Part 2 (1/2)
She squeezed past the rails of the clothes, pulling them aside on their casters, and fighting through a particularly heavy ma.s.s of fur coats. One from every kind of exotic cat, it seemed, and none of them fake.
At the front of the bus, lying doubled up on the floor in the securest of chains, lay a man.
'You're just a girl,' he spat. 'And I don't suppose you brought a hacksaw?'
Sam didn't say a word. She reached into her bag and drew out a fine-toothed blade. She had kept this with her these past few weeks, deciding that the Doctor's sonic screwdriver was useless on anything heavy-duty. They seemed to have been thrown into cellars quite a lot just lately. She thought she ought to check who this bloke was before she freed him.
He was impatient. 'Forget the introductions, sweetheart. Just get me out.'
She couldn't see an awful lot of him in the murky light. She decided what was required was a bargain. 'If I let you out, you owe me one. I'm Sam.'
He glowered at her. His eyes were narrow, baleful, green. His flesh, now that she looked closely, was thick and scaled, a bland, anaemic white.
His whole body was covered. He wore a pair of ruined overalls and his sinuous body, with that cracked skin, was curled almost into a ball.'I'm Gila,' he muttered.
'You've been like this for three days?'
He sighed.'An awful old witch trapped me like this. I don't know what for.'
He tried to sound more pleading. 'Won't you free me?' Yet he couldn't keep that arrogance out of his voice. He had a slight lisp, too, which sounded mocking to Sam.
She thought about getting to work on freeing him, then thought better of it. 'I've got a friend who can help,' she said, straightening up. She pushed the small, broken saw blade into his more flexible hand.'See if you can make a start...' Then she backed away from him.
He moaned.'Come back! Just free me yourself!'
Sam shook her head.'I don't think so.'
'Don't go! What's your name?'
'Sam. I told you. Look... I'm going for the Doctor.'
'I don't need a doctor, Sam!' he called, and started to break up into horrible laughter. 'I just need you!' As Sam hurried back down the staircase his laughter turned to a coughing fit and racking sobs.
Now she had to hurry back and find the Doctor.
What was she going to tell him? In a graveyard she'd found a double-decker bus and aboard there was a lizard man held captive. The Doctor would despair of her.
She trod carefully back through the graves and into the temple. She didn't want to meet the old man, Brewis, again.
As she went by, however, she could see him lying by the light of his failing fire. He must be asleep. That black sheep was nuzzling at his chin. When it looked up at her approach, the creature gave a warning bleat, then it shot off into the dark. That was when Sam saw it had been gobbling down the thin, slippery innards of the old man's throat. She turned away with a cry and hurried out of the temple.
Now to reverse her steps through the streets.
The streets were busier. They teemed with entertainers, storytellers, jugglers, fire-walkers, bandits,, cobblers, astrologers, beggars and bear tamers. They seemed to be different streets from those she had walked not an hour since. It was as if, at a predetermined time, someone had opened a box and this rabble had emerged. There were more offworlders in the crowd after dark, too, as if they found it safer all of a sudden to be in this remoter part of town. There were a few alien race-types she recognised, all of them, she was certain, up to no good.
And yet, now, she hardly felt there was time to take it all in.
And then, abruptly, she was at the sheer wall down which she had slithered. Funny, but it wasn't exactly where she thought it had been.
But this was it, all right. When she drew back and looked up at the ragged silhouette of the city walls, there was the Doctor. He sat in exactly the same position, with the book against his knees. She watched him run one distracted hand through his hair and quickly turn a page.
She whistled at him. 'Come on down, Doctor! You're missing everything!'
She heard him give a rueful laugh. He stood and yawned and stretched, sliding theAja'ib into one of his capacious coat pockets.
'Tell me, Sam,' his dark silhouette asked. 'Would you by any chance have embroiled the pair of us in something rather dangerous?'
She grinned. 'What would you say if I had?'
'I'd say well done! There's only so long I can read about people having adventures without wanting to get up to some malarkey myself...' He slid off the roof and down the wall in one apparently easy movement. But he twisted his ankle when he hit the densely packed earth in the alley. Sam had to support him as he howled.
'What is it, then?' he said at last, crossly.'What have you found for me?'
'Can you walk?'
'Of course I can walk!'He tested his weight on his foot and grimaced.
'Don't go haring ahead, though. Well?'
She started to lead the way. 'I found someone held captive. But he looks a bit dangerous. I didn't want to free him by myself.'
'Where is he?'
'In a graveyard.'
'Delightful. Ow!'
'Doctor, do you believe in evil spirits?'
'Of course I do. Why?'
'Nothing. Listen, he's trapped in a double-decker bus, on the top deck, and it's -'
'He's on a what?' The Doctor stopped in his tracks.
'A bus. And the sign on the front says it's the number twenty-two to Putney Common.'
The Doctor let out a low, hissing breath. 'Iris, you old devil.'
More interference. This camera cost a fortune.You'd think it would have neater edits than this. Between every shot there are crackles and bangs and flashes of white lightning. Cut to: the Lizard Man, the Alligator Man, the scabrous-hided Gila reclining on a sola at the back of the bus.
Behind him the dusty road spools away endlessly. He looks tired and cross and tries to hide his face behind a cus.h.i.+on.