear, but then she felt the caress in a loving way and did not resist.

Yukio: ”Would you tell me everything?”

Lady Phoenix ”Un ...”

--- The day Yukio took Raiser.

In the precincts of the Phoenix Clan in the main room, one could see a great disorder while the current gentleman was shouting.

Lord Phoenix: ”s.h.i.+t, d.a.m.n it, who the h.e.l.l does he think he is, kidnapping my son that way, he wants war, he'll have it!” He said while breaking the things of the place.

Lady Phoenix, who came after him to calm him down, sighed: ”Could you calm down? Do you not see that if they took him, he is possibly even alive? ... You do not have to behave like that, you can just negotiate.”

Lord Phoenix, who was about to throw a painting toward the wall, stopped and looked at her angrily.

Lord Phoenix: ”Calm down?, do you not see what happened, that d.a.m.ned humiliated my son in the worst way possible, even the foolish Lucifer's did not move at all, n.o.body gave us the respect we deserve!!”

Lady Phoenix shook her head ”You know very well what kind of strength that man had, n.o.body would be so crazy as to look for a war without preparing, now calm down and you should solve things differently.”

Lord Phoenix looked at her and laughed. ”Now that I remember it, you never liked Raiser, isn´t that why you're so quiet? Are you glad this happened?”

Lady Phoenix showed an uncomfortable expression.

Lord Phoenix saw that and looked at her with hatred ”d.a.m.n c.r.a.p! It's your own son and you still prefer to see him suffer and be humiliated than worry about him!” He said as his aura manifested itself.

Lady Phoenix also got angry and raised her aura ”MY SON?! That trash just knows how to **** women and look at me obscenely whenever he can ... So you want me to treat him like my son?!”

Lord Phoenix just spat on the floor, ”Should that matter to you?! A man needs to release his stress, no matter what women, have you ever seen any of those women complain??!”