24 Pov (1/2)

Pov - Kuroka

I'll tell you a little about what happened recently, it all started half a year ago when my mother died.

I stayed with s.h.i.+rone at the beginning, we planned to do everything on our own, but it was not very easy and soon our ”father” appeared and I thought he had come to take care of us.

It turned out that it was my biggest mistake that led us to a kind of castle where a man promised to take care of us at the end, it was not like that, they used me for investigations and every day they were suffering, for my Relief they did not try to do anything to s.h.i.+rone.

But one day I heard that the owner of the mansion chose me as a p.a.w.n, I did not care, but I also understood that they would do experiments with another Nekomata.

It was not so smart to know they were talking about s.h.i.+rone, so one day, when everyone was careless, I could hit Gilbert while he slept, I think he trusted me a lot, so he did not even bother asking because he was in his room.

So we escaped from that castle, but it was not easy, we were persecuted and I had to fight against many servants, we managed to get out, but at the cost of many injuries.

We arrived at a cave where I thought about resting a little, s.h.i.+rone lost consciousness and had many wounds. He could feel that his vital energy was falling at a slow pace.

I felt helpless, I could not even protect her, I wanted to scream in frustration but suddenly I heard a sound.

There standing in front of me was a child who was staring at us.

My eyes widened because I could smell the smells and I had not felt their smell at any time until I heard the sound.

It had peculiar aromas, of a human being, but also something reptilian ... It was strange.

But it was not the time of that, I begged him to leave us, he could have been one of those who persecuted us and he was afraid that he would kill us or take us with Gilbert, but he did not answer me.

I felt as if I had fallen into a bottomless pit before I died.

But the boy suddenly said my name ... I was speechless in the second.

Along with my name sent a chilling aura, I could feel the anger and pain in her.

I did not understand what happened. Did you get angry when you saw me in such a state? How does this child know my name? Also, who was it?

There were thousands of questions, even so, I did not trust, suddenly under his aura when he came to give me some rare pills

I did not want to accept it and he put it in my throat, forcing me to swallow it. I thought it was a poison, but magically my wounds healed and my life force increased.

I asked him why he helped us and his question was that he had promised to protect us, I immediately knew it was a lie, but I decided to follow him, he took us to a place where we could rest and eat safely.

I decided I was not a bad person, so I went for food, I found parts of demons that I really did not mind eating this, but I did not know if he would accept this.

In the end, I was surprised when it was the most eaten, I could not suppress my laughter to see him fill his mouth with so much food.

Yukio: ”What are you laughing at?” I ask myself raising an eyebrow and I stop eating.

Kuroka: ”You look so funny with your cheeks full” I saw that he was embarra.s.sed and I thought he was a cute boy

But soon my vision blurred, when I saw the tip of a sword pierce his stomach I did not know whether to scream or run towards him, I felt the worst way, I felt that my life was a disgrace for being so weak and unable to protect anyone

Kuroka: ”Y..Yukio !!” I tried to go to the solo so they would take me by the neck and hit me even if I had support. I only had two things in mind.

Kuroka (I can never protect those I appreciate, I'm too weak ...)