31 Akeno And Shuri (1/2)

My name is Akeno Himejima, I will talk a little about my day, it was like any other. I got up early and went to say h.e.l.lo to my mother. She was a beautiful woman, with a voluptuous body, big violet eyes, and a friendly smile, besides a long dark hair, she was always surrounded by a cheerful air, sometimes she tells me that when she grows we will be the same. At least I'm happy that I'm going to make a very beautiful girl in the future

My mother looked at me when I went to the kitchen and slowly approached me while was.h.i.+ng her hands with her ap.r.o.n.

Shuri: ”h.e.l.lo little one, can you take a bath? Breakfast will be soon” Her voice was very affectionate and it was something I liked about her

I nodded and gave him a big hug before heading to the shower


When I got out of the shower and sat down to eat, I could see that he was looking at me

Akeno: ”What's wrong mom?” I tilted my head to the side as I asked

Shuri: ”Oh, nothing daughter is just that I was thinking we should buy another house”

Akeno: ”Another house? ... Why?” I'm very curious so I decided to ask

Shuri: ”You see ... Many people have been hanging around on these sides and it would be better to avoid the problems”

Well, I was only a girl to understand these problems, so I just nodded and decided to act smart, unfortunately, this was seen by my mother who smiled.

After breakfast I decided to go out and play, there were many nice children nearby and we always played

Shuri: ”Little Girl, do not stay late” My mother shouted at me from the house, I just smiled back before running again to the nearby park

It was a safe place because there were always many parents and almost everyone knew my mother, so they took care of me for she

Before arriving at the park I noticed that ten people in long white robes looked like monks or something similar, but I did not pay attention to them and continued towards my destiny.

Himejima 1: ”Is that girl?” An old man asked who pointed to Akeno in the distance.

Himejima 2: ”What's up, sir?” I ask a middle-aged man

Himejima 1: ”Nothing, I got confused, let's keep looking”

They continued on their way to nearby residences.

--- Shuri Himejima

It had been four hours since Akeno left home, I was cleaning the house

I did not worry much about Akeno because mothers in the park tend to take care of her when I'm not there, and with what I've taught her, she can protect herself from normal people.

I was about to go to the rooms when I heard the door open.

Shuri: ”Akeno, right?” I went to the door, but immediately I was motionless. ”What are you doing here?”

Suō Himejima: ”Surprised? ... I do not think you would not think we would let a traitor like you be so easy”

Shuri: ”I ... I do not belong to your family anymore, you have exiled me now, what are you doing here!?”

Suō Himejima: ”It is obvious that we would exile you, you were the best of the clan, but you decided to betray us by a simply fallen angel!”

Shuri: ”It's not your problem what I do from now on, I no longer belong to your clan ... leave my house, please” I wanted them to leave, Akeno would be back soon and I did not want them to see my daughter

Suō Himejima: ”Impossible, even though you were exiled, it will not get you out of your punishment, and where is your fallen angel? He is not even able to protect you”

Shuri his words were true, I bit my lips and my eyes were full of anger, but I could not attack them, they were bigger numbers and I would not be anything against them.

It's been a while since I quit fighting and I lost my skills

Suō Himejima approached Shuri until he was in front and looked at her

Suō Himejima: ”Do you regret it?”

Shuri: ”never ...”