26 Oka-San (1/2)

Name: Yukio Hyoudou - (???)

Bloodline: Dragon of the Abyss (10%) Sealing

Species: Humanoid

Range: Medium (Intermediate)

t.i.tle: Demon Slayer

Work: - / - (Options)

Level 47

Coins (record) - 24,560

Strength - 64 / Resistance - 70 / Agility - 52 / Good luck - 19 / Mana: 27,764

System: [s.p.a.ce movement]

- Imagine or think of a person creating a direct portal

[You are only limited to this planet]

System: [Dragon Scales]

-Create an armor of jet black scales that increase your defense

System: [s.p.a.ce Chains]

-The chains come out of s.p.a.ce cracks confining the enemies and sucking their magic /energy/ki

System: [Suppression]

-Suppress the powers /ki/magic/ energy- Living beings or weapons


I was somewhat stupefied by my new skills, but I smiled widely these skills were suited to a plan

Maybe it was time to 'rob the princess'

But for now I put it aside, I was more interested in something

Yukio: ”System Why do those signs come out in my name?”

System: ”The user received the appointment of a clan beyond my comprehension, to discover it he will have to reach his respective level”

I thought about it a bit and it was true when I heard the voices called me 'brother' it made me much more curious now ...

Yukio: ”Could you show me how much my skills went up?”


Stopping time




s.p.a.ce movement


Dragon Scales

s.p.a.ce chains


Advanced learning - MAX - Pa.s.sive

Magical Absorption 56/90 - Active

Sound - 27/35 - Active

Martial arts - 41/50 - Pa.s.sive

Fencing - 11/50 - Pa.s.sive

Lightning Verses - 15/100 - Active

Sphere Relampago - 25/50 - Active

Magical perception - MAX - Pa.s.sive

Sacred Technique - 14/50 - Active.

I think my skills have increased a lot, I can feel my body more flexible, I also feel a bit of power for my blood, I was wondering what that was but Kuroka had arrived just at that moment

Kuroka: ”Here you are” In his hands, he carried two plates of food, I smiled at his care.

While we were having dinner, I decided to ask him something that bothered me.

Yukio: ”Hey ... how did you get to the forest?” As far as I knew, they should only leave when Kuroka killed his master.

Kuroka looked at me for a while but sighed. ”Gilbert was the a.s.sistant of a scientist who was in charge of the process, but there was a meeting that he had to attend, Gilbert, for his part, trusted in his power and did not believe that he would attack ...”

He told me everything that had happened in the forest, I was a bit impressed to know everything ... Without a doubt, my actions made a change in the story, although I did not know exactly what I did.

We talked a lot of trivial things between us, it had been two hours and I had to get out of here, after all, I do not know if Grayfia again used magic with my parents to make them think I went to cla.s.s. these days as I usually do...

I told the two girls that stayed here for the moment, both accepted without problems.