43 Issei (1/2)

My name is Issei, second son of the family

My life in my childhood was quite peaceful, I used to go to school and talk with my family

At the age of six I met a girl that I fell in love with, many said it was a love for children, but until today we are still together.

Thanks to her I got to ask my brother to train me, my brother ... He for some strange reason always spent his time trying to get stronger

I did not understand it at all, but he always treated me with love and protect me if I had problems

Although sometimes I noticed that it was quite distant, even though he was always happy around our friend Irina s.h.i.+dou, it was nice because he almost never had friends

After training with him I started going to a dojo, everything was quite fun until that day happened...

He had disappeared, my brother left home and never came back

Needless to say, my parents worried and they looked for him everywhere, they even came to the authorities but they could not find his whereabouts

Everything became chaotic at home, my parents were always sad and I ... I got discouraged a lot, thanks to Katase I was able to recover and see ahead

After two months of his disappearance, one-day strange people came to the house


In our room, there were four people, an official, a lawyer and a business person or who seemed

Ichiro: ”First of all, I'm Ichiro Watanabe, I work in <co. world=”” of=”” the=”” game=””> and I know it may sound strange, but there is a doc.u.ment from one of our members for his Hyoudou family.”

Mr. Hyodou: ”Excuse me I do not understand ... We have nothing to do with your company if you excuse me”

Ichiro: ”Yes, we looked for if they had any connection but we did not find anything but this data is specifically for you ...” I finished speaking and took out a doc.u.ment

Mr. Hyodou was doubtful but he took the doc.u.ment and proceeded to open it

Mr. Hyodou: ”This ... What is this supposed to be?” I speak out loud because this content was absurd

Lawyer: ”Mr.Hyodou calm down please, this doc.u.ment was signed by Mr.Yukio for the benefit of his family”

The Hyodou to hear that name felt happiness

Mrs. Hyodou: ”Yukio? ... Where is he?” Wondering Mrs. Hyodou with enthusiasm

The lawyer felt somewhat uncomfortable, they had already investigated this family and they knew that his son disappeared two months ago, like Mr. Yukio

Ichiro: ”Sorry lady ... But it's not that Yukio himself” He began to detail the Yukio they knew, who was a young man of twenty

Ms.Hyoudou sat down and felt stupid, her son was only seven years old ... How could such a doc.u.ment be made?

Mr.Hyodou: ”Then .. This guy named Yukio, where is he?”

Ichirio: ”That's why we're here, in the contract I'm specifying that if something happened to all of your belongings it was delivered to you”

The Hyodou looked at the doc.u.ments and their faces were full of surprise, there were belongings about money, house and some other things ... The most surprising thing was that it included the percentage of sales

Mr.Hyodou: ”What happened to him?”

Ichiro: ”We do not know, he disappeared two months ago, at first we did not think much about him because he never showed up but after a while, we had to do what the contract dictates”

Mr.Hyoudou looked at the contract and noted that he said: ”This will be done, in case of an accident or absence for a period of one month will be what is written in this contract.”

Mr.Hyodou: ”Even so ... We can not accept this, we do not know this person ..”

Lawyer: ”I see it ... But you should accept it, I was the one who was at the time when Mr. Yukio decided to sign such a contract and he told me that absolutely must be delivered to you ..”

Ichiro: ”Please accept, Mr. Yukio should have left them with such a doc.u.ment for something ..”

Mrs.Hyodou looked at her husband who sighed

Mr.Hyodou: ”Well ... I'll accept it” I take a pen and sign


After that event, our life improved a lot, even so, my parents never wanted to move

They said that maybe Yukio would come back someday.

I wanted my brother to come back ...

After a few years, my parents started to continue with their lives, even though sometimes I noticed them thinking about my brother

For my part, I was not going to let myself be defeated by that, I continued with my life and I had something planned.

Issei: ”I swear I'll find out why you left ... If someone hurt you, I'm going to avenge you”

I kept training every day more, and soon I enrolled in Kuoh High School

My first years were peaceful, I made very good friends

Everything was normal until I was 17 when a girl invited me to a date

But I already had Katase, I reject her in the most polite way.

But who would say that a few hours later ... The same girl would come to kill me...

I was dying ... Unable to do anything because this woman was strange, the only thing I remember from her words was to be a fallen angel.

My anger for her grew, and without realizing it, a beautiful woman appeared before me

I knew this woman, she was a sempai at my school

But his words were

Rias: ”I see that you could not win ... Do you want to become my servant? I promise that I will make you so strong to decide your own way”