Part 23 (1/2)

He very often mingled with affairs in the street, as he pa.s.sed along.

One day, when he saw a man beating his horse brutally, he stepped up to him and said, very seriously, ”Dost thou know that some people think men change into animals when they die?”

The stranger's attention was arrested by such an unexpected question, and he answered that he never was acquainted with anybody who had that belief.

”But some people do believe it,” rejoined Friend Hopper; ”and they also believe that animals may become men. Now I am thinking if thou shouldst ever be a horse, and that horse should ever be a man, with such a temper as thine, the chance is thou wilt get some cruel beatings.” Having thus changed the current of his angry mood, he proceeded to expostulate with him in a friendly way; and the poor beast was reprieved, for that time, at least.

He could imitate the Irish brogue very perfectly; and it was a standing jest with him to make every Irish stranger believe he was a countryman.

During his visit to Ireland, he had become so well acquainted with various localities, that I believe he never in any instance failed to deceive them, when he said, ”Och! and sure I came from old Ireland meself.” After amusing himself in this way for a while, he would tell them, ”It is true I did come from Ireland; but, to confess the truth, I went there first.”

Once, when he saw two Irishmen fighting, he seized one of them by the arm, and said, ”I'm from ould Ireland. If thou _must_ fight, I'm the man for thee. Thou hadst better let that poor fellow alone. I'm a dale stouter than he is; and sure it would be braver to fight me.” The man thus accosted looked at him with surprise, for an instant, then burst out laughing, threw his coat across his arm, and walked off.

Another time, when he found two Irishmen quarrelling, he stepped up and inquired what was the matter. ”He's got my prayer-book,” exclaimed one of them; ”and I'll give him a bating for it; by St. Patrick, I will.”

”Let me give thee a piece of advice,” said Friend Hopper. ”It's a very hot day, and bating is warm work. I'm thinking thou had'st better put it off till the cool o' the morning.” The men, of course, became cooler before they had done listening to this playful remonstrance.

Once, when he was travelling in the stage, they pa.s.sed a number of Irishmen with cart-loads of stones, to mend the road. Friend Hopper suggested to the driver that he had better ask them to remove a very large stone, which lay directly in the way and seemed dangerous. ”It will be of no use if I do,” replied the driver. ”They'll only curse me, and tell me to go round the old road, over the hill; for the fact is, this road is not fairly opened to the public yet.” Friend Hopper jumped out, and asked if they would turn that big stone aside. ”And sure ye've no business here at all,” they replied. ”Ye may jist go round by the ould road.” ”Och!” said Friend Hopper, ”and is this the way I'm trated by my c.o.o.ntryman? I'm from Ireland meself; and sure I did'nt expect to be trated so by my c.o.o.ntrymen in a strange c.o.o.ntry.”

”And are ye from ould Ireland?” inquired they.

”Indade I am,” he replied.

”And what part may ye be from?” said they.

”From Mount Mellick, Queen's County,” rejoined he; and he began to talk familiarly about the priest and the doctor there, till he got the laborers into a real good humor, and they removed the stone with the utmost alacrity. The pa.s.sengers in the stage listened to this conversation, and supposed that he was in reality an Irish Quaker. When he returned to them and explained the joke, they had a hearty laugh over his powers of mimicry.

His tricks with children were innumerable. They would often be lying in wait for him in the street; and if he pa.s.sed without noticing them, they would sometimes pull at the skirts of his coat, to obtain the customary attention. Occasionally, he would observe a little troop staring at him, attracted by the singularity of his costume. Then, he would stop, face about, stretch out his leg, and say, ”Come now, boys! Come, and take a good look!” It was his delight to steal up behind them, and tickle their necks, while he made a loud squealing noise. The children, supposing some animal had set upon them, would jump as if they had been shot. And how he would laugh! When he met a boy with dirty face or hands, he would stop him, and inquire if he ever studied chemistry. The boy, with a wondering stare, would answer, ”No.” ”Well then, I will teach thee how to perform a curious chemical experiment,” said Friend Hopper. ”Go home, take a piece of soap, put it in water, and rub it briskly on thy hands and face. Thou hast no idea what a beautiful froth it will make, and how much whiter thy skin will be. That's a chemical experiment. I advise thee to try it.”

The character of his wife was extremely modest and reserved; and he took mischievous pleasure in telling strangers the story of their courts.h.i.+p in a way that made her blush. ”Dost thou know what Hannah answered, when I asked if she would marry me?” said he. ”I will tell thee how it was.

I was walking home with her one evening, soon after the death of her mother, and I mentioned to her that as she was alone now, I supposed she intended to make some change in her mode of living. When she said yes, I told her I had been thinking it would be very pleasant to have her come and live with me. 'That would suit me exactly,' said she. This prompt reply made me suppose she might not have understood my meaning; and I explained that I wanted to have her become a member of my family; but she replied again, 'There is nothing I should like better.'”

The real fact was, the quiet and timid Hannah Attmore was not dreaming of such a thing as a proposal of marriage. She supposed he spoke of receiving her as a boarder in his family. When she at last perceived his meaning, she slipped her arm out of his very quickly, and was too much confused to utter a word. But it amused him to represent that she seized the opportunity the moment it was offered.

There was one of the anti-slavery agents who did everything in a das.h.i.+ng, wholesale style, and was very apt to give peremptory orders.

One day he wrote a letter on business, to which the following postscript was appended: ”Give the hands at your office a tremendous blowing up.

They need it.” Friend Hopper briefly replied: ”According to thy orders, I have given the hands at our office a tremendous blowing up. They want to know what it is for. Please inform me by return of mail.”

When the Prison a.s.sociation of New-York pet.i.tioned to be incorporated, he went to Albany on business therewith connected. He was then a stranger at the seat of government, though they afterward came to know him well. When he was seated in the senate-chamber, a man came to him and told him to take off his hat. He replied, ”I had rather not. I am accustomed to keep it on.”

”But it is contrary to the rules,” rejoined the officer. ”I am ordered to turn out any man who refuses to uncover his head.”

The Quaker quietly responded, ”Very well, friend, obey thy orders.”

”Then, will you please to walk out, sir?” said the officer.

”No,” replied Friend Hopper. ”Didst thou not tell me thou wert ordered to turn me out? Dost thou suppose I am going to do thy duty for thee?”

The officer looked embarra.s.sed, and said, half smiling, ”But how am I to get you out?”

”Carry me out, to be sure,” rejoined Friend Hopper. ”I see no other way.”