63 Appointment With Ophis (1/2)

When Yukio woke up the next day, the first thing he saw was the beautiful view of Rias sleeping on top of him.

Her delicate sleeping face was something worth seeing, that smile that hung from her lips and the tempting smell was astonis.h.i.+ng.

But today he had something to do, pinching her cheeks with tenderness.

Yukio: ”Hey, princess, do you plan to sleep all day?”

Rias: ”Grr, a few more minutes!” She said sharply as she snuggled closer to his chest, Yukio shook his head and slid his hand to Rias's delicate hips.

Rias: ”Ay !!!, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” She screamed when she felt a pinch on her side, immediately stood up in a somewhat inappropriate position on Yukio.

He saw her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing and it was inevitable that his ”little brother” would wake up at the abrupt situation.

Rias ”Hyah!” She was surprised to feel something hard on her b.u.t.t, looked back and looked at Yukio's ”Little Brother”, with whom she had a crazy night, the night before.

Her face turned red and she looked at Yukio ”I ... It still hurts ... Later yes?” She said in a low voice actually, she was still hurting from last night.

Yukio smiled bitterly and stroked her cheeks ”Don´t be silly Rias, I need to do some things, but I can´t leave you here ... Or do you want to stay alone in this forest?” He said while smiling.

Rias huffed and got up, but still felt sweet inside as she remembered everything about the night before.

--- Minutes later ---

Both were now in the human world, exactly in the club of Rias in the Kuoh Academy.

She looked at him hesitantly. ”Can I not go with you?” She said in a pampered tone.

Yukio smiled at her and stroked her head like in the old days.

She puffed up her cheeks ”Enough! I'm not a little girl!” She said but did nothing to stop him.

Yukio: ”How strange, I remember hearing you say you were a problematic girl,” he said mockingly, Rias blushed and looked away ”Don´t worry, I really study in this academy, you know?”

He said as Rias looked at him suddenly in shock. ”SERIOUSLY?”

He nodded ”Yes, cla.s.s 3-C, I hope you visit me soon!” He said as he gave her a small kiss on the forehead before disappearing into a white portal.

Rias was surprised ”3-C? ... I feel a little annoyed to hear that cla.s.s” She said, but stopped when Yukio left, smiled charmingly ”I am his wife, hehe”

--- Dimension of Yukio ---

He had re-entered and now appeared in a place near a small village, he could see a beautiful girl playing around with small children.

Girl: ”Amazing !! Onee-san can you do it again ?!” Shouted a little girl with long ears, she was with little stars in the eyes looking at the girl who had an expressionless look.

Ophis: ”Again? ... It's the fifth time already” She said in her neutral tone, but even so, she pointed her finger towards the sky as if it were a weapon, ”Fire” she said and soon a small beam was raised towards the sky separating the clouds.

* ZAS! * * BOM! * The air and the explosion were heard in the sky while the clouds dispersed.

Children who were nearby beginning to scream.

All children: EXPLODE! ~ / INCREDIBLE / You're amazing Onee-san! / Onee-sama!

The young girl looked at all the children and nodded, the children seemed used to her expressions and smiled at her as they began to chat.

It was until Ophis suddenly sniffed the air, confusing the little children until she smiled and looked in a direction ”You finally came ..”

The children turned and looked at Yukio, who still had his Gotei 13 suit, except that he was not wearing the mask smiling towards them.

The children were surprised, who would not know who their King was, they bowed respectfully ”Fairy King!”

Yukio looked at them strangely, this was causing him to be uncomfortable but he smiled at them ”What are you playing?”

The children were scared, they knew that there was a rule about not causing discomfort in this dimension, and surely their Big Sister caused more than one of those explosions.

But they saw Ophis walk and take Yukio's hand, something that confused them ”Explosions ... Do you want to play?” She said tilting her head.

Yukio smiled and said ”No, do you not remember that I promised you a way out? How about we go now?”

The children looked at their 'Big Sister' in an astonis.h.i.+ng way, they did not know they were playing with one of their Queens, they were confused why one of them would be in this place every day.

While Ophis and Yukio talked, the long-eared girl who looked to be about three years old stared at them with a tearful look.

Ophis: ”Yes ... are we going now?”

Yukio nodded and opened a portal for her when they entered leaving the children, who went to their homes.

Child: ”I did not know that the Big Sister was a queen!” The boy said smiling.

The boy next to him looked at him and smiled ”My mother will not believe it” He said while thinking about the expression of his mother when he told her.

Girl: ”The king is very handsome!” A girl shouted as she moved her hands ”Mother was right!” All the children looked at her and laughed.

Everyone left without realizing the girl with long ears was still there.

She had taken a small photo from her pocket and had tears in her eyes of happiness along with a small smile ”Father ...”

--- Another place ---

Yukio had brought Ophis in what would be called the 'Capital' of the area of his dimension, both were walking on the streets, people were staring at them because they recognized their King, but they saw the girl by his side.

They decided not to approach, possibly he was on some date with one of his wives.

While walking Yukio was talking to her.

Yukio: ”Have you gotten used to this place?” He said as he handed her an ice cream.

She took it and nodded ”It's fun ...”

Yukio smiled at her ”Who were those children from before?”

Ophis: ”... I do not know, they come every day to play in the woods ...” She said, she remembered how the children played every day in the forest and decided to join them since then she started being with them.

Yukio: ”How strange of you to be playing with children... do you want one?” He looked at her mockingly.

Ophis blushed and touched her face with her hand. What is this? ... Why do I feel this way? - She said confused, she did not understand because she felt a strange sensation when she heard him say those words.

She looked away without knowing why.

Yukio who looked at her was surprised. - Incredible, did she blush? ... I think it was a good idea to bring her here. -

Yukio: ”Do you still want to be in that empty place like the crack?” He suddenly said, Ophis looked at him and shook her head.

Ophis: ”No ... This place is better ... Even so ... Can you do something for me?” She said in her neutral tone.

Yukio nodded, he did not see why to reject any favor from her.

Ophis: ”Could you hit Great Red for me?” She said seriously.